Twitter Background Design How-To and Best Practices | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
Check out this overview of best practices to stand out from the crowd with your Twitter theme and follow the tutorial to create your own profile from scratch.


With Twitter quickly becoming the hottest site to be seen on, everyone wants to stand out from the crowd. There has already been a range of quality designs showcased on various sites, which has shown an emergence of trends such as the ‘sidebar’. Let’s take a look at some of the best practices around Twitter background design and get to work creating our own.


We all recognise the default blue Twitter background right? It’s not a bad design, it’s clean and trendy but it doesn’t stand out when the majority of Twitter users also have the same look. Furthermore, if you’re keen to achieve more followers, removing this background would probably help out by showing that you’re an active user, or if you’re tweeting on behalf of your company or service, it helps prove that you’re not a spammer.


Generally speaking, there are three main approaches when it comes to creating your Twitter background (other than a boring solid colour!):


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Via Martin Gysler