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Scooped by jean lievens
onto Peer2Politics
January 1, 2012 3:48 AM!

Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions – Dan Ariely download, read, buy online | e-Books

Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions – Dan Ariely download, read, buy online | e-Books | Peer2Politics |
Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions 8211 Dan Ariely download, read, buy online
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on peer-to-peer dynamics in politics, the economy and organizations
Curated by jean lievens
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Scooped by jean lievens
August 24, 2016 3:19 AM!

Can Self-Driving Cars Save Our Cities?

Can Self-Driving Cars Save Our Cities? | Peer2Politics |
Can autonomous cars give us a do-over with our cities, fossil fuel dependence, affordable housing, and also workers? Robin Chase, author of Peers, Inc and co-founder of Zipcar says yes. Or at least they have the potential to.
Oren_Zarif's comment, January 19, 2022 2:40 AM
Scooped by jean lievens
August 24, 2016 3:16 AM!

A Shareable Explainer: What is a Platform Co-op?

A Shareable Explainer: What is a Platform Co-op? | Peer2Politics |
by Maira Sutton, Cat Johnson and Neal Gorenflo The sharing economy held great promise when it first emerged. It was seen as a way to help people build community, reduce unnecessary consumption, and generate extra income. It was based on the brilliantly simple notion that when we share, everybody has more.
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Scooped by jean lievens
August 6, 2016 5:19 AM!

The EU wants to block Romania's 51% local food shift. Who cares? | Transition Network

The EU wants to block Romania's 51% local food shift. Who cares? | Transition Network | Peer2Politics |

Amid all the mayhem and turmoil of recent weeks, here's a news story you may have missed. The Romanian parliament unanimously passed an amendment to the country's "Law on the Sale of Food Products" bill which states that every large supermarket in the country must ensure that 51% of the fruit, vegetables, meat, eggs, honey, dairy products and baked goods they stock are "locally sourced". As a demonstration of how enlightened policymaking can unlock Transition, it's an eye-catching and paradigm-shifting piece of legislation. But is it legal, and, actually, does that matter anyway?


Eric Snyder's comment, February 26, 2017 8:43 AM
Interesting conundrum... Apparently we can't suck and blow at the same time.
Scooped by jean lievens
August 6, 2016 4:11 AM!

A challenge on autonomy in care?

A challenge on autonomy in care? | Peer2Politics |
I came across a fantastic article, that, at least for me, could be a game changer. It deals with clinical practice in the Amish communities of America. The Amish faith dictates they vet very carefully any innovation for stuff that could introduce perverse incentives in their lives. They prize something they call "autonomy": electricity, for example, can be bad if it powers activities that will make people drift away from the community, but it's OK for, say, lighting your workplace.
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Scooped by jean lievens
August 6, 2016 4:03 AM!

The rise and fall of Corbyn’s economics

The rise and fall of Corbyn’s economics | Peer2Politics |

The three main ideas are summarised here. They were more progressive taxation to create greater equality both as a matter of fact and to deliver justice in the way that the deficit was tackled. Second, the tax gap was to be tackled to provide funding and to create a level playing field for business. And third, People’s Quantitative Easing was, in combination with a National Investment Bank, to be used to fund a new industrial strategy. What the document did not say was what the overall vision was: it focussed on policies not philosophies but it rattled the mainstream media and much of Labour nonetheless.


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Scooped by jean lievens
August 6, 2016 4:01 AM!

Capital(ism) for the Commons?

Capital(ism) for the Commons? | Peer2Politics |
Michel Bauwens answered to the critique of Stefan Meretz on Peer Production License. Jakob Rigi from Hungary enters the debate commenting on both positions. They are documented in the following. My…
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Scooped by jean lievens
August 5, 2016 2:57 PM!

Profit and Gift in the Digital Economy - P2P Foundation

Profit and Gift in the Digital Economy - P2P Foundation | Peer2Politics |

"Our economy is neither overwhelmingly capitalist, as Marxist political economists argue, nor overwhelmingly a market economy, as mainstream economists assume. Both approaches ignore vast swathes of the economy, including the gift, collaborative and hybrid forms that coexist with more conventional capitalism in the new digital economy. Drawing on economic sociology, anthropology of the gift and heterodox economics, this book proposes a groundbreaking framework for analysing diverse economic systems: a political economy of practices. The framework is used to analyse Apple, Wikipedia, Google, YouTube and Facebook, showing how different complexes of appropriative practices bring about radically different economic outcomes. Innovative and topical, Profit and Gift in the Digital Economy focusses on an area of rapid social change while developing a theoretically and politically radical framework that will be of continuing long-term relevance. It will appeal to students, activists and academics in the social sciences."


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Scooped by jean lievens
August 5, 2016 2:55 PM!

Peter Thiel Is Very, Very Interested in Young People's Blood

Peter Thiel Is Very, Very Interested in Young People's Blood | Peer2Politics |
The contrarian venture capitalist believes transfusions may hold the key to his dream of living forever.
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Scooped by jean lievens
August 4, 2016 4:19 PM!

(Future 10) Three More ‘Must Read’ Books about our Future

(Future 10) Three More ‘Must Read’ Books about our Future | Peer2Politics |
Recommended reading if you want to know what is Changing Fast. I. "Exponential Organizations" Exponential Organizations: Why new organizations are ten times better, faster, and cheaper than yours (and what to do about it) Paperback – October 14, 2014 by Salim Ismail (Author), Michael S. Malone (Author), Yuri van Geest (Author), Peter H. Diamandis (Foreword)…
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Scooped by jean lievens
August 4, 2016 4:18 PM!

Pools: A Proposal for One-Click Co-ops in Online Groups | P2P Foundation

Thinking about ways of mainstreaming the co-op model, the idea that keeps coming up is something like a co-op layer on top of a site like Meetup.
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Scooped by jean lievens
August 4, 2016 4:14 PM!

C8 “THE LIST” of Booming City-Regions on the Corridoria Trade Route – Updated April, 2016

C8 “THE LIST” of Booming City-Regions on the Corridoria Trade Route – Updated April, 2016 | Peer2Politics |
((updates: Bratislava, Köszeg and Kumport added; Leicester added)) Since 2008 we all are in an economic crisis. Fortunately, in certain cities and city area's recently business and industry is suddenly picking up speed. Examples are Rotterdam, Eindhoven and Bavaria in Germany ("Laptops und Lederhosen"). On closer inspection city area's are booming in a trail from…
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Scooped by jean lievens
August 4, 2016 4:13 PM!

The Ultimate Community Guidelines » Jedediah Walls, Media Psychologist

The Ultimate Community Guidelines » Jedediah Walls, Media Psychologist | Peer2Politics |
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Scooped by jean lievens
August 24, 2016 3:17 AM!

How to Start a Library of Things

How to Start a Library of Things | Peer2Politics |
DeDeelkelder Library of Things in Utrect, Netherlands. Credit: Sanne van Vliet
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Scooped by jean lievens
August 14, 2016 5:27 AM!

No new scoops for a while

No new scoops for a while | Peer2Politics |

Sorry, but I need to stop this scoop temporary due to ill health. 

Rudy Cruysbergs's comment, November 15, 2016 1:10 PM
jean, we're missing you! how are you doing?
Scooped by jean lievens
August 6, 2016 5:18 AM!

Emergent Endeavours – open Colab

Emergent Endeavours – open Colab | Peer2Politics |
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Scooped by jean lievens
August 6, 2016 4:03 AM!

Book of Peer Production

Book of Peer Production | Peer2Politics |

The Book of Peer Production has been released as a special edition of Journal of Peer Production. It consists of papers written by presenters at the Peer Production-track at the Free Society Conference and Nordic Summit (FSCONS) in Göteborg 2014. It is cool, that all content in the book is in the public domain.


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Scooped by jean lievens
August 6, 2016 4:02 AM!

The Opposite of Addiction is Connection

The Opposite of Addiction is Connection | Peer2Politics |
If trauma and the subsequent lack of connection sets the stage for addiction, could restoring connection be the solution?
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Scooped by jean lievens
August 6, 2016 3:56 AM!

What The Amish Can Teach Us About Modern Medicine

What The Amish Can Teach Us About Modern Medicine | Peer2Politics |
When healthcare is expensive, the Amish culture of autonomy and thrift may be a way to balance communal support and individual responsibility. Sara Talpos finds out more.
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Scooped by jean lievens
August 5, 2016 2:56 PM!

Startup Management » The Theory of a Blockchain Circular Economy and the Future of Work

Startup Management » The Theory of a Blockchain Circular Economy and the Future of Work | Peer2Politics |
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Scooped by jean lievens
August 5, 2016 2:15 PM!

Dave Elder-Vass: Publications

emergence and social theory
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Scooped by jean lievens
August 4, 2016 4:19 PM!

The next step in complementary currency

The next step in complementary currency | Peer2Politics |
Complementary currencies like the Bristol Pound act as vouchers for national currency. You swap one Bristol Pound for a Bank of England pound at a  1:1 or 1:0,9 rate. The benefit of a currency like that is that it encourages money to stay in the local economy (jobs with it). The Bristol Pound is valid…
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Scooped by jean lievens
August 4, 2016 4:17 PM!

Noomap: A Socio-Technological Innovation for Communications and Co-Creation

This video will be updated soon to reflect more recent developments in Noomap´s progress, and we still love sharing this because it expresses some core values,…
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Scooped by jean lievens
August 4, 2016 4:15 PM!

Digital globalization: The new era of global flows | McKinsey & Company

Digital globalization: The new era of global flows | McKinsey & Company | Peer2Politics |
Soaring flows of data and information now generate more economic value than the global goods trade.
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Scooped by jean lievens
August 4, 2016 4:14 PM!

How megacities are changing the map of the world | Parag Khanna

"I want you to reimagine how life is organized on earth," says global strategist Parag Khanna. As our expanding cities grow ever more connected throug
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