Parejas y Familias Couples & Families
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Parejas y Familias Couples & Families
Artículos e investigaciones sobre la vida familiar y de pareja.

Articles and research on family life and couplehood.
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Scooped by Margarita Tarragona
July 12, 2021 9:01 AM!

Teaching Kids Kindness Prepares Them for Success

Teaching Kids Kindness Prepares Them for Success | Parejas y Familias Couples & Families |
And start raising kind ones.
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Scooped by Margarita Tarragona
June 4, 2021 6:23 PM!

Learning to Live in a World Without a Loved One

Learning to Live in a World Without a Loved One | Parejas y Familias Couples & Families |
How can we cope with loss and navigate the grieving process?
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Scooped by Margarita Tarragona
February 26, 2016 12:49 PM!

The Secret to Love Is Just Kindness

The Secret to Love Is Just Kindness | Parejas y Familias Couples & Families |
Science says lasting relationships come down to—you guessed it—kindness and generosity.
Margarita Tarragona's insight:

El secreto de la felicidad en pareja es la amabilidad

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Scooped by Margarita Tarragona
August 23, 2015 7:53 PM!

The 21-Minute Trick to Improving Your Relationship

The 21-Minute Trick to Improving Your Relationship | Parejas y Familias Couples & Families |
Couples that spent just 21 minutes writing about their conflicts from the point of view of an impartial third party saw improvements in their relationship.
Margarita Tarragona's insight:

Ejercicio de 21 minutos para mejorar tu relación de pareja #PsicologiaPositiva, #parejas

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Scooped by Margarita Tarragona
July 14, 2015 12:59 PM!

The Decisive Marriage

The Decisive Marriage | Parejas y Familias Couples & Families |
New research shows that couples who are decisive before marriage appear to have better marriages than those who simply let inertia carry them through major transitions.
Margarita Tarragona's insight:

Las parejas que dan pasos de manera deliberada tienen mejores relaciones que las que deciden por inercia #parejas,#PsicologiaPositiva

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Scooped by Margarita Tarragona
April 25, 2015 5:18 PM!

Cómo se recupera la felicidad tras un desastre, según la ciencia

Cómo se recupera la felicidad tras un desastre, según la ciencia | Parejas y Familias Couples & Families |
Un grupo de investigadores estadounidenses pudo medir los niveles de satisfacción de gente que ha superado desastres
Margarita Tarragona's insight:

La gente recupera sus niveles anteriores de felicidad tras un desastre si logra mantener sus redes de relaciones interpersonales #PsicologíaPositiva, #PosPsy

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Scooped by Margarita Tarragona
April 16, 2015 7:01 PM!

7 Positive Psychology Happy Habits for Work and Life

7 Positive Psychology Happy Habits for Work and Life
Margarita Tarragona's insight:

7 hábitos que aumentan el bienestar

Margarita Tarragona's curator insight, April 16, 2015 10:03 AM

7 hábitos que cultivan la felicidad

Scooped by Margarita Tarragona
March 16, 2015 10:23 PM!

Here's why you might rethink using your smartphone in front of the kids

Here's why you might rethink using your smartphone in front of the kids | Parejas y Familias Couples & Families |
A new study from Boston Medical Center reveals that parents who get absorbed by email, games or other apps have more negative interactions with their children, making them feel like they're competing for attention with their parents' gadgets
Margarita Tarragona's insight:

¿Cómo se sienten los niños cuando "texteamos" al estar con ellos? Mal, y en competencia con los teléfonos por la atención de sus padres-

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Scooped by Margarita Tarragona
February 13, 2015 11:00 PM!

Travel: The Ultimate Aphrodisiac?

Travel: The Ultimate Aphrodisiac? | Parejas y Familias Couples & Families |
Studies show that getting away from it all can reignite romance.
Margarita Tarragona's insight:

Viajar: ¿el mejor afrodisíaco?

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Scooped by Margarita Tarragona
February 12, 2015 11:13 PM!

Valentine's Day Tips From Esther Perel

Valentine's Day Tips From Esther Perel | Parejas y Familias Couples & Families |
Esther Perel, the bestselling author of Mating In Captivity, is an innovative thinker on sex, love and marriage, but she still finds value in traditions.
Margarita Tarragona's insight:

Tips de Esther Perel (una de mis pensadoras favoritas sobre la vida de pareja) para celebrar San Valentín

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Scooped by Margarita Tarragona
February 11, 2015 4:52 PM!

Resources for Learning About Empathy on Valentine's Day

Resources for Learning About Empathy on Valentine's Day | Parejas y Familias Couples & Families |
Empathy is an important skill. In honor of Valentine's Day, Matt Davis has gathered a variety of great resources to help teachers bring lessons about compassion and caring into the classroom.
Margarita Tarragona's insight:

Recursos para aprender y enseñar sobre la empatía ahora que se acerca el día del amor y la amistad

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Scooped by Margarita Tarragona
February 10, 2015 10:15 PM!

Global Dating Survey 2015 | Time Out

Global Dating Survey 2015 | Time Out | Parejas y Familias Couples & Families |
From sexy accents to first date no-nos, find out how single people across the planet like to date with Time Out's Global Dating Survey 2015
Margarita Tarragona's insight:

¿Después de cuántas citas tiene la gente relaciones sexuales? Y otras cosas interesantes sobre el mundo del noviazgo hoy

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Scooped by Margarita Tarragona
November 17, 2014 12:01 AM!

The Critical Importance of Kindness

The Critical Importance of Kindness | Parejas y Familias Couples & Families |
Science says lasting relationships come down to—you guessed it—kindness and generosity.
Margarita Tarragona's insight:

La generosidad y la amabilidad: 2 caracteristicas de las parejas felices. Estudios de John Gottman

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Scooped by Margarita Tarragona
May 18, 2016 5:29 PM!

Screaming to sleep, Part One & Two: The moral imperative to end 'cry it out'

Screaming to sleep, Part One & Two: The moral imperative to end 'cry it out' | Parejas y Familias Couples & Families |
The "cry it out" or "CIO" method of approaching infant and toddler sleep advocates either the total absence of any nurturing or the very low presence of nurturing during nighttime hours.
Margarita Tarragona's insight:

Dejara  los bebés llorar para que se duerman les hace daño.

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Rescooped by Margarita Tarragona from Positive Psychology
August 24, 2015 9:30 AM!

Influencing Mood: Happiness Spreads But Depression Doesn’t

Influencing Mood: Happiness Spreads But Depression Doesn’t | Parejas y Familias Couples & Families |
A new study reports that having friends who suffer from depressions doesn't affect the mental health of others.

Via Kasia Hein-Peters
Margarita Tarragona's insight:

Tener amigos "sanos" duplica la probabilidad de recuperarse de los adolescentes deprimidos (y la depresión no se "contagia") #PsicologiaPositiva, #PosPsy, #depresión

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Scooped by Margarita Tarragona
August 23, 2015 7:05 PM!

Love in the Age of Big Data

Love in the Age of Big Data | Parejas y Familias Couples & Families |
Scientists believe they've discovered a simple formula for happy relationships. Reader, I tried it.
Margarita Tarragona's insight:

John y Julie Gottman. Sus investigaciones sobre las parejas felices y su método para ayudar a las que no lo son tanto. #PsicologiaPositiva, #parejas, #Gottman, #PosPsy

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Scooped by Margarita Tarragona
July 14, 2015 12:59 PM!

Movie Date Night Can Double as Therapy

Movie Date Night Can Double as Therapy | Parejas y Familias Couples & Families |
A study of couples seeking marriage counseling found that guided discussions after viewing relationship movies can be as helpful as two intensive therapist-led counseling methods.
Margarita Tarragona's insight:

Ir al cine juntos puede ser una terapia de pareja #parejas

Margarita Tarragona's curator insight, July 14, 2015 11:37 PM

Ir juntos al cine y hablar de la película después puede ser una especie de terapia de pareja #PsicologiaPositiva, #PosPsy

Scooped by Margarita Tarragona
April 19, 2015 12:57 PM!

The 6 basic elements of a thriving relationship

The 6 basic elements of a thriving relationship | Parejas y Familias Couples & Families |
VIDEO: "We are wired to connect."
Margarita Tarragona's insight:

6 características de las relaciones florecientes, con Esther Perel 

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Scooped by Margarita Tarragona
April 14, 2015 8:12 AM!

Estas son las 36 preguntas que conseguirán que te enamores

Estas son las 36 preguntas que conseguirán que te enamores | Parejas y Familias Couples & Families |
Este cuestionario forma parte de un experimento de 1997 sobre cómo crear intimidad. El estudio culminó con la boda de dos de los participantes y ha vuelto a la actualidad por un artículo publicado en The New York Times.
Margarita Tarragona's insight:

Las 36 preguntas que pueden hacer que te enamores…¡de quién sea! #pareja

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Rescooped by Margarita Tarragona from Positive Psychology
February 16, 2015 4:03 PM!

Marrying an optimist may help you stay healthy - Futurity

Marrying an optimist may help you stay healthy - Futurity | Parejas y Familias Couples & Families |
Having an optimistic spouse appears to have positive effects on a partner's health—even more than a person's own positive outlook.

Via Sandeep Gautam
Margarita Tarragona's insight:

Tener una pareja optimista  puede impactar positivamente nuestra salud.

Sandeep Gautam's curator insight, February 16, 2015 7:08 AM

The social benefits of having positive people in your life!

Margarita Tarragona's curator insight, February 16, 2015 4:02 PM

Tener una pareja optimista  puede impactar positivamente nuestra salud.

Rescooped by Margarita Tarragona from Psicología Positiva,Felicidad y Bienestar. Positive Psychology,Happiness & Well-being
February 13, 2015 2:13 PM!

20 Romantic Ideas for Valentine's Day - The Anatomy Of Love

20 Romantic Ideas for Valentine's Day - The Anatomy Of Love | Parejas y Familias Couples & Families |
Valentine’s Day might be overly commercialized, but it remains an important time for couples to celebrate their love. Whether you are newly dating or have been married for years, the holiday is a great opportunity to reconnect and recharge your relationship’s batteries. Yet too many couples just go through the motions, grabbing something meaningless at …
Margarita Tarragona's insight:

Este San Valentín no celebres a tu pareja en automático, hagan algo diferente

Margarita Tarragona's curator insight, February 13, 2015 2:13 PM

Este San Valentín no celebres a tu pareja en automático, hagan algo diferente

Scooped by Margarita Tarragona
February 12, 2015 11:10 PM!

Cómo enamorarse de cualquier persona, siguiendo estos pasos

Cómo enamorarse de cualquier persona, siguiendo estos pasos | Parejas y Familias Couples & Families |
Hace más de 20 años, un psicólogo logró que dos extraños se enamoraran en su laboratorio. Hace unos meses apliqué su técnica en mi vida personal.
Margarita Tarragona's insight:

Investigación revela que las personas se pueden enamorar de un desconocido través de 36 preguntas, ¿qué piensas?

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Scooped by Margarita Tarragona
February 10, 2015 10:26 PM!

The Science Of Spanking: What Happens To Spanked Kids When They Grow Up?

The Science Of Spanking: What Happens To Spanked Kids When They Grow Up? | Parejas y Familias Couples & Families |
There's some long-term things you may not have considered.
Margarita Tarragona's insight:

¿Funciona pegarles a los niños para disciplinarlos?

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Scooped by Margarita Tarragona
February 6, 2015 1:25 PM!

Just Because a Marriage Ends Doesn’t Mean it’s a Failure. - Esther Perel

Just Because a Marriage Ends Doesn’t Mean it’s a Failure. - Esther Perel | Parejas y Familias Couples & Families |

 un I think we’ve always equated longevity with good and successful marriages, but plenty of people who stayed “till death do...

Margarita Tarragona's insight:

Que un matrimonio termine no quiere decir que haya sido un fracaso

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