Last week, Newtown Borough Council voted to advertise a proposed budget of roughly $4 million.
The proposed spending plan includes a one-mill tax increase, which will equal about $45 extra in the yearly tax bill.
The slight tax hike is proposed to put three-quarters of a mill for Newtown Fire Rescue, which covers the borough and township. A quarter of a mill will go to support the Newtown Ambulance Squad, which supports the borough and several nearby municipalities.
Council President Tara Grunde-McLaughlin said the budget is about $1 million higher than last year, but the increase is due to the borough’s hope that a grant for a pedestrian bridge to span the Newtown Creek* will be approved by the state. The grant request is for just under $1 million.
Council Member Kris Bauman said the 2024 budget would have no negative impact if the grant is not awarded in 2024, and the extra million dollars budgeted would not be spent.
*What's YOUR Opinion?
There are currently TWO #NewtownPA Creek pedestrian bridges proposed - one at Frost Lane and Edgeboro Road in the Borough connected to North Sycamore Street in the Township and one at the other end of town connecting the proposed Steeple View development in the Borough to Carl Sedia Park in the Township.
The Newtown BOS already approved apply for a grant for the Frost Lane bridge (read more about that here). The Steeple View bridge is just a concept, but the developer has already asked in confidence for opinions from Newtown BOS members (read more about that here).
In general, how much are you in favor of/opposed to these proposed bridges?