Several residents of Newtown Walk are concerned about pedestrian safety at the intersection of Tara Boulevard and Newtown-Yardley Rd. On September 12, 2022, Newtown Township Manager Micah Lewis notified supervisors of additional safety improvements to this crosswalk, which allows residents access to the Newtown Township Trail, Newtown Borough, and points East along Newtown-Yardley Road
The new safety measures include:
- Extension of the center median further west on Newtown Yardley Road and to use flexible reflective delineators to create a refuge island in the center of the road.
- Installation of additional “Pedestrian Crossing Ahead” signage in both the east & westbound lanes.
- Adding white pavement markings leading up to the crosswalk in the east & westbound lanes reading "PED-XING"
The work will be completed in-house by the Public Works Department once the materials are received.
Will this satisfy the residents who have concerns? More…
UPDATE (10/26/22): #NewtownPA Walk Residents Ask for Additional Pedestrian Safety Measures (Video)
UPDATE (10/3/22): While work has begun on these "improvements," many residents of Newtown Walk are not satisfied and some even wonder if the "improvements" hinder the safety of pedestrians. "What happens when it snows??," asked one resident? "Previously the snow plows would clear the center of the road. Now, because of the pylons in the center of the road, the plows will be leaving the section of the crosswalk in the middle of the road filled with snow. Unless the Township plans to shovel the snow from this section of the crosswalk, we will have another safety issue added to the current safety issues as a direct result of something that was supposed to be a solution. It seems the concern was more targeted at a quick fix than a proper solution."
What do residents think is a "proper solution?" Lowering the speed limit on NT-Yardley Rd is top of the list.
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