[Photo shows Eastbound and Gray attorney Attorney Julie Von Spreckelson representing Wawa at the podium, Michael Cooley (Provco), and Jason Korczak (Bohler Engineering) seated. The sign in the background was supplied by local area residents.]
At it's April 5, 2022, public meeting, the Newtown Township Planning Commission (NTPC) reviewed Wawa's latest Land Development Plan for a Super Store on the Bypass.
Recall that Wawa was already granted a request by the Zoning Hearing Board (ZHB) for a special exception to allow this use, but was denied variance requests regarding the number of fueling stations and signs (read “Newtown Township Zoning Hearing Board Issues Official Provco (Wawa) Decision”).
When all was said and done, the NTPC failed to achieve a consensus to recommend that the Board of Supervisors approve Wawa's plan.
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