Newtown News of Interest
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August 13, 2021 10:02 AM!

According to the 2020 Census, PA Is Among The Least Diverse States

According to the 2020 Census, PA Is Among The Least Diverse States | Newtown News of Interest |

Pennsylvania is not growing and remains one of the least diverse states in America, according to 2020 Census data released Thursday.


The Keystone state added just 303,321 residents in a decade, while Texas grew by 4 million and Florida 2.7 million people.


Montgomery County outside of Philadelphia grew by 7% or 56,679 residents, according to the Census. Bucks, which also neighbors Philadelphia, grew by 22,289 residents, or 3.4%.


On race, Pennsylvanians still largely identify as white. The number identifying as Latino or Hispanic grew from 5.1% (2010) to 8.1% with the 2020 Census. The number identifying as Black or African American in Pennsylvania remains unchanged for the decade at 10%.

johnmacknewtown's insight:

Not only is there a lack of diversity in PA, white supremacist Pennsylvanians are adamantly opposed to diversity as evidenced at the August 5, 2021, Council Rock School Board meeting where a racist Holland resident made comments that deliberately equated “critical race theory” with DEI (diversity, equality, and inclusiveness). The commenter specifically referred to DEI as “evil cultural Marxist ideology.” His closing statement that “we will not rest until this cynical narrative is removed from our classrooms” was met by cheers from the audience. Read more about that here:

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Newtown News of Interest
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