Newtown News of Interest
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onto Newtown News of Interest
November 22, 2020 7:40 AM!

Bristol Borough Council Eyes Tax Cut in 2021

Bristol Borough Council Eyes Tax Cut in 2021 | Newtown News of Interest |

Bristol Borough residents will see their taxes go down in 2021 if the proposed budget for the coming year is adopted by Council at its Dec. 7 meeting.


The $5.6 million budget anticipates a decrease in the borough’s debt service of 7.82 mills or $563,040 because of the sale of its ice arena in August. The borough sold the rink to the Black Bear Sports Group of Bethesda, Maryland, for $4 million.


The overall budget cut in taxes will amount to 6.50 mills, even as the borough spends an extra mill on street lighting and projects a 0.32-mill increase in the recreation fund, which hadn’t been increased since 2009, said James Dillon, borough manager.


A resident with the average property assessment of $16,000 will see their tax bill drop by $104 in 2021, Dillon said.

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Newtown News of Interest
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