Newtown News of Interest
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onto Newtown News of Interest
March 14, 2018 11:59 AM!

Doors Blocked With Tables To Stop Council Rock North Walkout, Students Say

Doors Blocked With Tables To Stop Council Rock North Walkout, Students Say | Newtown News of Interest |

Students at Council Rock North report school employees were blocking the doorways with chairs and desks so no one could leave the building during a 17-minute National School Walkout event Wednesday morning.

johnmacknewtown's insight:

UPDATE (4/19/2018): Last night I heard a first-hand report from a couple of Council Rock senior students who participated in the walkout. They confirmed that the tables were set up AFTER the students walked out so that when they came back in they could be identified as students and marked for potential disciplinary action. That, of course, never happened. The students I heard from said if there was disciplinary action - such as detention - they would use that occasion to stage another protest. I guess the school was smart to let well enough alone. The seniors also mentioned that the colleges that accepted them sent them letters saying that they would ignore any disciplinary action taken against students for participating in the protest.

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Newtown News of Interest
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