This is my personal summary of the February 28, 2024, meeting of the #NewtownPA Township Board of Supervisors (BOS). This is not a complete nor an official summary.
Agenda Items, Discussions, Decisions, and More
- Reports of Committees, Boards and Commissions
- Planning Commission: Wireless Amendment to JMZO
- John Mack: Bucks NAACP Race & Policing in Bucks County Briefing, Human Relations Commission Meeting, and 26 February 2024 Meet Mack Monday Zoom Meeting
- Engineer’s Report
- Crumbling Section of Lower Dolington Road
- Manager’s Report
- ESD Report
- Other Items of Interest
On February 10, 2024, Mike Dalewitz officially submitted via email his request to be appointed to the Commission. Mr. Dalewitz is the co-owner of the Borscht Belt Deli located in Newtown Township.
My understanding was that Mr. Dalewitz’s appointment vote would be on the agenda of this BOS meeting, but it has been delayed. Nevertheless, since the next HRC meeting is March 21, 2024, it is still possible to bring this up for a vote at the next BOS meeting on March 13, 2024.