[UPDATE: The resolution failed to pass by a 3-2 vote margin at the February 29, 2020, Newtown Board of Supervisors meeting.]
Stressing that all people deserve equal care and treatment regardless of sexual orientation or gender identification, a resolution being considered by the Newtown Township supervisors would make Feb. 15 “Love is Love Day” in the township.
The document drafted by Supervisor John Mack is modeled after one pushed by state Sen. Steve Santarsiero, D-10, of Lower Makefield and state Rep. Wendy Ullman, D-143, of Plumstead, that failed to reach the floor in Harrisburg after not receiving unanimous support from Republicans.
The Newtown Township board discussed the resolution at its Wednesday meeting and seemed generally supportive, but voted 4-1 to table the matter until Feb. 26 so that exact wording and other elements could get more study.
Mack saw no reason to delay voting on the resolution and was the lone no vote on the table motion.
“Valentine’s Day receives much media attention with couples and loved ones proclaiming their love for each other,” his draft resolution states. “Those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, asexual and other sexual minorities are often excluded from Valentine’s Day mainstream media coverage.
“Being an adolescent during a time when those around you are expressing their love for each other can be overwhelming, especially if you do not see examples you identify with.”
The resolution states that Newtown Township was the first township in Bucks County to pass an anti-discrimination ordinance that created a Human Relations Commission to protect the rights of all citizens regardless of sexual orientation or perceived gender.
The rate of suicide among LGBTQ+ teenagers is nearly four times higher than for their heterosexual peers, according to the resolution. “Accepting the LGBTQ+ youth in our communities and in society at large helps remind those who we care about that love is love regardless of how they identify,” it adds.