It was a beautiful night, so the room was virtually empty except for one resident who really had nothing to say about the issues being decided, which included:
- Approving spending $151,00O in grant money to fund a License Plate Reader system of cameras throughout Newtown Township and Wrightstown. Are you aware of the privacy issues? I asked questions of Chief Hearn. Wish you were there to hear his answers! Oh well, read my notes...
- Holding the LDR Trail contractor [Associated Paving] responsible for fixing and relocating the guiderail because of their errors; i.e, the section of guiderail that needs to be relocated is between Everett and Yorkshire. Because of a conflict with the gas utility, the Contractor installed the guiderail within the trail, where it should be further into the roadway. Will we have to hire them for future projects if they submit the low bid? That's my question!