UPDATE (6/22/23): DeLuca Construction, which sought to subdivide a 3.0+ acre lot at 70 Twining Bridge Rd in the #NewtownPA CM District into two 1.5-acre lots and build 2 single-family homes has withdrawn its Zoning Hearing Board application seeking zoning relief required to pursue its project.
At the 24 May 2023 #NewtownPA Board of Supervisors (BOS) meeting, land development attorney Joe Blackburn, representing Deluca Construction, came before the BOS to try and convince the members to withdraw their opposition to the Deluca proposal to build 2 houses on a 3.08 acre plot in the Conservation Management (CM) District, which only allows 1 house per 3 acres. The site is located at 70 Twining Bridge Rd.
Spoiler Alert! The supervisors had previously voted to send a letter to the Zoning Hearing Board opposing the relief. This time, the Board voted 4 to 1 to also send its solicitor in opposition.
“I’m in favor of maintaining the letter of the law with regard to our ordinances,” said Supervisor John Mack.
More details regarding this application: https://johnmacknewtown.info/26apr2023bos.html#Deluca
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