(Infodefensa.com) Montevideo - Continuing the search for new OPV type vessels for the Navy, Uruguay Defense Ministry sent an official delegation to Fassmer shipyard in the city of Bremen, Germany. The delegation comprised of the Secretary sub CEO, Angel Sanchez and a representative of the Navy , captain Carlos Gonzalez , visited these facilities as of recently, where it was presented the project OPV 80 .
This vessel, a favorite of the Uruguayan Navy already provides functions Armed with Chile and Colombia, which are in the process of increasing such units (locally built under license).
The OPV 80 is an ocean patrol ship, 80 meters long, 1,850 tons displacement, with helicopter pad, 30 crew (plus 30 passengers or more depending on the configuration), maximum speed of 25 knots, range 12,000 miles nautical (twelve knots), fast interdiction capacity semi-rigid boats with two quick release (with an option to ramp launch and recovery of semi) and modularity for the installation of various types of weapons (generally a multipurpose autocannon Bofors plus two .50 machine guns, one per band).
The unit cost of these ships around 25 million.
Patrick H. 's insight:
Le Chili et la Colombie ont construit ces OPV sous licence. Le Chili devrait en avoir 3 en 2014.
comme vous l'avez constaté, la "Newsletter navale" est à l'arrêt depuis de nombreux mois. Pris par d'autres activités, il se trouve que je ne suis plus en mesure actuellement d'effectuer ce travail qui demande une grande disponibilité quotidienne et que je produisais entièrement seul.
J'ai reçu de nombreux messages de lecteurs qui espéraient pouvoir retrouver rapidement ma sélection commentée d'articles du domaine naval militaire. Je les en remercie et je m'excuse de devoir annoncer la suspension probable de cette revue d'actualité au moins encore pour 2016.
Le compte reste ouvert néanmoins afin de permettre une relecture éventuelle des articles anciens en tant que base de données.
Imagine a material that wicks sound across its surface like water droplets sliding over a windowpane. For submarines, such a coating would mean an entirely new way to slip past sonar without detection as sound waves pass harmlessly around the vessel.
Physicist Baile Zhang and his colleagues at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore think they may have found a way to design such a coating, which could work for any 3D shape—sharp corners included. In a new research paper published in the journal Physical Review Letters, he describes why this theoretical material could work and what you'd need to make it.
How it works
Zhang says that when sound waves like sonar hit his proposed coating, they strike an acoustically tuned material called a phononic crystal. That crystal bends the waves so that when they bounce off the hull, they loops around—smacking right back onto the surface to bounce over and over again. Zhang likens the process to a professional soccer player curving the ball.
Theoretically, the shape of the material you've coated doesn't matter. As you can see above, the curving sound waves will bounce past sharp corners and flat surfaces alike.
Zhang says that while this new surface is still just a theoretical prospect, he sees no reason why he and his colleagues can't build and begin experimenting on the coating within the next few months.
As for the future promise it might hold for sonar camouflage: "In principle, if a sound wave can be smoothly guided around the submarine without reflection, it can escape detection from sonar, because the sonar works by detecting deflected signals," he says.
Many ways to hide a sub
Avoiding sonar detection is just a game of making sure you don't let incoming sound-waves bounce back to where they came from, Zhang ssays. That means there are plenty of other (at least theoretical) cloaking methods that also could do the job. So how does Zhang's approach compare?
Valentine Leroy, a physicist at Paris Diderot University in France, has developed a different method of sub camouflage. He's proposed a way to almost perfectly sound-proof a submersible. "The general idea goes back to Germany during WWII," Leroy says, "the idea then was to use some coating material like rubber to dampen the sonar [bounce-back]," making a submarine harder to detect, he says.
Rather than rubber, Leroy found that that a thin sheet of bubble-filled material (think of it like Bubble Wrap) works even better. Why? When the sonar wave smacks the bubbly coating, the energy of the wave is transformed into the vibration of the tiny bubbles, which which soaks up and disperses sound. In practice, a 4-millimeter film of such a material could dampen a sonar signal by as much as 99 percent, Leroy says.
There are other even crazier sounding ideas for acoustic camouflage. One concept would use an array of underwater speakers blast back a synchronized sound wave (with the exact opposite amplitude) whenever sonar hits a ship. In theory, the deflected sonar would be cancelled out into silence.
A plan to buy submarines for the Royal Thai Navy is on again with strong backing from Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwon who wants Thailand’s fleet to be on par with neighbouring countries. The sub plan, which has surfaced periodically over the years, re-emerged when Gen Prawit on Wednesday said the country needed to equip its navy with submarines as part of efforts to modernise the armed forces. The defence minister said chances were good that the navy can fulfil its deep yearning for submarines, but he stopped short of saying when funds would be allocated. "I can't say exactly how many percent (chance there is). But when I said the navy has a chance, it means more than 50% or 60%,'' he told reporters. The budget could be around 36 billion baht. In July, the navy opened an ultra-modern, 540-million-baht submarine base and training centre in Chon Buri province, even though the country doesn't own a single sub.
Thailand has not had a submarine since 1951, but has been trying for several years to get some. In 2011, the military negotiated to buy six small used submarines from Germany for 7.7 billion baht and considered buying two larger new vessels from South Korea, but both deals fell through. Navy officials say they want submarines to protect the Gulf of Thailand and Thai interests on the high seas. But one worry is the spat over the South China Sea's Spratly Islands — claimed in part or in whole by Brunei, China, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam — could erupt into a regional conflict that destabilises the region. The high-ticket price was the factor, however, that ultimately sank the submarine plan. This week, however, Gen Prawit asserted that the country needs submarines to keep up with other Asean countries. Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam all have them.
Keeping up with the neighbours
A navy source said the navy quietly set up a committee commanded by chief of staff Thanarat Ubon to dust off the project in December after Gen Prawit gave navy officers a green light. The panellists visited visited Germany, Spain and South Korea, with China set to be their next stop in investigating sub sellers.
The navy wants to buy two diesel-powered submarines with displacement of 2,400-3,000 tonnes. The source said the Chinese-made Yuan class is favoured by the committee due to its specifications. The U-class from South Korea and Germany also pinged the sonar screen. Chinese Defence Minister Chang Wanquan offered to sell weapons with special conditions and ''friendship price tags'' to Thailand twice when Gen Prawit visited Beijing in November. The offer, which also included 10-year payment plans, was repeated when the Chinese minister came to Bangkok last month.
The source said navy chief Adm Kraisorn Chansuwanit planned to swap the position between Adm Thanarat and Narongphol Na Bangchang, who is a deputy chief of staff at the Supreme Command, in a mid-year reshuffle to speed up the sub project. Adm Narongphol was a key figure on the submarine team before he was moved to the Supreme Command, the source added.
Le 27 mars 2015, les agences d’acquisition des ministères de la Défense français et britannique, respectivement la Direction générale de l’armement (DGA) et DE&S, ont notifié le contrat « Maritime Mine Counter Measures » (MMCM).
Cette notification est le résultat d’un dialogue compétitif conduit par l’OCCAR (Organisation conjointe de coopération en matière d’armement). Ce contrat est attribué à Thales associée à BAE Systems avec parmi les sous-traitants français le groupe ECA. Il permet à la France et au Royaume-Uni d’initier conjointement le développement d’une nouvelle capacité stratégique et interopérable entre nos deux marines, tout en maintenant leur industrie au meilleur niveau mondial dans le domaine de la lutte sous-marine.
Le contrat notifié au consortium industriel porte sur la définition, la réalisation et la qualification de deux prototypes d’un système de drones navals, de surface et sous-marins, d’ici 2019. Ils seront mis en œuvre à partir d’un « bateau mère » ou depuis la terre. Les évaluations seront conduites par la Marine nationale et la Royal Navy. Par comparaison aux chasseurs de mines actuels, le système permettra de maintenir l’homme en dehors de la zone de danger.
Lire l'intégralité de l'article sur Mer et Marine :
On peut signaler que l'US Navy s'est lancé depuis quelques années dans un programme de drones spécialisés guerre des mines, éléments du Mission Package MCM des frégates LCS :
L'Australie a formellement invité mercredi l'Allemagne, la France et le Japon à concourir pour un contrat portant sur le renouvellement de sa flotte de sous-marins, donnant le coup d'envoi à un projet de 50 milliards de dollars australiens (35,37 milliards d'euros) qui est devenu un enjeu politique à Canberra.
Le mois dernier, l'Australie a écarté la Suède pour renouveler ses sous-marins au motif d'un manque d'expérience, malgré les protestations de l'opposition.
Le gouvernement australien ne souhaitait pas l'organisation d'un appel d'offres public pour ce contrat, ce qui semblait ouvrir une voie royale pour le Japon, mais le Premier ministre, Tony Abbott, a finalement promis en février une certaine transparence sur le dossier lors d'un débat interne au Parti libéral au pouvoir.
Lors d'une conférence mercredi avec les responsables de la marine australienne et des élus à Adelaïde, le ministre de la Défense, Kevin Andrews, a dit que l'Allemagne, la France et le Japon étaient apparus comme des "partenaires internationaux" potentiels pour le remplacement des six sous-marins appartenant à la classe Collins, construits avec l'aide de la Suède.
Selon Kevin Andrews, "l'évaluation compétitive" prendra au moins 10 mois et, au terme de ce délai, le ministère de la Défense fera ses recommandations au gouvernement sur ses partenaires préférés.
Une lettre contenant les exigences, y compris en termes de design, a été préparée pour l'appel d'offres et sera présentée dans les six mois avec les détails sur la manière dont les prétendants vont travailler avec l'industrie australienne sur le projet, a noté une source du secteur en Australie.
L'allemand ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) et le français DCNS, détenu à 35% par Thales, ont tous deux exprimé leur intérêt pour cet appel d'offres. "Nous avons déjà le projet de contrat. Nous avons l'énoncé des travaux," a déclaré à Reuters Philip Stanford, président du directoire de TKMS, en marge du Sommet Future Submarine.
Les deux entreprises japonaises qui jusqu'à récemment étaient considérées comme les favoris du projet, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries et Kawasaki Heavy Industries, ont rejeté une invitation à assister à la conférence d'Adelaïde.
Selon des sources, le Japon est cependant en bonne voie pour participer à l'appel d'offres, ce qui marquerait le retour de Tokyo sur le marché mondial de l'armement, un an après la levée par le Premier ministre Shinzo Abe de l'interdiction des exportations d'armes par l'archipel. Cela renforcerait aussi les liens entre deux puissances régionales, alliées de Washington.
VISAKHAPATNAM:The second batch of three Immediate Support Vessels (ISVs), comprising T-38, T-39 and T-40, were commissioned by Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Eastern Naval Command, Vice Admiral Satish Soni at an impressive ceremony at the Naval Dockyard Tuesday. The three ISVs are in addition to the first batch of ISVs commissioned last year and will constitute the 84th Immediate Support Vessel Squadron based at Visakhapatnam.
The ISVs are armed with heavy machine guns (HMGs) and are equipped with state-of-the-art radar and navigation equipment. They are fitted with two caterpillar engines of 1,600 MHP each to provide water jet propulsion which provides the vessels a high speed of 40 knots and an endurance of 500 nautical miles. These ships are capable of carrying out day and night surveillance and can be used for rapid insertions/extraction of MARCOS for military intervention. The induction and deployment of these ships will augment the ongoing efforts to bolster coastal security and provide protection to our offshore assets from asymmetric threats. Two ISVs have been built by Rodman Spain whereas one ISV was built by Abu Dhabi Ship Builders (ADSB). The project was a joint collaboration between Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) Limited, Ship Builders and the Indian Navy. Commanding Officers of T-38, T-39 and T-40 Lieutenants Jai Kishore, Shobhit Saxena and Vaibhav Bhardwaj respectively read out the commissioning warrants.
Hoisting the Naval Ensign onboard for the first time and Breaking of the Commissioning Pennant with the National Anthem in the background marked the completion of the commissioning ceremony.
On the occasion, Vice Admiral Satish Soni said that the ISVs were brought to Naval Dockyard, Mumbai, where delivery acceptance trials were carried out. The ships have sailed 1,200 nautical miles from Mumbai to Visakhapatnam in over 12 days before getting commissioned and have proved their sturdiness as they successfully crossed the Gulf of Mannar facing strong winds and high seas.
According to BSS, the national news agency of Bangladesh, the local government will procure four ex-Italian Navy Minerva class vessels for Bangladesh Coast Guard to gear up its activities in the coastal areas. The Cabinet Committee on Government Purchase (CCGP) today gave nod to the procurement proposal of the vessels.
Finance Minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith chaired the meeting held at the cabinet division. "The vessels will be procured from the Italian Navy under government-to-government level agreement," Mustafizur Rahman, Joint Secretary of Cabinet Division, told reporters after the meeting. Minerva class corvettes were built in two series of four units in the 1980s and 1990s by Italian shipyard Fincantieri.
DARPA is expecting to complete risk reduction studies in September, and select one of two competing designs for medium-altitude, long-endurance unmanned aerial systems (MALE UAS), that will be capable to operate from small and medium naval vessels. As part of Phase 2 of the Tactically Exploited Reconnaissance Node (TERN) research and development program the agency is funding risk reduction studies performed by Northrop Grumman Corp. and Aerovironment Inc., based on preliminary designs proposed by the two companies in the earlier Phase I. The program is jointly managed between DARPA and the U.S. Navy’s Office of Naval Research (ONR).
“To offer the equivalent of land-based UAS capabilities from small-deck ships, our Phase 2 performers are each designing a new unmanned air system intended to enable two previously unavailable capabilities: one, the ability for a UAS to take off and land from very confined spaces in elevated sea states and two, the ability for such a UAS to transition to efficient long-duration cruise missions,” said Dan Patt, DARPA TERN program manager. “Tern’s goal is to develop breakthrough technologies that the Navy could realistically integrate into the future fleet and make it much easier, quicker and less expensive for the Defense Department to deploy persistent ISR and strike capabilities almost anywhere in the world.”
The Tern program envisions using smaller ships of the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) or DDG-51 Arleigh Burke-class destroyers as mobile launch and recovery sites for medium-altitude, long-endurance unmanned aerial systems (UAS), to provide long-range ISR and other capabilities from the decks of forward-deployed small ships. By 2017 DARPA aims to conduct full-scale, at-sea demonstration of the selected TERN prototype UAS from a vessel with the same deck size as an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer.
An investigation was launched last night amid fears a Russian submarine snagged a fishing boat’s gear and dragged the vessel across the sea. Skipper Angus Macleod said he and his four crew were “extremely lucky” in the incident after his net was repeatedly pulled in front of his 62ft trawler. The 46-year-old father-of-two has now lodged incident reports with both the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and the Marine Accident Investigation Branch.
Last night, the Royal Navy said neither it nor any other Nato nations had vessels operating in the area at the time.
And one defence analyst said that a Russian submarine could be the culprit.
Tim Ripley said that Russian vessels may be getting into position to observe Nato’s huge Joint Warrior exercise, which is due to start in the next few weeks.
No one from the Russian Embassy in London was available for comment last night.
The Aquarius was fishing for haddock, monkfish and skate in 360ft of water about 10 miles east of the Butt of Lewis.
he crews had two nets out when their boat suddenly slowed down.
The port net moved in front of the boat, while the other continued to lie behind it.
Mr Macleod said he was baffled by what was happening and had to “up the revs” on the engine to try to keep ahead of the net in case it fouled the propeller.
During 15 anxious minutes, the boat was constantly manoeuvred to get in front of the moving net – only for it to go forward again.
“It kept going forward and we had to repeat the manoeuvre four times to stay ahead,” said Mr Macleod.
“The winch became increasingly under strain as we tried to haul the rope.
“There was no way the net was snagged on the bottom. It only ended when the dog rope, which attaches the top and bottom ends of the net, was cut by the propeller.
“I have been at sea for 30 years – and between the five of us there is 110 years experience – and we have never experienced anything like that.
Mr Macleod, of Barra in the Western Isles, added: “The sea conditions were good. We were mystified, we just couldn’t explain it.
The Aquarius developed steering problems as it headed for Stornoway and the port’s lifeboat was launched to tow it to harbour for repairs.
It discovered that four of the five one-inch bolts connecting the steering motor with the rudder had come out and the other was loose.
Mr Macleod said: “I think that something got hold of the dog rope and the trawl wire. The only explanation I can think of its a submarine.
“It missed the nets, which is just as well. All five of us are extremely lucky. I don’t even want to think of the consequences of what could have happened.
The incident cost Mr Macleod an estimated £10,00 in damage and loss of earnings.
Le Sénégal doit prendre livraison, en fin de semaine prochaine, de son nouveau patrouilleur hauturier. Vendu par Raidco Marine et réalisé par le chantier STX France de Lanester, près de Lorient, le Kedougou a achevé avec succès ses essais en mer et a été recetté par la marine sénégalaise. Son équipage, soit 22 personnes, est en formation à Lorient depuis le début du mois et prendra en main son bâtiment pour le transit vers Dakar.
Du type OPV 45, un tout modèle développé par Raidco Marine, le Kedougou mesure 45.9 mètres de long pour 8.4 mètres de large. Doté d'une coque en acier et de superstructures en aluminium, il est propulsé par deux moteurs diesels Cummins KTA 50 M2 de 1900 cv chacun, soit un par ligne d’arbres, avec une vitesse supérieure à 20 nœuds. On notera à ce propos que différentes motorisations sont proposées par Raidco sur l’OPV45 qui, en fonction des demandes des clients et du type de propulsion retenu, peut atteindre la vitesse de 30 nœuds.
Lire l'intégralité de l'article sur Mer et Marine :
On day 2 of the Langkawi International Maritime & Aerospace exhibition, LIMA 2015, currently held in Malaysia, Navy Recognition met with Anuar Murad, Director of the Defence & Security Division at Boustead Heavy Industries Corporation Berhad (BHIC). During our interview, Mr Anuar gave us the latest update on the program and confirmed Malaysia's intend to procure Kongsberg's Naval Strike Missile (NSM) for its future frigates.
We learned during DSA 2014 last year that the BHIC shipyard located in Lumut is being refurbished with the advising of DCNS. The work includes new ship lifts, 2 new block assembly halls, 3 new halls for panel assembly and 3 keel lines so that around 2020 the shipyard will be able to assemble 3 Gowind SGPV-LCS hulls at the same time.
In addition a shore integration facility is being built in Cyberjaya (south of capital city Kuala Lumpur). The combat system will be assembled there and some of the training will also be provided at this location.
It was confirmed during LIMA 2013 that the combat management system will be the SETIS by DCNS, the Fire Control Systems will be provided by Rheinmetall, the engines will be provided by MTU and that the main gun will be the BAE Systems 57mm Mk 3 with stealth cupola. MSI will provide its Seahawk 30mm REMSIG. Thales will supply the Smart-S Mk2 radar and CAPTAS-2 towed array sonar. The decoy system will be the SuperBarricade by Wallop/Esterline. Finally, the vessels will feature two J+S Marine triple torpedo launchers.
The surface to air missiles have yet officially announced but should in all likelyhood be MBDA's VL MICA.
Malaysia choosing the NSM as the main anti-surface weapon system for its future surface combatants comes a bit as a surprise (despite rumors for the past couple of years) as the RMN has been an Exocet customer for a long time. If anything, it shows the RMN's wish to diversify its naval weapon systems.
Integration of this new anti-ship missile into the SETIS CMS should not be a problem for DCNS since the company has experience working on the Skjold class programme as the combat system design authority and co-supplier. The Royal Norwegian Navy Skjold class FPB are fitted with Kongsberg's NSM.
Produced by Kongsberg, the Naval Strike Missile (NSM) is an autonomous, long-range, precision missile designed to engage high-value, well-defended targets at sea and ashore. According to Kongsberg, The NSM is the only 5th generation long range precision strike missile in existence today. The missile combines unsurpassed penetration capability due to “low observable” shape, super sea skim, high-G random maneuvers and I3R (intelligent imaging infra red) seeker with Autonomous Target Recognition (ATR) providing programmable hit-point and optimized fuze-setting
Patrick H. 's insight:
Le contrat des 6 SGPV LCS malaisiennes avait été notifié à Boustead en juillet 2014 :
LANGKAWI, March 18 (Bernama) -- Thales has delivered the first of two further AMASCOS mission systems to the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF). In a statement today, Thales said the AMASCOS was to support the conversion of four RMAF's Beech 200 aircraft to a highly-capable maritime surveillance platform, due to enter service next year. It said the AMASCOS delivered an effective maritime surveillance, airborne maritime patrol and ground surveillance capability. "Its modular and flexible design can accommodate a number of high-definition sensors (optical, radar, acoustic, electronic support measures) and integrate the data into a comprehensive yet easy to operate maritime situational awareness picture. Users are able to focus on the task in hand and remain one step ahead of the actions of those under their surveillance," Thales said.
vous avez sans doute constaté que la "Newsletter navale" n'affiche plus de nouvelles publications d'actualité depuis un peu plus d'1 semaine. Étant actuellement engagé sur un projet dans un autre secteur, je ne suis pas en mesure d'effectuer les mises à jour comme je l'ai pratiqué depuis le début de ce site. Je pourrai peut-être publier occasionnellement dans les prochains jours, mais cette situation dégradée risque néanmoins de durer jusqu'au mois prochain. Je vous prie de m'en excuser et j'espère pouvoir reprendre ensuite le rythme habituel des publications.
TOKYO — Japan's growing need to improve its anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capabilities to counter quieter Chinese submarines in littoral waters could set off a three-way race between an upgraded indigenous platform against longer-term solutions, analysts said.
Last August, the Defense Ministry decided to start replacing its aging fleet of 46 SH-60J and 39 SH-60K Seahawk helicopters, providing an initial ¥7 billion (US $57.6 million) as part of a ¥48.1 billion development project. The procurement will lead to the deployment of about 80 new helicopters after 2022, MoD spokesman Tsuyoshi Hirata said.
The procurement mentions indigenous development, so it would seem to favor an easy upgrade of the SH-60K produced by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) with more advanced electronics, unless the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) is looking for a longer-term, more advanced solution, said Matthew Caris, an associate at Avascent Group, a Washington-based defense and aerospace consulting group.
"It seems like an odd time and a small amount of money to develop something truly new; perhaps it's the development of a new MHI H-60 variant with entirely indigenous electronics, which would make a lot more sense," he said.
A US-based source agreed the SH-60K provided a ready-made upgrade and was a logical move.
"The airframe itself is capable and already integrated into JMSDF operations, so a focus on improvements to mission system sensor and processing capability would likely be sufficient to most economically meet future helicopter ASW requirements," the source said.
But pressures are building that suggest the MoD may expand its search, analysts said.
To help augment ACTUV’s capability for sensing and classifying other vessels, and to reduce reliance on radar as ACTUV’s primary sensor, DARPA has issued a Request for Information (RFI) about currently available technologies that could help ACTUV and future unmanned surface vessels perceive and classify nearby ships and other objects.
DARPA is specifically interested in sensor systems and image-processing hardware and software that use passive (electro-optical/infrared, or EO/IR) or non-radar active (e.g., light detection and ranging, or LIDAR) approaches. The goal is to develop reliable, robust onboard systems that could detect and track nearby surface vessels and potential navigation hazards, classify those objects’ characteristics and provide input to ACTUV’s autonomy software to facilitate correct COLREGs behaviors.
“We’re looking for test-ready, multi-sensor approaches that push the boundaries of today’s automated sensing systems for unmanned surface vessels,” said Scott Littlefield, DARPA program manager. “Enhancing the ability of these kinds of vessels to sense their environment in all weather and traffic conditions, day or night, would significantly advance our ability to conduct a range of military missions.”
The RFI invites short responses (5 pages or fewer) that explore some or all of the following technical areas: » Maritime Perception Sensors: Any combination of non-radar-based imaging and tracking methods, including, but not limited to, passive and active imagers in the visible and infrared wavelengths and Class 1 Laser Rangefinder (LRF) and Flash LIDAR to image ships during day or night in the widest variety of environmental conditions, including haze, fog and rain, over ranges from 4 km to 15 km » Maritime Perception Software: Algorithms and software for detection, tracking and classification of ships by passive optical or non-radar active imagers » Classification Software for Day Shapes/Navigation Lights: Algorithms and software to support detection, tracking and classification of day shapes and navigation lights—standard tools that vessels use to communicate a ship’s position and status—by using passive optical or non-radar active imagers
DARPA’s Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel (ACTUV) program seeks to develop a new type of unmanned surface vessel that could independently track adversaries’ ultra-quiet diesel-electric submarines over thousands of miles. One of the challenges that the ACTUV program is addressing is development of autonomous behaviors for complying with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, known as COLREGS. Substantial progress has been made in developing and implementing those behaviors. Currently, ACTUV’s system for sensing other vessels is based on radar, which provides a “90 percent solution” for detecting other ships. However, radar is less suitable for classification of the type of other vessels, for example determining whether the vessel is a powered vessel or a sailboat. Additionally, one of the requirements of COLREGS is to maintain “a proper lookout by sight and hearing.”
The Russian side is ready to hand over India in the lease for 10 years a second nuclear submarine Project 971 "Pike-B" According to the source, work to change the appearance of the nuclear-powered icebreaker will be held at the Amur shipyard. For modernization and testing of the ship, as well as training Indian crew will take three years. In this case, the ship may be delivered to the customer in 2018.
According to the source, the K-322 "Kashalot" is on the Amur Shipyard (Komsomolsk-on-Amur). Submarine commanded by Captain 1st rank D.Lavrentev.
Russian shipbuilders have experience in preparation for the transfer of the Indian Navy nuclear-powered Project 971 "Seal". Submarine was leased to a 10-year cost of $ 980 million. Act on its acceptance-transfer was signed in December 2011. The submarine, named "Chakra", became part of the national Navy April 4, 2012.
Submarine "Nerpa" was supposed to go to the Indian Navy in 2008. However, in November 2008, during the tests in the Sea of Japan because of the unauthorized inclusion of automatic fire extinguishing systems on a submarine killed 20 people, which led to a revision of the terms of its transfer to the Indian Navy. Military investigators charged with negligence submarine commander Captain 1st Rank Dmitry Lavrentiev and hold the engineer Dmitry deathly allegedly improperly adjusted air temperature sensor to the living compartment. The trial was completed on April 26, 2013, when the jury found them not guilty again in the accident.
NS "Kashalot" Project 971 (code "Pike-B") refers to the submarines of the 3rd generation. Joined the Pacific Fleet March 1, 1989. Submerged displacement - 12.77 thousand. Tons, underwater speed - 30 knots, maximum depth - 600 meters, autonomy - 100 days, the crew - 73 people.
The first submarine, also named "Chakra", India was leased for three years in 1988. In 1991, the term of the contract expired, and, as pointed out by experts, under pressure from the US administration, the Soviet leadership refused to renew the lease.
Patrick H. 's insight:
Le nom du SNA concerné par cet accord de leasing, jusqu'ici en cours d'élaboration, avait été dévoilé en janvier dernier :
L’Égypte est en passe de prendre le contrôle maritime du détroit de Bab el Mandeb, au débouché de la mer Rouge, alors que l’armée saoudienne intervient au Yémen contre les rebelles Houthis chiites soutenus par l’Iran.
YOKOHAMA: Japan's Maritime Self Defense Force on Wednesday took delivery of the biggest Japanese warship since World War Two, the Izumo, a helicopter carrier as big as the Imperial Navy aircraft carriers that battled the United States in the Pacific.
The Izumo with a crew of 470 sailors is a highly visible example of how Japan is expanding the capability of its military to operate overseas and enters service as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe seeks lawmaker approval to loosen the restraints of Japan's pacifist post-war constitution.
The 248 metre (813 feet) long Izumo resembles U.S. Marine Corp amphibious assault carriers in size and design but it is designated as a helicopter destroyer, a label that allows Japan to keep within the bounds of a constitutional ban on owning the means to wage war. Aircraft carriers, because of their ability to project force, are considered offensive weapons.
"The vessel can serve in a wide range of roles including peace keeping operations, international disaster relief and aid," Gen Nakatani, Japan's Minister of Defense said standing beside the vessel after a handover ceremony at the Japan United Marine shipyard in Yokohama.
"It also helps improve our ability to combat submarines.
Abe's moves to ease Japan's pacifist constitution and its build up in defence capabilities is unnerving neighbour China.
Japan is also adding longer-range patrol aircraft and military cargo planes to its defence capability, and buying Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter jets, amphibious assault vehicles and Boeing's Osprey troop carrier, which can operate from the Izumo.
The Izumo does not have a catapult necessary to launch fixed-wing fighters, but a planned vertical-take-off-and-landing (VTOL) variant of the F-35 could fly from the Izumo's flight deck.
Based at Yokosuka naval base near Tokyo, also the home port of the U.S. Seventh Fleets carrier battle group, the Izumo will join two smaller helicopters carriers already in service, that are also classed as destroyers.
A computer-generated image of a Chinese nuclear-powered submarine (SSN) has recently appeared on both news and social media websites. It illustrates a variant of the Type 093/Shang-class SSN carrying a docking hangar for a special forces swimmer delivery vehicle (SDV).
The accompanying text indicates the hangar can accommodate only about 2/3 of the length of the SDV (which it compares with the US Mk VIII SDV) and so remains flooded when the vehicle is docked. Consequently, as transfer of personnel to the SDV cannot easily be achieved with the submarine dived, the graphic shows SF personnel being transferred to the submarine by helicopter. The article refers to this as a wet-deck system and the SSN variant as a Type 093T.
The illustration also shows four panels on the side of the submarine that appear to represent sonar flank arrays and also a deployment tube above the upper rudder that would be used for streaming a towed array, as in Russian submarines.
The accompanying text also highlights that a six-bladed conventional propeller is illustrated rather than one with seven blades, which it states is fitted to the Type 093 and 093A, or the shrouded propulsor, which it claims is fitted to the Type 093B.
The explanation given is that the Type 093T is designed to operate in coastal waters where there is likely to be a high level of fishing vessel activity, and ingested trawl wires are easier to clear from a conventional propeller than a propulsor. It also states that the seven-bladed propellers were too thin and susceptible to damage.
Certains médias indiens affirment que le premier des six sous-marins Scorpène construits en Inde, dans le cadre d’un transfert de technologie du groupe français DCNS, vient d’être mis à l'eau. Annonce qui s'appuie sur les déclarations d'une « source haut placée de la marine indienne » mais qui apparaît prématurée.
« Le sous-marin est toujours en cours de réalisation, indique une source française proche du dossier. La mise à l’eau n’a pas encore eu lieu. Celle-ci devrait intervenir dans quelques mois. » Pour le moment, le sous-marin Scorpène se trouve donc toujours en cale sèche au chantier Mazagon Dock Limited, à Bombay, maître d’œuvre du contrat.
Le programme P-75 a été lancé en octobre 2005 entre l’Inde et la France et prévoit la construction de six Scorpène par le chantier indien Mazagon Dock Limited. Le premier sous-marin devait, initialement, être livré à la marine indienne en décembre 2012 et le dernier en décembre 2017.
Depuis, le calendrier a été recalé. Désormais, la livraison du premier Scorpène n’est plus prévue avant septembre 2016. Selon la presse indienne, les cinq autres suivront à la cadence d’un tous les neuf mois. Ce qui repousse la livraison du sixième sous-marin à la mi-2020.
Le programme a donc tourné au casse-tête pour DCNS, soucieux à la fois de ne pas froisser son partenaire indien et de ne pas compromettre son image de fiabilité. L’important retard est attribué aux difficultés de remise à niveau du chantier indien et à sa forte propension à ne pas respecter les procédures du transfert de technologie.
On notera que Mazagon Dock Limited, qui est un chantier étatique, n’a pas été sélectionné par le gouvernement Modri pour la construction en Inde de six sous-marins à propulsion anaréobie dans le cadre du programme P75i. Seuls deux chantiers privés, Larsen & Toubro et Pipavav, se trouveraient encore en lice.
Ceux-ci feront nécessairement appel à des sociétés étrangères. Ce marché intéresse DCNS, qui a déjà conclu avec Pipavav un partenariat stratégique en vue de construire des navires militaires.
L'Inde a fait de la construction de sous-marins une priorité de défense. Aucun sous-marin conventionnel n'a été mis en service depuis quinze ans dans la marine indienne. Celle-ci ne dispose plus aujourd'hui que de 13 sous-marins opérationnels, neuf de type Kilo russe et quatre de type 209 allemand, après le retrait du service du INS Sindhurakshak, irréparable après avoir été victime d'une explosion au mois d'août 2013.
Patrick H. 's insight:
Entre l'article du Marin aujourd'hui et la presse indienne d'hier, on peut juste conclure que tant du côté indien que du côté français, il est difficile de se procurer une information détaillée...on peut néanmoins penser que le transfert de la coque pratiquement achevée sur un ponton flottant a bien eu lieu
This is the first good news for India's fast depleting submarine fleet in a long time. The first of the six Scorpene attack submarines being built at Mumbai's Mazagon Docks Ltd (MDL), under transfer of technology from France's DCNS, is now floating in the water.
This is an indication that the delivery of the submarines, delayed by over four years, is finally on track. The revised deadline for the delivery of the first Scorpene to the Indian Navy is September 2016. Thereafter, the delivery of the subsequent five has been promised at the rate of one every nine months.
A submarine is assembled in dry dock. Floating it in water is an indication that it's in an advanced stage of completion. In technical terminology, this marks the "launch" of the submarine.
"Both the pressure and the outer hull of the first Scorpene are in place. Much of the internal fit is also progressing well. The submarine will now be placed on a pontoon, and tugged out of MDL docks to the nearby Indian Navy Dock. This will free one precious submarine-building dock at MDL, and thus help in meeting deadlines for subsequent Scorpenes. The remaining work on the first submarine, in particular the fitment of batteries, will be done in the Naval Dock," a highly-placed source in the Indian Navy disclosed to The Sunday Guardian.
After the fitment is complete in the Naval Dock, the first Scorpene will be put through harbour trials. Once it clears the harbour trials, the boat will head for sea trials, during which its weapons firing capability will also be validated, before finally being inducted as a warship.
The Scorpene is one of the world's most advanced and stealthy diesel-electrical submarines. It will be armed with Exocet missiles and Black Shark torpedoes.
This marks a desperately-needed relief for the Indian Navy, which has lost five submarines in the last 15 years due to decommissioning or phase-out and accident, but not added a single new conventional submarine.
The Sunday Guardian had reported last week the retirement of INS Sindhurakshak, a Kilo class submarine, which suffered a catastrophic on-board explosion, rendering another blow to India's underwater strength. The number of conventional submarines is down to 13, of which three are in life extension refit. Another six are due for similar life extensions. Due to the critically-low force levels, these will be spared only after the Scorpenes start coming in.
A recent CAG performance audit has brought out the desperation. It disclosed that the operational availability of submarines is as low as 50% of those not in elaborate repair or refit.
The only addition to India's underwater fleet in nearly 15 years was a nuclear-powered Akula class attack submarine, codenamed INS Chakra, in 2012. This has been taken on a 10-year lease from Russia.
To maintain minimum numbers of conventional submarines, India embarked on a 30-year programme in 1999 to build 24 submarines. The programme is alarmingly behind schedule. The contract for the Scorpenes, which were to be the first element, was signed in 2005. The first submarine was scheduled to be delivered in 2012, but is now over four years behind schedule. Timeline slippages also led to heavy cost escalation from the initially contracted Rs 18,798 crore to Rs 23,562 crore.
Because of the huge delay in the Scorpenes and then in deciding on a second line of submarines, the Indian Navy has already obtained government approval for converting the requirement for six of the 24 conventional submarines into nuclear-powered ones (SSNs) akin to the leased INS Chakra. This is also significant from the point of view of increasing forays by Chinese nuclear submarines in waters close to India.
Patrick H. 's insight:
L'information publiée hier était inexacte ; j'ai donc corrigé le titre pour qu'il reflète la teneur exacte de l'évènement ! merci à ceux qui me l'ont signalé.
Danish warships could end up as targets for Russian nuclear missiles if Denmark joins the NATO missile defence shield, according to Mikhail Vanin, the Russian ambassador to Denmark.
“I do not think that the Danes fully understand the consequences if Denmark joins the US-led missile defence shield,” Vanin told Jyllands-Posten. “If that happens, Danish warships become targets for Russian nuclear missiles.”
Vanin said that Denmark would become “part of the threat to Russia and relations with Russia will be damaged”. Vanin warned that joining the defence shield would be “Denmark’s decision” and that the country would “lose both money and security”.
Foreign minister angry Martin Lidegaard, the Danish foreign minister, was not pleased with Vanin’s comments.
“This is obviously unacceptable,” Lidegaard said. “Russia knows very well that NATO’s missile defence system is defensive. We disagree with Russia on many important things, but it is important that the tone between us remains as positive as possible.”
Chinese state-owned shipbuilder China Shipbuilding and Offshore International Company (CSOC) is showcasing a new 80 m patrol vessel concept at the LIMA 2015 exhibition in Langkawi.
Li Peng, CSOC's project manager for Asia and Latin America, told IHS Jane's that the vessel, known as the 1000T Patrol Craft, has been conceived to meet what the company sees as rising demand for offshore patrol vessels in the South Asian, Southeast Asian, and South American regions.
"The vessel does not come equipped with missiles or anti-submarine equipment", said Li who added that the ship has been minimally armed to position it for the protection of commercial interests such as oil rigs, fishing areas, and piracy-prone waterways.
The vessel is equipped with one 76 mm gun as its primary weapon and two 30 mm guns, one each on the port and starboard sides. Its flight deck can take one helicopter to assist in search-and-rescue operations. The vessel displaces 1,200 tonnes at standard displacement and can reach a top speed of 24 kt.
Li says that the company has not yet received any indications of interest for the ship but remains optimistic that it will fulfil a demand for basic patrol vessels in the region.
The multirole Yasen-class nuclear sub Arkhangelsk and the diesel-electric Lada-class Velikiye Luki have been laid down as part of Submariners' Day celebrations.
Two new submarines will be laid down to celebrate Russian Submariners' Day on March 19, the Arkhangelsk, a 120-meter Yasen-class nuclear submarine and Velikiye Luki, a 72-meter Lada-class diesel-electric submarine as part of the rearmament program which will complete in 2020.
A Strategic Goal
Currently there is only one Yasen-class multirole submarine in the Russian Navy, the Severodvinsk, seven of which are expected to be made. Notably, the submarines are made using solely Russian defense industries, as components made in the former USSR have been phased out.
Multirole nuclear submarines have been growing in importance internationally, and in the US Navy, they have been slowly pushing out strategic subs, as since 2004, 11 Virginia-class submarines have been built and seven more are in the works. Meanwhile, the last strategic nuclear sub made in the US, the Ohio-class USS Louisiana, was laid down in 1992.
Strategic nuclear submarines and multirole submarines form the foundation of the Russian Navy's Submarine Forces. By 2020, the state rearmament program projects that the navy will receive eight Borei-class strategic nuclear submarines, three of which have already entered service, and two more of which will be laid down by 2016.
Quieter Than Water
Meanwhile, Lada-class diesel submarines are meant to replace the Varshavianka-class, two of which are currently in service in the Black Sea Fleet, a third undergoing trials, and three more are under construction but expected to be in service by in 2016, after which the contract won't be renewed. The Lada was meant to replace the Varshavianka in the late 1990s, but issues with the engine and acoustic isolation caused the first ship, the Saint Petersburg, to only be finished in 2010.
The new Velikiye Luki submarine will be built according to a new, modernized project, and will have "improved stealth parameters and extended autonomous operation," according to Navy Commander Viktor Chirkov. This most likely means a new engine which does not depend on the submarine's oxygen supply, which gives submarines improved stealth and allows them to stay underwater longer.
The Varshavianka, called the "Improved Kilo" in NATO terminology, has been called the "Black Hole" by the organization because of their quiet operation. The project dates back to the 1970s, and is considered one of the best diesel submarine projects, as despite its stealth, it has six 533-mm torpedo bays which automatically reload every 15 seconds.
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