Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 220
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onto Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 220
September 4, 7:13 AM!

Dichiarazione di iSMA su diversità, equità e inclusione

Dichiarazione di iSMA su diversità, equità e inclusione | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |

(Edizione italiana) L'International Social Marketing Association (iSMA) si impegna a promuovere la diversità, l'equità e l'inclusione (DEI) come principi fondamentali che guidano le azioni e le decisioni.

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Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220
Marketing sociale. Health promotion. Social media.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
October 6, 3:54 PM!

Making the World Safe for Coca-Cola - THE LANCET

Making the World Safe for Coca-Cola - THE LANCET | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |

Greenhalgh's book is a painstaking academic exercise using interviews, internal emails, and other source documents to trace the evolution and impact of what she terms “soda science”, funded by corporations. Her argument is “that corporate science is distorted and at the same time is (a kind of) science”. Obviously, that makes it harder to debunk.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
October 7, 3:50 AM!

The 6th European Social Marketing Conference 2024, 4-6 November, LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA

The 6th European Social Marketing Conference 2024, 4-6 November, LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |

The European Social Marketing Conference gives particular focus to behaviour change initatives in the region and provides a platform for European behaviour change professionals from a range of disciplines and sectors to come together, share best practice and help develop programmes for social good.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
October 6, 4:15 PM!

The practice and ethics of influence. ‘Lectio magistralis’ by François Lagarde

The practice and ethics of influence. ‘Lectio magistralis’ by François Lagarde | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |

La pratique de l’influence est d’abord une question pragmatique sur les changements sociaux ou comportements souhaités. Il s’agit ensuite de prendre en compte le contexte ainsi que les motivations, les attitudes, les freins et les normes […]

Friday 4 October, on Zoom. All the slides in this page

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
October 7, 4:24 AM!

Structural racism and the social determinants of health - Michael Marmot,  Habib Naqvi, Cordelle Ofori, Kevin Fenton

Structural racism and the social determinants of health - Michael Marmot,  Habib Naqvi, Cordelle Ofori, Kevin Fenton | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |

Racism is a scar on society. Social justice requires

that we take the necessary action to deal with it and

its effects on health.
Link to the article

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
October 7, 4:49 AM!

The Battle between Commercial Marketing and Social Marketing: il commento di Sabina Cedri

The Battle between Commercial Marketing and Social Marketing: il commento di Sabina Cedri | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |

Sabina Cedri. Istituto Superiore di Sanità.

Quest’articolo di Kotler e Fattori, di indubbio interesse, spinge chi si occupa di marketing sociale, e non solo, a fare alcune riflessioni...

The Battle between Commercial Marketing and Social Marketing

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
October 7, 4:10 AM!

PrEPárate: Evaluation of a Community-Driven PrEP Social Marketing Intervention Tailored to Latino/a/x Individuals - AIDS and Behavior

PrEPárate: Evaluation of a Community-Driven PrEP Social Marketing Intervention Tailored to Latino/a/x Individuals - AIDS and Behavior | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |

Social marketing campaigns, anchored in community engagement, may be an effective strategy to increase PrEP awareness and uptake among underserved Latino/a/x populations.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
October 7, 3:13 AM!

A recycling story: Developing recycling behavior in Turkey with social marketing program - Meftune Özbakır Umut, Meltem Nurtanış Velioğlu

A recycling story: Developing recycling behavior in Turkey with social marketing program - Meftune Özbakır Umut, Meltem Nurtanış Velioğlu | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |

This article provides an example of a social marketing program to improve recycling behavior. It hopes to inspire significantly more work in this area to make behavior change for the better.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
October 6, 4:40 PM!

The Public Health Communicators Guide to Misinformation

The Public Health Communicators Guide to Misinformation | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |

Building continued trust in public health requires communicators to learn how to identify false narratives and respond with clarity, accurate information, and accessible language.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
September 4, 7:13 AM!

Dichiarazione di iSMA su diversità, equità e inclusione

Dichiarazione di iSMA su diversità, equità e inclusione | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |

(Edizione italiana) L'International Social Marketing Association (iSMA) si impegna a promuovere la diversità, l'equità e l'inclusione (DEI) come principi fondamentali che guidano le azioni e le decisioni.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
September 3, 3:25 PM!

Giuseppe Fattori's Social Marketing 2024/2025 course kicks off at the University of Bologna

Giuseppe Fattori's Social Marketing 2024/2025 course kicks off at the University of Bologna | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |

Academic Year 2024/2025 Learning outcomes. At the end of the course the student will have acquired conceptual, methodological and practical skills of social marketing applied to issues of public utility, with particular reference to the environment, sustainable development and “One Health”.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
September 3, 1:17 PM!

Social marketing for One Health al Corso di alta formazione manageriale per la direzione di azienda sanitaria e ospedaliera (II livello) - Università degli studi Carlo Bo di Urbino

Social marketing for One Health al Corso di alta formazione manageriale per la direzione di azienda sanitaria e ospedaliera (II livello) - Università degli studi Carlo Bo di Urbino | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |

Il 6 Settembre e 4 Ottobre dalle 9 alle 17:30 

-Gea Ducci: Approfondimenti sulle tecniche di comunicazione

-Giuseppe Fattori: Social Marketing for one Health

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
September 3, 3:53 PM!

The Battle between Commercial Marketing and Social Marketing: il commento di Sergio Cherubini

The Battle between Commercial Marketing and Social Marketing: il commento di Sergio Cherubini | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |

The Battle between Commercial Marketing and Social Marketing Commento del Prof. Sergio Cherubini Università di Roma Tor Vergata - Facoltà di Economia 

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
September 3, 3:12 PM!

Social marketing targeting healthy eating and physical activity in young adult university students: A scoping review 

Social marketing targeting healthy eating and physical activity in young adult university students: A scoping review  | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |

Adult obesity has remained a key health concern globally. Theory-based social marketing interventions are considered effective for improving dietary and physical activity (PA) behaviours. 

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
October 6, 4:53 PM!

David Quammen, un romanziere prestato alla scienza - forward

David Quammen, un romanziere prestato alla scienza - forward | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |
L'intervista di Roberta Villa, giornalista scientifica, all'autore di "Spillover" e "Il cuore selvaggio della natura".
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
October 7, 3:30 AM!

Alicante 2025 – World Social Marketing

Alicante 2025 – World Social Marketing | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |

The 9th World Social Marketing Conference will focus on the theme "Catalysts for Change: Uniting Global Efforts to Shape a Better Future." This theme underscores the importance of collective action, innovation, and collaboration in addressing the pressing social, environmental, and health challenges of our time.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
October 6, 4:33 PM!

Neuromarketing in Social Marketing - Luis Alberto Casado Aranda, Carla Rodriguez Sanchez & Franco Sancho Esper

Neuromarketing in Social Marketing - Luis Alberto Casado Aranda, Carla Rodriguez Sanchez & Franco Sancho Esper | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |

The application of neuromarketing in social marketing involves the use of neuroimaging and psychological tools to reveal the neuropsychological bases of human decision-making and behavior in social contexts.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
October 6, 4:50 PM!

Practising Less is More: An Exploration of What it Means to See “This Patient” Not a “Patient Like This” - M. Bobbio, M. Chiarlo, P. Arcadi, E. Kidd

Practising Less is More: An Exploration of What it Means to See “This Patient” Not a “Patient Like This” - M. Bobbio, M. Chiarlo, P. Arcadi, E. Kidd | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |

In the last decade literature focused on a “less is more” approach has been primarily represented by clinical cases describing the excesses of an aggressive, redundant, non-personalized, and nonrespectful medicine.....

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
October 6, 3:39 PM!

Also Social Marketing at the National Congress of International Society of Physicians for the Environment (ISDE)

Also Social Marketing at the National Congress of International Society of Physicians for the Environment (ISDE) | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |
Chi pagherà per gli eccessi di malattie e mortalità dovuti alla crisi del clima e dei sistemi sanitari? La politica ascolti la scienza o metterà a rischio salute
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
October 6, 4:26 PM!

L'efficacité du marketing social en promotion des saines habitudes de vie

L'efficacité du marketing social en promotion des saines habitudes de vie | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |

Cette publication est la première d’une série visant à identifier des stratégies efficaces ou

prometteuses d'intervention socioculturelle pour favoriser la saine alimentation et le mode de vie

physiquement actif. Les deux premières stratégies étudiées seront : 1) le marketing social;

2) l’engagement des leaders du milieu.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
October 6, 4:42 PM!

La scienza indaga ma nessuno indaga sulla scienza - Di Andrea Capocci - il manifesto

La scienza indaga ma nessuno indaga sulla scienza - Di Andrea Capocci - il manifesto | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |

Leonid Schneider è un riferimento per chi si occupa di eticità della ricerca, tuttavia il giornalismo scientifico rimane una merce rarissima.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
October 6, 4:35 PM!

Determinants of behaviour and their efficacy as targets of behavioural change interventions - Nature Reviews Psychology

Determinants of behaviour and their efficacy as targets of behavioural change interventions - Nature Reviews Psychology | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |

Unprecedented social, environmental, political and economic challenges — such as pandemics and epidemics, environmental degradation and community violence — require taking stock of how to promote behaviours that benefit individuals and society at large. 

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
October 6, 3:57 PM!

6 major academic publishers face antitrust lawsuit

6 major academic publishers face antitrust lawsuit | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |
The defendants, including Elsevier and Wiley, have done "tremendous damage to science and the public interest,” the complaint alleged.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
September 3, 12:53 PM!

A Vision of the Future: Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Strategic Social Marketing -  William Douglas Evans, Marco Bardus, Jeffrey French 

A Vision of the Future: Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Strategic Social Marketing -  William Douglas Evans, Marco Bardus, Jeffrey French  | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming much of society in a short time. Regardless of whether we know it, we interact with AI systems when we seek information online, shop, work, and engage with social media. AI has massive potential to promote human wellbeing but also poses considerable risks, as set out in an open letter signed by leaders in the field, such as Geoffrey Hinton, the “Godfather of AI”.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
September 3, 12:29 PM!

Enabling Change: Strategies for Inclusion, Equity, Wellbeing and Sustainability - European SociaL Marketing Conference 2024

Enabling Change: Strategies for Inclusion, Equity, Wellbeing and Sustainability - European SociaL Marketing Conference 2024 | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |

Programme Slovenia 2024. Speakers. Committee. Programme. Registration Winter Training School Skills Workshops 


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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
September 3, 4:07 PM!

L’intelligenza artificiale in sanità tra etica e applicazione

L’intelligenza artificiale in sanità tra etica e applicazione | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 220 |

Equità di accesso ai servizi sanitari e sociali: una AI responsabile può servire a promuovere equità e superamento delle diseguaglianze per raggiungere migliori risultati di salute per tutti.

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