Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
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Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222
Marketing sociale. Health promotion. Social media.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 11, 6:24 AM!

Update on The Future of Social Marketing: Let’s Get it in Orbit by 2025! - By Nancy Lee

Update on The Future of Social Marketing: Let’s Get it in Orbit by 2025! - By Nancy Lee | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222 |
Update on The Future of Social Marketing: Let’s Get it in Orbit by 2025! By Nancy Lee In 2019, I launched an effort to help “Institutionalize Social Marketing” and wrote an article for Social Marketing Quarterly (SMQ) on The Future of Social Marketing: Let’s Get It In Orbit by 2025. You can read the article
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 11, 11:40 AM!

Harnessing social marketing for interdisciplinary health management: enhancing public health outcomes

Harnessing social marketing for interdisciplinary health management: enhancing public health outcomes | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222 |

Social marketing can effectively reach diverse populations, encouraging them to adopt practices that enhance their wellbeing. This approach not only increases awareness about health issues but also empowers people to take proactive steps in managing their health, ultimately leading to improved public health outcomes.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 11, 2:33 PM!

Phygital Approaches to Social Marketing. Kakhaber Djakeli

Phygital Approaches to Social Marketing. Kakhaber Djakeli | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222 |

In social marketing, the concept of phygital approaches, blending physical and digital experiences, has emerged as a transformative strategy. As consumers navigate the digital world, implementing phygital techniques offers a unique opportunity to create immersive and engaging brand interactions. 

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 11, 2:28 PM!

Are Americans Getting Dumber? - Philip Kotler

Are Americans Getting Dumber? - Philip Kotler | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222 |

I always believed that Americans are among the most educated people in the world. So I put the question to the internet: What countries have the most college-educated people? To my shock, the U.S. wasn’t included in the top ten most educated nations...

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 11, 2:58 PM!

Happiness 2.0: Social media use and well-being in adolescents, with Dr. Laura Marciano

Happiness 2.0: Social media use and well-being in adolescents, with Dr. Laura Marciano | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222 |

In this speech Dr. Laura Marciano discussed the Happiness 2.0 Project. This project aims to explore the complex relationship between social media use and adolescent well-being through a series of activities combining arts and science. 

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 11, 3:02 PM!

The secret to long-lasting connection? Shared rituals - David Robson. BBC

The secret to long-lasting connection? Shared rituals - David Robson. BBC | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222 |
Michael Norton has spent decades studying why human relationships last. Sharing rituals – from a clink of a glass to Christmas Day traditions – have a powerful positive effect.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 11, 11:20 AM!

 Marketing et lobbying du tabac: Comment lutter? 

 Marketing et lobbying du tabac: Comment lutter?  | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222 |

L’axe thématique “Marketing social” coordonné par Karine Gallopel-Morvan est heureux de vous annoncer la tenue prochaine d’une journée d’étude et d’échanges consacrée au tabac et vous invite à marquer vos agendas

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 11, 3:15 PM!

Sustainable Fashion, Circularity and Consumer Behavior – Systematic Review and a Social Marketing Research and Policy Agenda. Julianna Faludi - Social Marketing Quarterly

Sustainable Fashion, Circularity and Consumer Behavior – Systematic Review and a Social Marketing Research and Policy Agenda. Julianna Faludi - Social Marketing Quarterly | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222 |

Circular fashion presents a new challenge in understanding consumers and marketing. There is a gap in research connecting the different layers of consumer behavior, sustainable fashion, with a systemized view on social marketing.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 11, 3:27 PM!

Transitioning beyond single-use plastic drinks cups: an emergent social marketing case study in Scotland - Marylyn Carrigan, Victoria Wells, Kerry Mackay. Emerald Insight

Transitioning beyond single-use plastic drinks cups: an emergent social marketing case study in Scotland - Marylyn Carrigan, Victoria Wells, Kerry Mackay. Emerald Insight | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222 |

This study aims to investigate whether consumers and small businesses can transition from disposable to reusable coffee cups, using a community social marketing intervention, led by a Social Purpose Organisation.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 11, 3:04 PM!

The Green Dilemma: Can AI Fulfil Its Potential Without Harming the Environment?

The Green Dilemma: Can AI Fulfil Its Potential Without Harming the Environment? | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222 |
In this article, we delve into the environmental impact of AI, exploring associated problems including emissions and e-waste.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
December 13, 2024 4:11 PM!

Alicante 2025 – World Social Marketing. CALL FOR ABSTRACTS OPEN

Alicante 2025 – World Social Marketing. CALL FOR ABSTRACTS OPEN | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222 |

Alicante 2025 - 7 NOVEMBER 2025.

The 9th World Social Marketing Conference will focus on the theme "Catalysts for Change: Uniting Global Efforts to Shape a Better Future."

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
December 13, 2024 4:00 PM!

Welcome to the Fall iSMA Newsletter!

Welcome to the Fall iSMA Newsletter! | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222 |

In this newsletter, you’ll find exciting updates and useful resources designed to keep you engaged and informed:

  • Global and Local Events

  • Educational Resources

  • Community Connections

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
December 13, 2024 4:07 PM!

Chaos and Social Marketing. Turning Chaos into Meaning: A Cognitive Approach to Public Policy - Luísa Godinho & Carlos Oliveira Santos

Chaos and Social Marketing. Turning Chaos into Meaning: A Cognitive Approach to Public Policy - Luísa Godinho & Carlos Oliveira Santos | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222 |

Chaos dynamics are abundantly present in nature as well as in societies as an undesirable phenomenon. Sometimes, chaotic situations and problems are associated with a lack of meaning to understand their dynamics...

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 11, 6:55 AM!

Italian Social Marketing in orbit by 2025. Inspired by a project of Nancy Lee – iSMA

Italian Social Marketing in orbit by 2025. Inspired by a project of Nancy Lee – iSMA | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222 |

Italian Social Marketing in orbit. Inspired by a project of Nancy Lee - iSMA. University Courses of Social Marketing. Field activities. Critical Social Marketing. Books, Chapters, Articles. Student posters ..

The Association of Social Promotion registered in the National Register of the Third Sector (RUNTS)

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 11, 12:26 PM!

"Ambiente e salute in 100 secondi" in collaborazione con Marco Talluri

"Ambiente e salute in 100 secondi" in collaborazione con Marco Talluri | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222 |

Inizia una collaborazione con Marco Talluri e il suo Blog “Ambiente e non solo”. Presenteremo  brevi interviste video sui temi di Agenda 2030 e One Health per lo sviluppo sostenibile ..
La clip di presentazione sul canale youtube di Marketing sociale

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 11, 2:37 PM!

Assicurazioni USA. Chi è il killer? - Gavino Maciocco Salute internazionale

Assicurazioni USA. Chi è il killer? - Gavino Maciocco Salute internazionale | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222 |

L’uccisione del CEO di UnitedHealthcare ha suscitato un’ondata di solidarietà e ammirazione nei confronti del colpevole, Luigi Mangione, celebrato come un eroe sui social, mentre sono andate a ruba le magliette con scritto “Free Luigi”, espressione della rabbia diffusa tra la popolazione nei confronti delle compagnie assicurative.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 11, 3:47 PM!

Perché la politica ignora la scienza. di Luca Carra, Sergio Cima - scienzainrete

Perché la politica ignora la scienza. di Luca Carra, Sergio Cima - scienzainrete | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222 |
Un recente sondaggio condotto da Nature tra circa 400 esperti del rapporto fra scienza e politiche a livello globale ha messo in luce una criticità preoccupante: l'80% degli intervistati ritiene che il sistema di consulenza scientifica nel proprio paese sia inefficace o lacunoso, e il 70% afferma che i governi non utilizzano regolarmente i pareri scientifici nelle loro decisioni. Le ragioni sono varie.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 11, 4:08 PM!

Michela Marzano. Dimmi chi sono - festivalfilosofia 2024

Michela Marzano. Dimmi chi sono - festivalfilosofia 2024 | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222 |

A quale sistema di aspettative sono sottoposte le persone nel contesto delle nostre società? Quali sono le prestazioni attese, in tema di processi identitari o di identificazione e riconoscimento di sé?

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 11, 3:52 PM!

Rispettare l’autonomia per un mondo più sano. Sandro Galea - forward 

Rispettare l’autonomia per un mondo più sano. Sandro Galea - forward  | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222 |

Questi saggi riguardano riflessioni che contribuiscono alla salute delle popolazioni, che possono informare la scienza e la ricerca e, forse indirettamente, l’azione. In definitiva, il blog The Healthiest Goldfish vuole essere un progetto costruttivo. 

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 11, 11:30 AM!

Pourquoi fumer c'est de droite. Olivier Milleron

Pourquoi fumer c'est de droite. Olivier Milleron | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222 |

Olivier Milleron dévoile l'intrication de l'histoire du tabac avec celle du capitalisme et du colonialisme. Car l'industrie du tabac participe au pire du capitalisme mondialisé, échappant au contrôle des états et des citoyens. Pour l'auteur, se réclamer de la gauche anti-capitaliste et fumer relève de la contradiction politique. 

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 11, 3:20 PM!

Sustainable fashion? There’s no such thing. Lauren Indvik - FINANCIAL TIMES

Sustainable fashion? There’s no such thing. Lauren Indvik - FINANCIAL TIMES | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222 |

The industry’s marketing may be ultra-green but the reality is very different.

There are some phrases so well-worn, we become numb to their meaning. For me, “sustainable fashion” is one of those phrases.

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
January 11, 3:28 PM!

More than 400 chemicals in plastic products linked to breast cancer – study. The Guardian

More than 400 chemicals in plastic products linked to breast cancer – study. The Guardian | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222 |

More than 400 chemicals regularly used in everyday plastic products are linked to breast cancer, and the dangerous compounds could be a driver of increasingly elevated cancer rates in young women, new research finds.

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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from Italian Social Marketing Association - Newsletter 222
January 11, 3:30 PM!

Se la Newsletter MKTS vi è piaciuta consigliatela!

Se la Newsletter MKTS vi è piaciuta consigliatela! | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222 |

Ecco il link per iscriversi

Via Giuseppe Fattori
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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
December 13, 2024 5:20 PM!

Marketing sociale per la salute e l’ambiente nella società digitale - Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo

Marketing sociale per la salute e l’ambiente nella società digitale - Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222 |

Seminario di Giuseppe Fattori.

Introduce e coordina:

Gea Ducci, docente del corso di Comunicazione sociale e istituzionale

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Scooped by Giuseppe Fattori
December 13, 2024 5:48 PM!

Marketing sociale per One Health - Congresso Nazionale ISDE 2024 -  G.Fattori 

Marketing sociale per One Health - Congresso Nazionale ISDE 2024 -  G.Fattori  | Italian Social Marketing Association -   Newsletter 222 |

Congresso Nazionale ISDE 2024 - International Society of Doctors for the Environment.

Title: Marketing sociale per One Health  

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