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onto MED-Amin network
January 21, 11:32 AM!

MOROCCO Introduces New Support System for Soft Wheat Imports in Early 2025

MOROCCO Introduces New Support System for Soft Wheat Imports in Early 2025 | MED-Amin network |

(Morocco World News) "Morocco has introduced a new support system for importing soft wheat starting next year, from January 1 to April 30."

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MED-Amin network
(Mediterranean Agricultural Information Network) Fostering cooperation and experience sharing among the national information systems on agricultural (cereals) markets in the Mediterranean. The network of 13 countries is coordinated by CIHEAM, and more specifically by its Mediterranean Agronomic Institute (MAI) of Montpellier.
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Today, 9:28 AM!

État des céréales d’hiver 2025 : « pas la panacée, mais on croise les doigts 

(Terre-net) "Globalement, les surfaces de céréales d’hiver pour la campagne 2025 sont en hausse : + 7,2 % sur un an, comme l’indiquait Agreste dans son rapport du 11 février."

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Today, 5:14 AM!

MOROCCO's livestock hit by consecutive droughts, agriculture minister says

(Reuters) "RABAT, Feb 13 (Reuters) - Morocco's cattle and sheep herds have decreased by 38% compared with the last census nine years ago due to consecutive droughts, agriculture minister Ahmed El Bouari said on Thursday."

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Scooped by CIHEAM News
Today, 5:44 AM!

Μπαίνει δυναμικά η Αλγερία στην καλλιέργεια καλαμποκιού και ελαιούχων σπόρων / ALGERIA makes a strong entry into the cultivation of maize and oilseeds

(AgroTypos) " Algeria currently imports 100% of its maize and oilseed needs. In total, it allocates €3.24 billion per year to the import of these products. To reduce this dependence on imports, the Algerian government has launched a strategic programme to develop these crops in the country. The programme, which will start in March 2025, envisages the development, on a total area of 5,200,000 hectares, of corn and oilseed crops (sunflower, rapeseed and soybean) by 2028."

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Today, 7:28 AM!

Tour de plaine des cultures d'hiver 2025 : faut-il craindre l’excès d’eau ? (FRANCE)

Tour de plaine des cultures d'hiver 2025 : faut-il craindre l’excès d’eau ? (FRANCE) | MED-Amin network |

(Réussir - La Dépêche le Petit Meunier) "Les récentes pluies en abondance inquiètent sur certains territoires alors que les travaux dans les champs doivent reprendre prochainement. Arvalis, via la voix de son expert Jean-Charles Deswarte, constate actuellement des sols qui peinent à se ressuyer. Cependant, il est encore nécessaire d’attendre trois semaines pour éclaircir les situations sur les cultures de céréales d’hiver en place et les prochains semis d’orge. En parallèle, Agreste vient de publier les surfaces françaises de céréales d’hiver, qui confirment les remontées terrain d’Arvalis."

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Scooped by CIHEAM News
Today, 5:42 AM!

Mediterranean countries are among the top 3 buyers of Ukrainian wheat

Mediterranean countries are among the top 3 buyers of Ukrainian wheat | MED-Amin network |

(, translation by UkrAgroConsult) "Ukraine exported 891 thsd tonnes of wheat in January 2025. This was reported by the Ukrainian Grain Association on Facebook. Spain imported the most Ukrainian wheat in the first month of the year – 223 thsd tonnes. Algeria is the second with 196 thsd tonnes, Egypt is the third, having purchased 156 thsd tonnes of wheat from Ukraine."

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Today, 5:52 AM!

AMIS Market Monitor - No. 125 February 2025

(AMIS) "Except for maize, where international export prices reached a 15-month peak amidst supply concerns, global prices of AMIS crops are currently lower than they were a year ago. However, concerns about winter wheat crop conditions in parts of the EU, the Russian Federation, Ukraine and North America provide support to quotations in some origins. Markets are also watching for potential changes in US trade policies and the responses from trading partners. This month's feature article reveals no evidence of long-term global yield growth deceleration. Instead, slow yield growth in certain commodities, regions, or countries, appears to have been offset by accelerated growth elsewhere. Yet, caution is in order: Global temperatures in 2024 were the warmest since records began in 1850, necessitating developments of cultivars resilient to temperature and precipitation variations."

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Today, 5:39 AM!

Турция измести Испания от челното място по внос на украинска царевица | Agri.BG / TÜRKIYE has displaced SPAIN as the top importer of Ukrainian corn

Турция измести Испания от челното място по внос на украинска царевица | Agri.BG / TÜRKIYE has displaced SPAIN as the top importer of Ukrainian corn | MED-Amin network |

(Agri.BG) "For the first few months of the 2024/2025 marketing year, Turkey overtook Spain as the largest importer of Ukrainian corn, according to statistics from the Ukrainian agency ASAP Agri."

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Today, 9:57 AM!

Acqua e dighe irrigue al Sud, tra limiti e vincoli - Economia e politica - AgroNotizie  /Water and irrigation dams in the South, between limits and constraints (ITALY)

Acqua e dighe irrigue al Sud, tra limiti e vincoli - Economia e politica - AgroNotizie  /Water and irrigation dams in the South, between limits and constraints (ITALY) | MED-Amin network |

(AgroNotizie) "It is not only drought that is putting agriculture in southern Italy out of business. Often it is precisely the reservoirs for irrigation use that are - for various reasons - half-full: experimental, with limitations on reservoir capacity and in need of maintenance"

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Scooped by CIHEAM News
February 11, 4:44 AM!

Weak Rainfall Proves Harsh Obstacle for MOROCCO’s Ongoing Agricultural Season

Weak Rainfall Proves Harsh Obstacle for MOROCCO’s Ongoing Agricultural Season | MED-Amin network |

(Morocco World News) "Morocco continues its battle against drought, which has greatly marred the country’s agriculture season."

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February 11, 4:29 AM!

Drier weather lowers TURKIYE’s crop production | World Grain

Drier weather lowers TURKIYE’s crop production | World Grain | MED-Amin network |

(World Grain) "Nation still has large carryover stocks of wheat, barley"

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Today, 5:53 AM!

FAO Food Price index declined in January 2025, mostly due to lower sugar, vegetable oil and meat prices

FAO Food Price index declined in January 2025, mostly due to lower sugar, vegetable oil and meat prices | MED-Amin network |

(FAO) "The FAO Food Price Index* (FFPI) averaged 124.9 points in January 2025, down 2.1 points (1.6 percent) from its revised December level."


"TheFAO Cereal Price Indexaveraged 111.7 points in January, up 0.3 points (0.3 percent) from December but still 8.2 points (6.9 percent) below its year-earlier level. Wheat export prices dropped very slightly in January, with little movements during the month."

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Today, 5:56 AM!

FAO Cereal Supply and Demand Brief | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

FAO Cereal Supply and Demand Brief | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations | MED-Amin network |

(FAO) "The latest forecast for global cereal production in 2024 has been marginally scaled back from the previous month and remains at just under 2 841 million tonnes, 0.6 percent lower year on year."


"World cereal utilization in 2024/25 is forecast to rise by 0.9 percent (24.5 million tonnes) above the 2023/24 level, reaching 2 869 million tonnes, up 9.8 million tonnes since the December report."


"FAO’s latest forecast for world cereal stocks by the close of seasons in 2025 has been revised downwards by 7.8 million tonnes, now pointing to a 2.2 percent decline (19.3 million tonnes) below opening levels to 866.6 million tonnes. Despite the expected decline in stocks, the global cereal stocks-to-use ratio in 2024/25 is anticipated to remain at a comfortable level of 29.8 percent, albeit down from the 2023/24 level of 30.9 percent."


"Remaining nearly unchanged since the previous forecast at 483.5 million tonnes, world trade in cereals in 2024/25 is headed for a contraction of 5.6 percent (28.7 million tonnes) from the 2023/24 level."

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Today, 9:36 AM!

Şemsi Bayraktar: Decline in rural population poses risks to agricultural production! (TÜRKIYE)

Şemsi Bayraktar: Decline in rural population poses risks to agricultural production! (TÜRKIYE) | MED-Amin network |

(Turkish Agri.News) "The population in rural areas is both declining and aging in Türkiye, creating risks to the country's agricultural production."

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Today, 5:45 AM!

Египет планира увеличаване на покупките на местна пшеница с 11 на сто | Пазари / EGYPT plans to increase local wheat purchases by 11 per cent

Египет планира увеличаване на покупките на местна пшеница с 11 на сто | Пазари / EGYPT plans to increase local wheat purchases by 11 per cent | MED-Amin network |

(Sinor) "The Egyptian government plans to increase purchases of wheat from local farmers by 11 per cent to shrink state imports by 200,000 tonnes"

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Today, 7:21 AM!

Les perspectives s’améliorent pour les exportations françaises d’orge, selon FranceAgriMer

Les perspectives s’améliorent pour les exportations françaises d’orge, selon FranceAgriMer | MED-Amin network |

(La Dépêche le Petit Meunier) "Lors de son dernier conseil spécialisé Grandes cultures du 12 février, FranceAgriMer a révisé en hausse de 100 000 t sa prévision d’exportation d’orges françaises vers les pays tiers à l’inverse du mois de janvier."

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Today, 7:07 AM!

Les pluies attendues pour sauver une campagne qui s'annonce compliquée (Maroc)

Les pluies attendues pour sauver une campagne qui s'annonce compliquée (Maroc) | MED-Amin network |

(AgriMaroc) "La campagne agricole 2024/2025 traverse une période critique, marquée par un déficit hydrique inquiétant. Alors que les précipitations se font attendre, l’ensemble du secteur agricole est en alerte, redoutant une année particulièrement difficile."

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Today, 7:13 AM!

« Les prix du blé dur devraient rester stables jusqu’à la fin de la campagne », selon Patrick Jouannic de Soufflet by Invivo

« Les prix du blé dur devraient rester stables jusqu’à la fin de la campagne », selon Patrick Jouannic de Soufflet by Invivo | MED-Amin network |

(Réussir - La Dépêche le Petit Meunier) "Lors de la journée filière blé dur, organisée par Arvalis le 6 février dernier, une table ronde a rassemblé des acteurs du marché français. Pour Patrick Jouannic, chargé du commerce du blé dur de Soufflet by Invivo, le marché a déjà pris en compte le remaniement des flux et le manque de liquidités se fait sentir."

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Today, 5:10 AM!

FRANCE raises soft wheat area estimate to 4.57 million hectares - Markets - Business Recorder

FRANCE raises soft wheat area estimate to 4.57 million hectares - Markets - Business Recorder | MED-Amin network |

(Business Recorder) "PARIS: France’s farm ministry on Tuesday increased its estimate of the area sown with winter soft wheat for the 2025 harvest to 4.57 million hectares from 4.51 million in its initial projection in December."

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Today, 7:32 AM!

La fin de l'USAID aura un fort impact sur les pays les plus pauvres selon le CGD

La fin de l'USAID aura un fort impact sur les pays les plus pauvres selon le CGD | MED-Amin network |

(Ici Beyrouth) "Le gel des activités de l'agence américaine de développement USAID, et son possible démantèlement, vont avoir un impact important sur certains des pays les plus pauvres, a alerté mardi le Centre du développement mondial (CGD), une ONG basée à Washington."

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Today, 5:18 AM!

Обзор рынка зерна и кормов Турции - - все масла мира / TÜRKIYE Grain and Feed Market Overview

(OilWorld) "In marketing year (MY) 2024/25, Turkiye's wheat, barley and maize production is forecast to decline due to drier than normal weather conditions during the growing season. Despite this reduction, Turkiye continues to have large carryover stocks of wheat and barley from last year."

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Today, 9:38 AM!

Turkish exports of flour to Syria expected to rise to 400,000 tonnes…

Turkish exports of flour to Syria expected to rise to 400,000 tonnes… | MED-Amin network |

(Turkish "Türkiye’s exports of flour to its southern neighbour Syria are expected to reach 400,000 tonnes this year, increasing 23 percent on an annual basis, according to a recent statement from the International Association of Operative Millers (IAOM)"

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Today, 7:40 AM!

EGYPT’s wheat imports and flour exports reach new heights in 2024 | Miller Magazine

EGYPT’s wheat imports and flour exports reach new heights in 2024 | Miller Magazine | MED-Amin network |

(Miller Magzaine) "Egypt's wheat imports reached a record high in 2024, driven by an improved financial situation and a significant rise in wheat flour exports, according to Fastmarkets. The country imported 14.4 million tonnes of wheat in 2024, while exporting over 1 million tonnes of flour to Middle Eastern and African markets between January and October 2024."

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Today, 5:59 AM!

Drought intensifies during northern and southern Africa’s main crop seasons

Drought intensifies during northern and southern Africa’s main crop seasons | MED-Amin network |

(ASAP assessment January 2025 - European Commission) "In North Africa, very low rainfall since November 2024 has resulted in the condition of cereals being poor to very poor in Algeria (except in the north-east), Morocco and the centre-west of Tunisia. Low rainfall is forecast for February and March 2025, which suggests pessimistic prospects for winter cereals in most areas."

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Today, 5:24 AM!

How US tariffs could impact the MENA region

(S&P Global) "The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has not been cited so far as a focus for the new US administration’s actions regarding trade tariffs. It remains exposed to the imposition of general global US tariffs and to the indirect economic consequences of trade measures imposed on other geographic areas."

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Scooped by CIHEAM News
February 11, 4:27 AM!

FAS forecasts big drop in Ukraine grain exports | World Grain

FAS forecasts big drop in Ukraine grain exports | World Grain | MED-Amin network |

(World Grain) "Agency projects 26% decline in year-on-year shipments"

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