MED-Amin network
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onto MED-Amin network
December 2, 2024 4:42 AM!

JRC MARS Bulletin - Crop monitoring in Europe in November 2024 - European Commission

JRC MARS Bulletin - Crop monitoring in Europe in November 2024 - European Commission | MED-Amin network |

(European Commission - JRC MARS) "According to the November edition of the JRC MARS Bulletin - crop monitoring in Europe, favourable temperatures and soil moisture conditions helped farmers to accelerate sowing, and were favourable for the initial development of recently sown crops."

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MED-Amin network
(Mediterranean Agricultural Information Network) Fostering cooperation and experience sharing among the national information systems on agricultural (cereals) markets in the Mediterranean. The network of 13 countries is coordinated by CIHEAM, and more specifically by its Mediterranean Agronomic Institute (MAI) of Montpellier.
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January 16, 9:45 AM!

Grote weerstand tegen Mercosur, sommige boeren profiteren / Strong resistance to Mercosur, some farmers benefit

Grote weerstand tegen Mercosur, sommige boeren profiteren / Strong resistance to Mercosur, some farmers benefit | MED-Amin network |

(Nieuwe Oogst) "Farm organizations and politicians have reacted disapprovingly to the Mercosur free trade agreement between the European Union and Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. The fact that food imports do not meet European standards is a major point of contention for many."

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January 16, 9:40 AM!

Primeiro-ministro egípcio analisa aquisição de trigo em meio à ausência do GASC - Notícias Agrícolas / Egyptian Prime Minister Reviews Wheat Procurement Amid GASC Absence

(Notícias Agrícolas) "CAIRO - Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly held a meeting on Monday to assess the country’s wheat procurement efforts, without the involvement of Egypt’s main state grain buyer, according to a cabinet statement released on Monday."

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December 13, 2024 6:32 AM!

Blé dur : la filière compte sur la recherche variétale pour enrayer la baisse des surfaces FRANCE

Blé dur : la filière compte sur la recherche variétale pour enrayer la baisse des surfaces FRANCE | MED-Amin network |

(La Dépêche le Petit Meunier - Réussir) "Dans le cadre du plan français de souveraineté blé dur, soutenu par l’État et la filière, les investissements prévus dans la recherche génétique concentrent les espoirs des acteurs de l'interprofession."

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Scooped by CIHEAM News
December 3, 2024 6:50 AM!

Египет готовится стать лидером по мировому импорту пшеницы, поскольку источники поставок кукурузы диверсифицируются - - все масла мира / EGYPT is preparing to become the global leader i...

(Oilworld) "This shift is part of the country's strategy to ensure food security and stabilize its agricultural imports in response to changing global market dynamics."


"Egypt is one of the world's largest grain importers, with its extensive feed and food industries driving demand for both wheat and corn. In the 2024-25 season, wheat and corn imports are expected to increase by 1-3%, reaching 12.5 million tons and 8.2 million tons, respectively, due to rising sectoral demand and a forecasted decline in domestic corn production."

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December 3, 2024 6:42 AM!

Le MAROC et la Russie renforcent leur partenariat sur les céréales

Le MAROC et la Russie renforcent leur partenariat sur les céréales | MED-Amin network |

(AgriMaroc) "Pour diversifier ses sources d’approvisionnement en céréales, le Maroc s’est orienté vers la Russie. Le 29 novembre dernier, un protocole d’accord a été signé entre la Fédération nationale des négociants en céréales et légumineuses (FNCL) et l’Union russe des exportateurs et producteurs céréaliers (Rusgrain Union). Cette entente, officialisée à Casablanca, vise à faciliter les exportations de céréales russes, en particulier de blé tendre, vers le royaume."

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December 3, 2024 6:39 AM!

French soft wheat sowing ahead of average pace after drier November | Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide

(Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide) "Soft wheat sowing in France has moved ahead of the average pace of recent years, data from farm office FranceAgriMer showed on Friday, as drier weather this month helped farmers catch up on rain delays earlier in the autumn."

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January 16, 9:30 AM!

Россия стала лидером по поставкам пшеницы в Марокко — Зернин | Крестьянские ведомости / Russia Becomes Leading Supplier of Wheat to MOROCCO

(Крестьянские ведомости) " Russia has become the leading supplier of wheat to Morocco. This was announced in a written interview with TASS correspondent by Eduard Zernin, Chairman of the Grain Exporters Union, who is currently in Casablanca, Morocco, as part of a visit by Russian grain exporters and producers."

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December 3, 2024 6:17 AM!

EGYPT navigates global grain turmoil to secure wheat supply

EGYPT navigates global grain turmoil to secure wheat supply | MED-Amin network |

(Ahram Online) "Geopolitical factors and strategic manoeuvring could further complicate the global grain market, with Egypt potentially emerging as a key player in this complex geopolitical chess game."

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December 3, 2024 6:36 AM!

TUNISIA buys 100,000t soft wheat, 100,000t durum, traders say

TUNISIA buys 100,000t soft wheat, 100,000t durum, traders say | MED-Amin network |

(African Manager) "Tunisia’s state grains agency is believed to have purchased about 100,000 metric tons of soft wheat and about 100,000 tons of durum in an international tender for the same volume on Wednesday, Reuters quoted European traders as saying."

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December 3, 2024 4:17 AM!

Πλαγιοανοδική η αγορά στα σιτηρά λόγω μείωσης των εκτάσεων το 2025 / The grain market is showing a slight upward trend due to a reduction in acreage in 2025

Πλαγιοανοδική η αγορά στα σιτηρά λόγω μείωσης των εκτάσεων το 2025 / The grain market is showing a slight upward trend due to a reduction in acreage in 2025 | MED-Amin network |

(Agronews) "With a calculator in hand, cereal growers in Europe and Russia are currently weighing their options ahead of winter sowing. In Europe, sowing has progressed significantly in some countries, except for the Balkans due to delayed rains. The first official planting intentions estimates came from the International Grains Council (IGC) on November 21, which forecasts a 10.6% decrease in intra-EU wheat production and a 10.2% decline for Russia."

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December 3, 2024 6:32 AM!

EGYPT aiming for wheat self-sufficiency | World Grain

EGYPT aiming for wheat self-sufficiency | World Grain | MED-Amin network |

(World Grain) "CAIRO, EGYPT — Egypt, Africa’s biggest wheat producer and consumer, has been implementing in recent years an ambitious national wheat market expansion plan aimed at achieving self-sufficiency in wheat production and reducing its wheat import bill that increased to $3.8 billion between 2017 and 2021."

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December 3, 2024 4:09 AM!

L'effet Trump et la météo, le cocktail qui bouscule les cours des céréales

(Terre-net) "De nouvelles annonces de Donald Trump, une météo sans surprise et la poursuite d'un trafic des grains sans encombre sur la mer Noire ont fait osciller les cours mondiaux des céréales, à nouveau orientés à la baisse mercredi."

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December 3, 2024 4:07 AM!

IGC погіршила прогноз світового виробництва пшениці / IGC Lowers Global Wheat Production Forecast

IGC погіршила прогноз світового виробництва пшениці / IGC Lowers Global Wheat Production Forecast | MED-Amin network |

(AgroPortal) "The International Grains Council (IGC) has revised its forecast for global wheat production in the 2024/25 season downward by 2 million tons, now estimating 796 million tons, partly due to deteriorating projections for the European Union."

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January 16, 9:44 AM!

Слабкий попит продовжує опускати ставки фрахту на морські перевезення зерна — Weak demand continues to push down freight rates for maritime grain transportation

Слабкий попит продовжує опускати ставки фрахту на морські перевезення зерна — Weak demand continues to push down freight rates for maritime grain transportation | MED-Amin network |

(AgroPortal) "The freight market in Ukraine is usually active in December; however, this year it remains quiet and unremarkable so far."

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December 18, 2024 8:35 AM!

Hajj Hassan distribue des semences de blé LEBANON

Hajj Hassan distribue des semences de blé LEBANON | MED-Amin network |

(Ici Beyrouth) "Dans le cadre de la campagne menée chaque année par le ministère de l'Agriculture pour étendre les superficies cultivées en blé tendre et dur au Liban, le ministre sortant de l'Agriculture, Abbas Hajj Hassan, a distribué jeudi des semences de ce blé aux agriculteurs dans les régions de Zahlé et de la Békaa."

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December 9, 2024 7:51 AM!

Décarbonation : il faudrait supprimer 600 000 ha de céréales au profit des légumineuses et du tournesol pour atteindre les objectifs gouvernementaux FRANCE

Décarbonation : il faudrait supprimer 600 000 ha de céréales au profit des légumineuses et du tournesol pour atteindre les objectifs gouvernementaux FRANCE | MED-Amin network |

(Réussir - La Dépêche le Petit Meunier) "La feuille de route décarbonation de la filière grandes cultures, telle qu’élaborée par les instituts techniques Arvalis et Terres Inovia en collaboration avec les interprofessions Intercéréales et Terres Univia, préconise le recul de la sole française de céréales de 600 000 ha au profit notamment des protéagineux."

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December 3, 2024 6:47 AM!

TÜRKIYE launches tender to export 0.1mn tonnes of durum wheat - bne IntelliNews

(bne IntelliNews) "Türkiye’s grain board TMO will on December 4 hold a tender to collect bids for the export of 0.1mn tonnes of durum wheat, or pasta wheat, TMO said on November 28.


In May, TMO sold 75,000 tonnes of durum at an average price of $366/tonne."

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December 3, 2024 6:40 AM!

Russia sets wheat export quota of 11 mln tons, barley, corn and rye exports will be banned

Russia sets wheat export quota of 11 mln tons, barley, corn and rye exports will be banned | MED-Amin network |

(UkrAgroConsult) "Russia is imposing severe restrictions on grain exports from the country to slow food inflation, which by the end of November had set a record for almost 2 years."

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December 3, 2024 6:37 AM!

Maïs : une campagne 2024 positive, mais des menaces pèsent sur la filière (FRANCE)

Maïs : une campagne 2024 positive, mais des menaces pèsent sur la filière (FRANCE) | MED-Amin network |

(Terre-net) "Le 28 novembre, l’Association générale des producteurs de maïs, AGPM, tenait sa conférence de presse de fin de campagne. Les surfaces ont augmenté et les rendements ont été bons, mais la filière demande des garanties de production, et une protection face à la concurrence internationale."

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January 16, 9:28 AM!

Europese Commissie stelt prognose tarweoogst opnieuw omlaag bij / European Commission Lowers Wheat Harvest Forecast Once Again

Europese Commissie stelt prognose tarweoogst opnieuw omlaag bij / European Commission Lowers Wheat Harvest Forecast Once Again | MED-Amin network |

(Nieuwe Oogst) "The forecast for the soft wheat harvest in the European Union has been revised downward again. The latest estimate from the European Commission stands at 112.3 million tons, which is 300,000 tons less than the previous projection."

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December 3, 2024 6:05 AM!

Russian exporters will not participate in the purchase of wheat and oil announced by Egyptian Mostakbal Misr

Russian exporters will not participate in the purchase of wheat and oil announced by Egyptian Mostakbal Misr | MED-Amin network |

(The Moscow Times, translated by UkrAgroConsult) "Russian grain exporters will not participate in the wheat and oil purchases announced by Egypt’s Mostakbal Misr Sustainable Development Agency, the Union of Grain Exporters and Producers (Rusgrain Union) has said."

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December 3, 2024 5:57 AM!

Egypt’s Mostakbal Misr sidelines GASC with wheat and vegoils purchase plan

Egypt’s Mostakbal Misr sidelines GASC with wheat and vegoils purchase plan | MED-Amin network |

(UkrAgroConsult, source Reuters) "The announcement signals a shift in procurement strategy, diverging from the tender system used by the General Authority for Supply Commodities, Egypt’s primary state buyer of essential commodities"

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December 3, 2024 4:15 AM!

Le blé Euronext recule vers les 225 €/t

(Terre-net) "Les prix du blé continuent de reculer face à l’arrivée des récoltes de l’hémisphère Sud et à la concurrence mer Noire."

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December 3, 2024 4:15 AM!

Mercati agricoli sempre più instabili e prezzi volatili / Agricultural markets are becoming increasingly unstable, with prices growing more volatile.

Mercati agricoli sempre più instabili e prezzi volatili / Agricultural markets are becoming increasingly unstable, with prices growing more volatile. | MED-Amin network |

(Il Nuovo Agricoltore) "The reduction in stocks of many agricultural products, currency and tariff policies, the devaluation of the Turkish lira, two ongoing wars (Ukraine-Russia and Israel-Gaza), and the growing commercial activity of BRICS countries (Brazil, India, China, Russia, and South Africa), as well as Egypt, the UAE, Ethiopia, and Iran, are the main factors contributing to strong instability in commodity markets (grains, oilseeds, rice, legumes, etc.) through 2025. This is stated in Aretè's latest market analysis, "Agricultural Commodities 2025."

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Scooped by CIHEAM News
December 3, 2024 4:09 AM!

Arpa Stokları Sınırlı, TMO Fiyatları Arttı / Barley Stocks Tight as TMO Prices Rise

Arpa Stokları Sınırlı, TMO Fiyatları Arttı / Barley Stocks Tight as TMO Prices Rise | MED-Amin network |

(SonDakika) "Barley Stocks Decline in Batman as TMO Prices Rise, Leaving Farmers and Merchants Struggling"

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