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Martin (Marty) Smith
January 24, 2019 10:01 AM
Keeping email marketing vital in an always on smartphone world can be a challenge. Here are 11 tips from the obvious such as write engaging subjects to the esoteric like add social proof sreto help your email marketing.
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Martin (Marty) Smith
December 21, 2018 1:59 PM
In the image above, two skulls appear to be two different colors, purple and orange, when in reality they are the same hue. The pigments morph because of the Munker-White illusion.
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Martin (Marty) Smith
December 18, 2018 8:03 AM
Feedly Content Curation Feedly is one of my top six content marketing tools. Feedly organizes feed chaos into easy to understand and curate from magazines. The tool even provides different views. I prefer their "cards" view.
I use Feedly to find content, but their pro interface ( isn't great, so I curate content I find to and Flipboard.
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Martin (Marty) Smith
July 18, 2017 9:00 AM
AI As Marketing Gimmick We agree AI is being used as a gimmick right now. We understand why too. Marketers and marketing love shiny new things. We tend to hop aboard before fully understanding the math. We have left brain creatives for the most part and so such early hopping is understandable and, to some extent, what we are paid to accomplish. Artificial intelligence (AI) will revolutionize marketing and make even the most creative among us learn some new math.
We agree with the premise and recommendations here but are more kind in our evaluation of the "why" behind why fellow travelers are gimmickizing AI.
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Martin (Marty) Smith
July 9, 2017 10:02 AM
Better Blogging Resources Much like riding a bicycle blogging is harder than it looks. I thought I knew how to ride a bike until I rode 3,300 miles across America. That trip taught me there is always lots to learn. Same is true for blogging. Our new better blogging Flipboard curates the best bloggers, tips, and tools to help any blogger publish better content. Flipboard is a cool tool since it easily allows curation of content across a broad spectrum of users. Every blogger from beginning to advanced will find helpful resources, tips and content on our Better Blogging Flipboard.
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Martin (Marty) Smith
July 5, 2017 8:06 AM
Product Fails Apple Here I was thinking I was the only one contemplating ending an almost forty year relationship. Turns out I'm not alone. My Ouch Product fails Curagami post sparked similar stories, frustrations, and decisions to buy OPP (Other People's Products). One such story assured that, after a period of learning, moving to an Android phone was BETTER.
Read our frustrations with iPhone7 and Airpods and share your Apple product fails stories here:
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Martin (Marty) Smith
June 28, 2017 8:31 AM
Must Follow & Learn From Mark is a friend and digital marketing, SEO and branding teacher. If you have a need to communicate, sell, and be successful online you should follow Mark on Flipboard, read what he curates and attend one of his many talks.
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Martin (Marty) Smith
June 26, 2017 9:17 AM
Video Editing Tips, Tricks and Tools Good post on video editing and storyboarding. Now if they could just create an automatic script writer we'd be golden.
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Martin (Marty) Smith
June 21, 2017 11:22 AM
Apple's 5 Steps To Becoming A Trusted Brand This is a good read about how to construct a brand instead of just selling stuff online. Apple is the king. Read Grow a great book by an ex-P&Ger Jim Stengel for more insight on branding. * Position your brand with the big picture in mind * Define your brand's personality * Develop your visual look and feel * Pick your platforms * Create a brand charter
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Martin (Marty) Smith
April 25, 2017 2:30 PM
Five Tips From Durham Art and Frame Durham Art and Frame did a great job with my Shepard Fairey prints. Such a great job I noticed at least five things every web marketer should steal including:
- Story – Lewis explained every detail in stories
- Specialized Segmentation – Know who you are
- Simple – Their template is simple and easy to use
- Artistry and Expertise – Know and love your business
- Ask – Ask for help
Lewis Bowles and his wife Tiffany could teach every Curagami client important lessons in how to thrive in an Internet time.
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Martin (Marty) Smith
November 18, 2016 9:42 PM
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Martin (Marty) Smith
November 15, 2016 7:57 AM
Permanent Banksy discusses the four marketing lessons we can learn from the elusive artist including less is more, packaging matters and humor works.
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Martin (Marty) Smith
November 8, 2016 10:55 AM
Embrace The Suck Vine's departure shows how precarious is the life of a startup. Even scale, lots of community and cool content isn't enough to bridge the first problem - websites costs money so how are you going to make some?
Best not to extrapolate too far as many will. Don't throw social media under the bus because of Vine's woes. Under the bus is a place others will be soon (Twitter?). On our end, the web marketing side of the equation, we must smile, nod and embrace the suck:
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Martin (Marty) Smith
December 26, 2018 8:54 AM
Best of 2018 WordPress Themes and templates are here. This top WordPress themes collection based on UI/UX design, performance, speed and rating and also these
In this video blog, we take a look at three questions that will help you determine if your content is hated or anticipated, and how this can help your firm.
Via Stefano Principato, massimo facchinetti
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Martin (Marty) Smith
from Expertiential Design
July 20, 2017 9:24 PM
Marketing's Evolution It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. The one most responsive to change wins in the end. Darwin's ideas are on dramatic display these days as marketing evolves faster and faster, better and better.
Via Michael Allenberg
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Martin (Marty) Smith
July 11, 2017 9:02 AM
SEO Usual Suspects This post shares 8 SEO "ranking signals" that won't be a surprise to anyone who knows search engine optimization. There is an interesting 2017 take on these "usual suspects" SEO ranking signals.
Posts like this always make ranking sound abstract and apart from the content you create. Not so much actually. Content is impossible to manipulate, Jack, or force round pegs into square holes. Better to do what you do well, share that passion and look for others who care about what you're doing.
Remember not all visitors are created equal. About 1% of your visitors want to help IF YOU ASK THEM. Another 9% are willing to join and support with links and shares IF YOU ASK THEM. So you can bet what our next advice is going to be - ASK FOR HELP.
Look at how HBX asks for ambassadors right on their home page. We would add a user-generated content ask and award the same points currency they are mining now, but you can see the beginnings of a good ambassador program - something every website needs these days. Read this SEO post to brush up on your "ranking factors" and never forget you aren't creating content for SEO. You create content to share passion, love and create movements others want to join. SEO is just something you do because to not do it is stupid.
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Martin (Marty) Smith
July 7, 2017 1:42 PM
Oracle Blogs Rock Great Content Oracle gets the tie between great content and selling ideas such as "social listening analytics." Oracle's blogs are full of great, relevant and spot on "new marketing" content. But there's a problem.
The messy URLs Oracle's blogs generate make sharing difficult. Just goes to show no matter how big and smart you are it helps to walk among the little people a little. Testing the ease of sharing your content across social media platforms is a great lesson to learn from Oracle's messy URLs. There are many great lessons to learn from Oracles content too.
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Martin (Marty) Smith
July 3, 2017 8:39 AM
Bullet Journal Craze Scientists weigh in on why so many people love bullet journals, and whether they actually work.
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Martin (Marty) Smith
June 27, 2017 9:13 AM
Marketing Automation Is your Sales Force hooked up to your content curation, blogging and tracking tool like Marketo? For most digital marketers the answer to at least one of those questions is no, and even if you are an uber-mensch at marketing auto this post still shares come cool "new to us" tool. We were surprised.
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Martin (Marty) Smith
June 24, 2017 8:42 AM
Pro Ecom Tips Learn by doing is our favorite e-commerce tip, but anyone New to online commerce should read this post.
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Martin (Marty) Smith
June 6, 2017 8:53 AM
Thinking Differed about Marketing Digital marketing is different. Networks create power dynamics that wrap marketing's space/time. This Curagami post connects books by Barabasi explaining how networks really work to Flash Boys by Michael Lewis since the stock market is one big ultra-fast network now.
The post discusses:
- Internet Time Is Always NOW
- Networks Are Different
- Movement Marketing = Biggest Digital Marketing Trend NO ONE Understands
- Influencers & Force Multipliers – Do You Know Yours
- WHY not HOW
Join the conversation, share your wild west digital experiences and how you think marketing is being wrapped, changed, and manipulated:
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Martin (Marty) Smith
March 9, 2017 7:56 AM
Don't Plan, Live in the Now MIT Media Lab's chair and author Joi Ito's NOWISM TED Talk where he shares the "new thinking" that led to the most successful citizen's science project ever is more than inspirational. Ito's grasp on how the e-commerce, social, and always-on Internet world is shifting informs and admonishes.
Plans don't work when the time it takes to create them also negates their conclusions and directives. Ito has the solution and that is why we summarized his important ideas in a 3 minute version of his 20 minute TED Talk on Curagami:
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Martin (Marty) Smith
from Digital Brand Marketing
November 16, 2016 12:36 AM
Agile, in the marketing context, means using data and analytics to continuously source promising opportunities or solutions to problems in real time, deploying tests quickly, evaluating the results, and rapidly iterating. At scale, a high-functioning agile marketing organization can run hundreds of campaigns simultaneously and multiple new ideas every week. The truth is, many marketing organizations think they’re working in an agile way because they’ve adopted some agility principles, such as test and learn or reliance on cross-functional teams. But when you look below the surface, you quickly find they’re only partly agile, and they therefore only reap partial benefits. For example, marketing often doesn’t have the support of the legal department, IT, or finance, so approvals, back-end dependencies, or spend allocations are slow. Or their agency and technology partners aren’t aligned on the need for speed and can’t move quickly enough. Simply put: if you’re not agile all the way, then you’re not agile.
Via Joemktg, massimo facchinetti, Os Ishmael
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Martin (Marty) Smith
November 10, 2016 9:20 AM