The Right Way To Use Company Perks | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership |

While the components of a great job support, challenge, autonomy are hard to quantify, everyone understands free snacks in the pantry.


So perks become proxies for other upsides. They also tap into the psychology of gifts. While it seems crazy that doctors would be influenced to write prescriptions by free pens, they were (before an industry code ended the practice).


Likewise, freebies at work are loved beyond their actual dollar value. They invite reciprocity. Or, to put a more positive spin on it, “Maybe it’s just recognition,” says Danielle Saladino-Evans, who works in corporate communications at Fingerpaint, a marketing and communications firm, and is part of the committee that decides her company’s perks. “You’re working hard today. Go have something on us.”

Via The Learning Factor