I have long been a fan of Jing, TechSmith’s free screen capture software. It’s a fast and easy way to grab a quick screenshot or record a video on the fly. Recently, TechSmith upgraded Jing to include a FREE membership to Screencast.com; you now get 2GB of free storage and 2GB of bandwidth per month. Screencast.com allows you to safely upload and store video as well as images, to control who views your content, to download media in a variety of formats, and to share content in a myriad of ways.
Via Gumersindo Fernández
Jing, ya llevo varios años usándolo y es excelente. No hay duda. Una herramienta de lo mejor para hacer capturas de pantalla y de cualquier parte de un documento. Hacer videos cortos con Jing es otro tema muy bueno. Lo he usado con excelentes resultados para tutoriales cortos. Saludos. Javier Arana. El Salvador