These most needed skills are here right now. In competitive business environments, finding information quickly is a necessity. Judging the quality of information is crucial to decisionmaking.
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These most needed skills are here right now. In competitive business environments, finding information quickly is a necessity. Judging the quality of information is crucial to decisionmaking.
ICT skills ranking
Väga olulised tulevikuoskused, et olla edukas.
1.oskus hinnata informatsiooni sisu, oluline, sest info maht on tohutu
2.effektiivne kirjutamine, märksõnadega kirjutamine
3. infoallikate kasutamine ja korrektne käitumine allikatega
4. oskus leida infot kiiresti
5. esitlusoskus ja tehniliste vahendite kasutamise oskus