Into the Driver's Seat
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Into the Driver's Seat
Building learners' independence through thoughtful technology use
Curated by Jim Lerman
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Rescooped by Jim Lerman from Future Ready School Libraries
November 19, 2017 1:21 AM!

Combining Inquiry and PBL: 3 Guidelines for Success

Combining Inquiry and PBL: 3 Guidelines for Success | Into the Driver's Seat |

Engaging in inquiry does not mean logging hours in the library or on the computer searching for information. Especially with elementary students, inquiry happens in a variety of settings and experiences. As John Larmer, Editor in Chief of the Buck Institute, points out: “Students can find answers to their questions from many sources, including readings, but also experts, experiments, and field work.”

Via paul rayner, John Evans, Bookmarking Librarian
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Rescooped by Jim Lerman from E-learning
September 23, 2017 12:46 AM!

7 Educational Transformations for Any Classroom

7 Educational Transformations for Any Classroom | Into the Driver's Seat |

This year I am aiming high with 7 educational transformations. Many of these have been in place before, but with the latest updates in technology, and access to the world like never before, they are high priority to continue and to build upon. I am fortunate to be able to push into classrooms from kindergarten through twelfth grade for a variety of activities. While it’s not listed in the 7 transformations, the overarching goal will be to help students navigate their digital world and build a positive digital footprint.

Via paul rayner
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