A List of The Best Free Digital Storytelling Tools for Teachers | Into the Driver's Seat | Scoop.it

A List of The Best Free Digital Storytelling Tools for Teachers.


Here some of the pluses of digital storytelling in education :

- It develops creativity and critical thinking Students who are shy or afraid to talk in class get a chance to speak out their minds 


- It empowers students voice to deliver rich, deep message that is capable of conveying a powerful message. 


- It helps students explore  the meaning of their own experience, give value to it, and communicate that experience with others.


- It promotes the notions of life long learning and independent learning 


- It develops students communicative skills It is a reflective process that helps students reflect upon their learning and find deep connections with the subject matter of a course or with an out-of-class experience. 


- It fosters students sense of individuality It also gives students an opportunity to experiment with self-representation and establish their identityStudents creating digital stories develop proficiency with multimedia applications



Via Gust MEES