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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Coffee Party Feminists
April 4, 2012 9:36 PM

New Study Links Traditional Marriage to War on Women

New Study Links Traditional Marriage to War on Women | Herstory | Scoop.it

by JASON STANFORD, huffintonpost.com


When Gallup came out with a new poll showing the president opening up an 18-point lead with women, pundits blamed the war on women. But according to a new study, Republicans might have someone entirely different to blame: Ann Romney.


In fact, the academic study that helps explain the country's gender gap has nothing specifically to do with Ann Romney, but rather the fact that she doesn't work outside the home. A recent study by Sreedhari Desai, an assistant professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, found that men in traditional marriages with stay-at-home wives had negative attitudes about working women and organizations led by women, and they were more likely to deny opportunities to women. [MORE]


Via J'nene Solidarity Kay
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Scooped by Deanna Dahlsad
March 20, 2012 4:57 PM

It was just a few slaps. That’s OK then?

Heard today, the actor who admitted to slapping his ex-wife. "I couldn't handle the fact she was a strong woman," he said.

The ex-wife said she wasn't a beaten wife, just a few slaps because she was difficult to live with. Hello?

No-one should have the right to hit another person, or animal. That's just wrong.

She's not in a situation where she fears for her life, she got out, or he got out, don't know that detail. Yet, she still somehow feels partly to blame. It takes courage to stand up, go the whole way.



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Curated by Deanna Dahlsad
An opinionated woman obsessed with objects, entertained by ephemera, intrigued by researching, fascinated by culture & addicted to writing. The wind says my name; doesn't put an @ in front of it, so maybe you don't notice. http://www.kitsch-slapped.com
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