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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Curating-Social-Learning
December 27, 2011 3:04 AM!

Great Content Curation Models: E-learning Examples by David Anderson

Great Content Curation Models: E-learning Examples by David Anderson | gpmt |

If you are looking for inspiration when it comes to content curation, here is a great example at work.


Elearning Examples is a curated collection of "examples" from the real world of online communications in the areas of "multimedia journalism", "infographics" and "html5" among others.

For each one of these categories the author has written and edited a specific information card containing relevant information, images and links to the work being referenced.


The design of the site and the quality of the work "examples" being showcased make this a good example of what good "content curation" is. 


Clearly, the work produced by this site, produces no noise or regurgitation of information, but rather offers a better way to make sense and discover the communication areas being curated on the site.


Thanks to David Anderson, an e-learning designer & community manager at Articulate for having created this excellent curated set of galleries.


Inspiring. 9/10




David Anderson's blog: 


His Twitter channel:!/elearning 


(Reviewed by Robin Good)

Via Robin Good, janlgordon, catspyjamasnz, Heiko Idensen
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from information analyst
October 22, 2011 12:45 AM!

Nielson Report: What's Really Happening on Social Networks

Nielson Report: What's Really Happening on Social Networks | gpmt |

Interesting and very informative piece by Brian Solis for Social Media Today.


This is part 6 of a series of posts where Brian introduces his new Book The End of Business as Usual.  


I must tell you that if you haven't gotten a copy of this book, you should, it is excellent, timely and relevant!


To paraphrase - social media is becoming part of our cultural fabric and even as we witness businesses, governments, sports teams, and almost every organization socialize communication efforts today,


****much of what we see is merely the beginning of something that will one day become something far more important than the medium itself.


****it is about how people are spending their time, interacting and connecting with one another, and what happens as a result.


To demonstrate the point, there are some profound findings from the recently released Nielsen Social Media Report.


Curated by JanLGordon covering  "Content Curation, Social Media & Beyond"


Via janlgordon, michel verstrepen
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