Every year over two thousand students from all over the world meet at Istituto Marangoni to pursue a common dream: fashion. Here young talents can find competence, professionalism and long standing experience, in order to become leading professionals in their sector.
Three campuses that offer fashion courses in Milan, Paris and London, 92 different countries of origin for about 2,400 total students: these are just some of the numbers representing Istituto Marangoni in the educational sector. This diversity is part of that creative, fundamental and indispensable melting-pot for the formation of new talents with a cosmopolitan approach.
This year, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Istituto Marangoni, David LaChapelle has commemorated our heritage and our identity with the photo-shoot posted in the background of the Website. Extraordinary fashion images to celebrate the three fundamental values of Marangoni: passion, creation, obsession.