5 Best Historic Caffès in Trieste | Trieste | ITALY Magazine | Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d'Italia | Scoop.it

Trieste has a long association with coffee drinking and production. During the first World War, Hungarian Francesco Illy arrived in Trieste and in 1933 formed his company, the now world famous Illy Coffee, still based in Trieste and run by the Illy family.


Even before Illy arrived though, this aromatic beverage had been very much appreciated.

Today you can still find historical caffès in Trieste which first opened for business in the 19th century.

Many caffès of the time were in the Viennese style and had strong connections with the literary and artistic worlds.

If you’d like to step back into another era whilst enjoying a great coffee, a visit to one of these historical caffès won’t disappoint.