Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d'Italia
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Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d'Italia
Alle goede dingen uit Italie! Zoals eten en drinken, mode, vakantie, bezienswaardigheden, delicatessen, producten, dienstverlening, design, kunst, made in italy, geschiedenis, trends, muziek, mensen, dorpen, steden e.d. Koop uw Italiaanse producten via <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>  
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Scooped by Good Things From Italy
October 9, 2014 7:07 AM!

Italian Paparazzi - Italia Medley - - YouTube

Glamour heeft een naam: ITALIAN PAPARAZZI, actueel vernieuwend en onthullend. Ondersteund door fantastisch licht en geluid (al dan niet door de band zelf gel...
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Rescooped by Good Things From Italy from Le Marche another Italy
July 15, 2013 3:04 PM!

Festa De Le Cove... harvest festival Italian style...

Festa De Le Cove... harvest festival Italian style... | Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d'Italia |

There are an inordinate number of festas (street parties/festivals) and sagras (usually to do with eating) happening all over Italy for most of the summer months. Wherever you go there will be people eating, dancing and drinking in small towns and villages all of them offering something traditional and steeped in history. In Petritoli we have several of these and the biggest is the Festa De Le Cove. It’s a harvest festival celebration of sorts. A whole weekend of fun. [...]

Via Mariano Pallottini
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Rescooped by Good Things From Italy from Vivere in Italia
February 19, 2014 4:46 PM!

Visitare Sanremo: non solo Festival

Visitare Sanremo: non solo Festival | Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d'Italia |
Conosciuta comre città simbolo del Festival della canzone italiana, Sanremo è una meta turistica ricca di tradizione, cultura e ottimo cibo.

Innanzitutto, il suo centro storico di origine medievale, denominato La Pigna (fino al 1928 si chiamava proprio così): addentratevi nei carrugi, tipici stretti e portici presenti in molte città della riviera ligure. Ricchi di storia e molto caratteristici, un giro tra carrugi e scalinate vi porterà fino al Santuario della Madonna della Costa, santuario mariano a 100 metri dal livello del mare, da cui potrete godervi un panorama staordinario dell’intera città.

Scendendo, tappa imperdibile è una visita al Casinò, affascinante struttura in stile Liberty dei primi del Novecento. Altra struttura spettacolare è quella della Chiesa Russa ( o Chiesa di Cristo Salvatore), anch’essa risalente ai primi del Novecento, in cui si celebra ancora oggi il rito Ortodosso. [...]

Via Mariano Pallottini
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Scooped by Good Things From Italy
March 20, 2013 9:44 AM!

Gardameer: Chocolade festival in Gardaland

Gardameer: Chocolade festival in Gardaland | Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d'Italia |

Liefhebbers van chocolade kunnen komend weekend hun hart ophalen in pretpark Gardaland bij het Gardameer. Op zaterdag 23 en zondag 24 maart wordt het festival Eurochocolate in het park gehouden, het grootste event in Europa op het gebied van chocolade.


De zoete wereld van chocolade wordt gecombineerd met de sfeer van magie en plezier in Gardaland. Gigantische chocolade-sculpturen, workshops, markten, shows en spelletjes voor bezoekers staan op het programma. De entree voor Gardaland bedraagt komend weekend slechts 15 euro, terwijl het hele park en alle attracties van het grootste pretpark van Italië zullen zijn geopend!

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