You know those metallized plastic bags that are often used to package coffee? Those have been bothering me for years: They’re not recyclable and not biodegradable, so when I throw them in the trash I know they’ll be in the landfill forever. And Daniel and I drink a lot of coffee!
About a year ago, in the comments on someone’s blog about difficult recycling issues, I met up with Alessandro Di Lella of Italian Coffee Handbags, a Dutch company that is making fashionable tote bags out of coffee bags. This gives that metallized plastic a new use and creates reusable bags that people can use for their shopping and other carrying needs, instead of single-use plastic or paper bags. (The Website is in Dutch, but if you write to the email address there, Mr. DiLella can correspond with you in English. I work for natives of the Netherlands who occasionally forward me emails in Dutch, so I’m accustomed to trying to read Dutch and find it pretty easy–knowing some German helps–and amusing, but here is a free online translator if you want to read it in English.)