Hubble's 1995 image of a star nursery was amazing. Take a look at NASA's new version

Simply amazing pictures. 

NASA’s Asteroid Defense Mission to Smash Probe into Distant Space Rock
A project that might one day save the world. ‘For the first time, humanity will change the motion of a natural celestial body in space.’
In a NASA simulation of an asteroid impact, scientists concluded they couldn't stop a space rock ...

Wake-up call? 

NASA’s bold bet on Starship for the Moon may change spaceflight forever
Bold and interesting move from NASA.
What happens when a sun like ours runs out of fuel

Your free end-of-the-world survival (nor not) guide.

How to take a picture of a black hole | Katie Bouman
Katie Bouman predicting what happened last week back in 2017.
Black hole picture captured for first time in space breakthrough
6.5 billion suns in the size of our solar system.
Starship, the bleeding heavy-metal rocket ship of Elon Musk

Rocket of steel. 

NASA’s new planet-hunting spacecraft TESS has found its third distant world
How NASA changed its approach to discovering exoplanets by transitioning from Kepler to TESS, looking at stars near ours so we can study them in greater details.
Three Theories of Infinite Earths
A good recap of the different theories on how there could be universes parallel to ours.
Meet the first interstellar visitor observed in our solar system
Unlike what CNN suggests in its title it's not the first to pass through but the first we ever observed. I hadn't realized there are 8 to 10 a year doing so - debris from other, remote solar systems.
Ion Thruster Prototype Breaks Records in Tests, Could Send Humans to Mars
Ion thrusters only operate in space but they're much more efficient than chemical rockets.
Anywhere on earth in less than an hour?

Cool demo of what reusable rocket technology could mean outside of space travel. And a way to pay back for the space program through the huge impact it could have on the economy.

The International Space Station just pulled off the photobomb of a lifetime
Nice timing.
Some of the best images Cassini took of Saturn and its moons.
Beautiful worlds.
We're About To Get Our First Ever Image Of A Black Hole
It's not a small logistic and we're not sure what there is to see - black? Nothingness? But it's fascinating to me that these objects which have been predicted by theory are now close to being observed.
SpaceX plans to send two people around the Moon
Not sure if this will happen or be on time but great way to capture imagination.
NASA just discovered a new solar system with 7 rocky, earth-size planets
Fantastic discovery by NASA. These planets are not gas giants but rocky planets like our own and some of them are in the habitable zone where water can exist in liquid form.
Water Found On One Of The First Exoplanets We Ever Discovered

This is on a gas planet the type of Jupiter. So unlikely to be a second home but I was fascinated to learn our detection method can now spot that.

Elon Musk apparently wants to rebuild the internet from space providing global 1Gbps coverage

With a fleet of 4,425 satellites. No less. Which means more than the total number of satellites currently in Space. 


Ambitious program but great goal that would provide 200x more speed than what connected internet users get on average and perhaps more importantly internet access to areas that are not covered and potentially to the 4.2 billion of people who are not online yet. 

We probably just heard a message from aliens, scientists say

PR stunt or hard science? Too early to say but fascinating to see if we'll be able to prove that in the next future. Let alone translate what they say.

A platform (rather than a plan) to colonize Mars

Elon Musk's proposal is probably super ambitious to some but his speech this week has the merit of making things pretty simple and straightforward in terms of what's at stake and how we can address the opportunity. 


The scope of his own plan is limited to transportation so he doesn't describe what Mars colonies will look like nor what people will do there. But that's the very interesting take-away to me: rather than attempting to plan everything in a typical government (or soviet-style?) way, he's proposing a platform for other entrepreneurs to build on and leverage the opportunities.


He's not saying "I've planned everything and you should all do what I say". He's focusing on solving the biggest hurdle (affordable transportation) and leaves the rest open. He makes the point that in the 1850's, no one lived in California but that the smart decision made was precisely to build a railroad to California... which became the most populous states a few decades later and economic leadership in technology and entertainment.


So in the same spirit, he's proposing a plan to reduce transportation cost to Mars to $100k/person with enough bandwidth to ship 1M people there over 40-100 years. 


What happens next is up to us. 

A Few Things I Learned While Attempting To “Skate” In Zero Gravity
0-g sports: a new era.
Searching for aliens who already know we are here

Learning the lessons from exoplanet search to transform the SETI program could lead to a much more focused search. And therefore more successful. Looking at the limited area of the sky where aliens are the most likely to be listening to us already... as they might track us the way we track exoplanets. 

A 3' Video To Understand The Discovery Of Gravitational Waves
Very nice and simple video by Brian Greene who explains why the discovery of gravitational waves last week is such a big deal.
Gravitational waves do exist, and astronomy will never be the same
A whole new field of exploration is opening up as we observe the invisible.
Caltech researchers' answers about Planet 9

Is here a 9th planet far away in the solar system that's 10x the mass of earth and hat orbits in 10,000 to 20,000 years? The Caltech team who had discovered the bodies beyond Pluto that ended disqualifying it as a planet are saying yes. Here's why and what critics' questions it would address. 

Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin lands a rocket back down on earth
Take that, Elon Musk
Kepler Telescope Spotted Something Very Strange Surrounding A Distant Star
Could be debris of comets or... signs of an alien technology. Seriously.
NASA's Journey to Mars

Looks like NASA now has a detailed plan to not just explore Mars but settle humans over there.

'The Martian' vs Reality: How NASA Will Get Astronauts to Mars
Mars is the dream of all astronauts and space fans. As the realistic sci-fi book is released as a movie, here's an interesting recap of all the technologies that have yet to be mastered before this mythical journey can be attempted.
Mars One colonization project? Not gonna happen according to MIT
Interesting debate between MIT scientists and the Mars One team. While I'm always cautious of naysayers, you have to admit that the project seems foolish from the arguments they're making.
Meet Earth's Older Cousin
The search for an earth-like planet is making fast progress as our capacity to observe planets increases.
What would happen to someone falling into a black hole?

Very interesting and clear description. The fact that the time to compute and decode information can have an impact on information itself, and physics laws, is fascinating. 

Signs of Alien Life Will Be Found by 2025, NASA's Chief Scientist Predicts

Bold statement but NASA Chief says we know where to look and we know how to look.

The Moon Was A First Step, Mars Will Test Our Capabilities, But Europa Is The Prize
Life in the solar system?
Why Europe's Experimental Spaceship Is Shaped So Weirdly
The quest for the ultimate reusable spaceship is far from over when you see how different this concept is from SpaceX's reusable rockets.
Eight Exoplanets That Could Support Life Discovered
Getting closer to finding Earth II.
The Fastest Stars in the Universe May Approach Light Speed
But don't count on it yet as a means of locomotion.
They almost broke the Hubble: how the telescope that we discovered dark energy with was rescued.
The Hubble space telescope is invaluable. But we nearly had to live without one for a long time.
We All Might Be Living in an Infinite Pixelized Hologram

Are quanta and the planck constant signs that our universe is pixelized?

An Astronaut Reveals What Life in Space Is Really Like
Great details on what life in space feels like.
Europe makes space history as Philae probe lands on comet

It's not everyday that Europe makes space history. Happy and proud. 

The Physics of a Spinning Spacecraft
And the formula that correlates them.
Theoretical physics: The origins of space and time

A recap on the unifying theories that could explain the fabric of our universe.

Milky Way may bear 100 million life-giving planets
Despite skepticism, statistics are clear: the odds of earth being unique are small.
NASA Reveals Latest Warp-Drive Ship Designs

Beyond the click bait graphic, I recommend to watch the video: it's awesome and explains in very simple terms the concept and challenges of FTL travel based on the warp drive theory. Plus some othee more accessible discoveries that could change space exploration sooner. 

The Moon Now Has a Better Internet Connection Than You Thanks to NASA

Ready to move?

The first habitable exoplanet
Meet Kepler-186f, the most 'Earth-like' planet ever: roughly the same size and in that area of its system where water - and therefore life as we know it - can exist in liquid form. It's not millions of light-years away but it would still take some generations to cruise there even at he speed of light.
Big Bang author Professor Andrei Linde gets surprise visit as his theory was just proven.

This is probably what scientists live for: the unique moment in one's career when the theory you built is proven true. Awesome.

This Nature video explains why the recent big bang evidence discovery is such a big deal

The recent discovery of the first direct evidence of cosmic inflation is a big deal: until now, the Big Bang has only been a theory.

Until now.

Elon Musk Is About To Launch The Heaviest Rocket In Existence — And Yes, It Can Reach Mars

Space X latest version of the Falcon rocket will be no less than the heaviest rocket in existence, coming only third to Saturn V and the Russian Energia rocket in history. 

60,000 miles up: Space elevator could be built by 2035, new study says

Hundreds of challenges remain to be solved but as even NASA struggles to maintain an edge, the pay-off of a Space Elevator has never been clearer. The original idea of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky which Arthur C. Clarke turned into a novel could be the revolution space exploration needs.

We Need To Get More Comfortable With People Dying In Space

It's safer to be an astronaut than a mountaineer or a navy pilot.

We need to change that and go back to the days where there was not only risk but reward.  In this article, Mollie Hemingway argues that the space shuttles deadly accidents were hard to accept not per se but because they seemed to be having had trivial objectives. 

It's great to see arguments piling up for that debate. And it's also important to remember that the greatest risk might be not to take any.

Is the Universe made of math?
Yes: how about considering things the other way around? If cosmologist Max Tegmark's intuition is true this physicist says we can potentially understand all of it. But as he puts it, 'If My Idea Is Wrong, Physics Is Ultimately Doomed'
Chandra helps confirm evidence of jet in Milky Way’s black hole |

This is a fascinating discovery...

Live from Mars: Private Red Planet Mission to Beam Video to Earth in 2018

Amazing development of the private sector space industry. While we can always regret NASA didn't send a man to walk on Mars yet, what we're seeing from private initiatives will probably lead to a much stronger space coloinzation effort in the long run.

Astrophysicists launch ambitious assessment of galaxy formation simulations
One of the most powerful tools for understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies has been the use of computer simulations—numerical models of astrophysical processes run on supercomputers and compared with astronomical observations. Getting computer simulations to produce realistic-lookin...
Would You Pay $75,000 to Ride This Spectacular Balloon to Space?
So these guys came out with the cheap(er) version: a Bautmgartner-like balloon but bigger. Not quite space, no zero-G but a 1/3 of a Virgin Galactic ticket.
EVA 23: a little bit of Gravity... for real
No need to see the Gravity movie to get a good space thriller: this actual story from an Italian astronaut is actually quite scary.
Scientists Unconvinced By 'Evidence For Alien Life'

Unlikely say many scientists who criticize the rapid conclusion the University of Sheffield scientists arrived at. This is just one article but after being intrigued by my previous post on this, I investigated further and found the scientific community has been raising many concerns such as :

- we don't know whether the box where they found the organism was properly isolated nor how it was open after landing
- no tests we're run to see whether similar organisms exist on earth
Alien life found living in Earth's atmosphere, claims scientist
"Our conclusion is that life is continually arriving to Earth from space" said the scientists who discovered these microcospic life forms by bringing them back to the ground from a scientific balloon. Comets - they say - are how they got here. While this is fascinating, the discovery has been met with skepticism by the scientific community. Eager to see what's coming next...UPDATE: so what's next is more and more skepticism by the scientific community:
Earth Life Likely Came from Mars, Study Suggests

Sounds counter-intuitive and I find it hard to believe. But then again it's just one theory among many.

Physicists To Test If Universe Is A Computer Simulation

Very meta but interesting read. Are we in a matrix? 

What might have been: Visiting Mars and Venus with Apollo-era hardware
Fascinating story of the Apollo application program detailing plans to fly by Venus and Mars with Apollo capsules.
Is Voyager 1 really out of the solar system?

Interesting follow-up to a discussion already started last year. The end of the solar system is being redefined in part thanks to the Voyager missions. 

Astronomers find blue planet outside solar system

A great first made possible by Hubble Space Telescope. Now just because it's blue doesn't mean it's similar to earth: this is actually a giant gas planet closer to Jupiter.

UK’s $90 million Skylon to ‘transform how we access space’

Nice project. Competition for Virgin Galactic? Or the future of air travel?

M31: Black Hole Bonanza Turns up in Galaxy Next Door
This is impressive.
Into Oblivion: What If the Earth Had No Moon?
Finally saw the movie Oblivion and that was the first question I googled following that as the movie's (otherwise great) plot seemed strange to me on that point.
Elon Musk: We Need To Leave Earth Or Risk Extinction

We can't blame Musk for not being visionary. I wonder whether dramatizing the topic like he did will have an impact. 

The rise of picosatellites and crowd-funded space exploration
NASA - and more generally government agencies - are losing their monopolies on Space exploration. And that's old for everyone.
Christmas Day lift-off into space for Virgin Galactic and Abu Dhabi


Amesome infographic on the 100+ exoplanets discovered to date

Watch them orbit on scale and sort them by size: great job by the nytimes! 

How NASA plans to catch a planetoid, orbit it around the moon and use it as springboard for deep ...

Amazingly enough, some say it's a plausible scenario that would cost "just" $2.6 Billion and could help missions to Mars.

Wanted: Astronauts for one-way trip to Mars
If it sounds crazy then maybe it is. But then again who said Columbus was sane?
How Much Is an Astronaut’s Life Worth? - Reason Magazine

This is a great article that I discovered thanks to a comment by Vincent Lieser. However precious astronauts' lives are, they can not be assigned an inifinte cost without being heavily detrimental to other budget allocations that can save lives on earth and, more importantly, to the very mission of space exploration. Great read.

Is This Star Older Than the Universe?

Interesting paradox.

Failure? An option that has to be dealt with to ensure safety in space flights

Interesting take on how to design future spacecrafts. Not for perfection but for robustness in order to make space flights both more reliable and affordable. 

How Many People Are On Mars Right Now?

Good question...

Has NASA Become Mars-Obsessed?: Scientific American
Maybe. But is that bad? NASA was moon-obsessed in the 60's and achieved something great.
Space X latest launch of Falcon 9 / Dragon to ISS (video)
Dragon made history last year by becoming the first private vehicle to dock the ISS and carry cargo back to earth.This is a video of its last launch - also bound to the ISS which it safely docked this morning.I hadn't realized yet how great the videos were from this launch thanks to the onboard cameras. This one gives you the full picture of the first ten minutes up until orbit.
"Inspiration Mars" to pursue human mission to the Red Planet in 2018

This is a follow up to the rumour I published a few days ago and a confirmation that space traveler billionaire Denis Tito seems serious in considering a free return, low cost fly-by of the red planet five years from now. Any doubt that the private sector is now a serious contender in the space race? Read this.

Is Millionaire Space Tourist Planning Trip to Mars?
Plan would not be to land but do just a round trip. Still doesn't it sound crazy (and awesom!) that private money could beat governments in the space race?
Ever wanted X-ray specs or super-human vision? Look at the Milky Way and Universe in a range of w...

Pretty cool way to play with zooming options and visible/non-visible light.

Water on the Moon: It's Been There All Along
This puts the theory of the moon formation from a debris of the earth in question.
Scientists Create Scaled-Down 'Trek' Tractor Beam

Sensational headline from the Huf Post but nevertheless a pretty cool discovery for particle physics.

This is what it would really look like to travel at near-lightspeed

Blame the Doppler effect...

How could the universe expand faster than the speed of light?

Raisin bread, Einstein and the speed of light: a great explanation on the difference between motion and expansion. 

This Isn't the Petition Response You're Looking For | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government
Brilliant answer from the US Geek in Chief on why we can't have a Death Star in spite of the petition. Awesome.
Most Earth-like Exoplanet Discovery Explained (Infographic)

Earth 2.0?

Earth-sized planets 'number 17bn' - and that's just in the Milky Way

This is based on extrapolating the results from obeserving 150,000 stars. There are some caveats to the study but the exciting news is that we don't seem to be falling short of earth-like planets.

'Black Beauty' new meteorite type is Mars' million-year voyager

Crazy story of that rock that was blasted out of Mars by a meteor impact and fell back on earth after millions of years in the cosmos to reveal fascinating secrets on the presence of water on Mars. 

5 Reasons We May Live in a Multiverse

A good high-level recap of all the different theories behind the multiple universes concept (yes there are also multiple theories of multiple universes: isn't that meta?).

NASA's RXTE Captures Thermonuclear Behavior of Unique Neutron Star

Interesting discoveries reported by NASA on neutron stars. What's amazing for me to (re)discover is how dense neutron stars are. The image shows how a neutron star compares to Manhattan and Brooklyn in NYC. Yet, it's mass is 500,000 that of the earth...

For Lonely Astronauts, a Robotic Companion

Interesting experiment to see whether a robot can actually relieved the stress of being alone inSpace just like anothehuman an companion would. 

Hopefully this robot isn't called HAL...

How NASA might build its very first warp drive

Follow up on that fascinating story. Too good to be true?

Habitable planet: New super-Earth in six-planet system may be just right to support life
A new super-Earth planet that may have an Earth-like climate and be just right to support life has been discovered around a nearby star by an international team of astronomers.

Only 42 years away...
Gliese 581 g Tops List of 5 Potentially Habitable Exoplanets
"Gliese 581 g shot to the top of a list put out by researchers at the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo’s Planetary Habitability Laboratory (PHL) after a new study marshaled support for its long-debated existence."

I started publishing news on the first exoplanets when I started this topic an...
Richard Branson wants to give Red Bull a run for their money
Red Bull somehow stole the show from Virgin last week.

Even though, Branson shows a fair attitude in the intro of this post, you can feel he can't refrain from explaining this was something they could have done as well. And maybe should have considering the impact.

Of course, Virgin has a much ...