In every human rights court procedure, arguments related to history —tacitly or explicitly, willingly or unwittingly— are rehearsed by legal professionals, espe
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![]() The OSCE ODIHR Guideline on Democratic Law-making for Better Laws: a source of inspiration for strengthening democracy by T Drinóczi :: SSRN
On 16 January 2024, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE ODIHR) published its Guid
Climate Change and Constitutional Overreach by Jonathan H. Adler :: SSRN
The failure of the political process to produce meaningful policies to mitigate the threat of climate change has encouraged aggressive and innovative litigation
Lancement de la page web dédiée à la Convention européenne dans le domaine de l'information sur le droit étranger et à son Protocole additionnelUne page web visant à faciliter la mise en œuvre de la Convention Intellectual Property Crime Case-Law of National Courts 2025 | Eurojust | European Union Agency for Criminal Justice CooperationThis fourth edition of the case-law of national courts on intellectual property (IP) provides new summaries of national courts’ judgments in the area of intellectual property crime (IPC), touching on some of the most prevalent legal issues in this crime area. The cases selected deal with a range of issues, including illegal IPTV, counterfeiting of everyday goods, the issue of non-material damages and calculation of damages. A Histoire Juridique Commune? Historiographical Frames in European and Inter-American Human Rights Narratives by Daniel R. Quiroga Villamarín :: SSRNIn every human rights court procedure, arguments related to history —tacitly or explicitly, willingly or unwittingly— are rehearsed by legal professionals, espe Are Judges Politicians in Robes? Comparative Aspects of the Recruitment and Election of Judges in R Böttner and HJ Blanke (eds), The Rule of Law Under Threat: Eroding Institutions and European Reme...Mikuli, Piotr and Fox, Natalie and Puchta, Radoslaw, Are Judges Politicians in Robes? Comparative Aspects of the Recruitment and Election of Judges in R Böttner and HJ Blanke (eds), The Rule of Law Under Threat: Eroding Institutions and European Remedies (Edward Elgar 2024) 99–131 (January 03, 2024). Available at SSRN: or Constitutional Customary Law and Constitutional Sanction: an Antinomy? by Eleonora Bottini :: SSRNBottini, Eleonora, Constitutional Customary Law and Constitutional Sanction: an Antinomy? (June 15, 2020). Available at SSRN: or Critical Theories, Justice, And the Rule of Law by Adam MacLeod :: SSRN
An increasing number of legal scholars and activists now identify law as an impediment to justice that must be deconstructed. The deconstructionists tear down t
The Supreme Court and Public Opinion