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Genealogy in Constitutional Law by Charles Tyler :: SSRNGenealogy is a form of argument that seeks to discredit social phenomena by exposing their pernicious ancestry. In recent years, the U.S. Supreme Court has used Maxime Crépel, Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou, Kelly Christensen, Béatrice Mazoyer, Guillaume Plique, et al.. Digital mapping of the French media ecosystem. Sciences Po médialab - DEFACTO - 02/23/24, Média...The mapping of the French media ecosystem aims to produce a technical infrastructure to monitor the media landscape's news information and circulation dynamics. We produced a database comprising a large sample of major authoritative news media and alternative sources. Using a global and structural approach, we analyzed the relationships between the French media sources regarding their authority, ideological position, and audience. We also used De Facto’s enriched database of fact checks, the statistical and topological properties of Twitter accounts regularly sharing misinformation to measure their activity and visualize their position in the media ecosystem. First, we present the protocol and the methodology used to produce the dataset, then we describe the general structure and the properties of the French media ecosystem with a specific focus on disinformation. Journées sud-coréennes Association Henri Capitant – L’intelligence artificielleLes Journées internationales sud-coréennes, deux fois reportées à cause de la crise sanitaire, se tiendront enfin du 16 au 18 juin 2025, à Séoul, et porteront sur le thème de “L’intelligence artificielle“. Le premier questionnaire portera sur “Intelligence artificielle et […] Unchecking Power and Capturing Courts: How Autocratization Erodes Independent Judicial Systems by Margaret L. Satterthwaite, Katarina Sydow, Ben Polk :: SSRN
The world stands at a crossroads for democracy. On the one hand, 2024 is a “mega election year,” in which people in more than sixty countries—encompassing nearl
How Can Courts Encourage Constitutional Replacement? by Sergio Verdugo :: SSRN
Courts often do not play a significant role in constitutional replacement processes. Observers have identified exceptions and theorized about the courts' possib
Strategic manipulation of courts in civil law systems by Joan-Josep Vallbé, Luis Mario Lozano :: SSRN
Judicial governance institutions (e.g., judicial councils) intend to protect judiciaries from political manipulation, thus seeking judicial independence. Someti
Empirical Legal Studies and the Reception of EU Law by Domestic Courts: A Critical Examination by Arthur Dyevre :: SSRN
Viewed as crucial to the process of European integration, domestic judicial dynamics drew the attention of empirical scholars early on. Participation in the pre
The ICJ's Advisory Opinion on Climate Change: A Data Analysis of Participants' Written Submissions (full data update) by Thomas Burri :: SSRN
Standards of Review in International Courts by Shai Dothan :: SSRN
Judicial Review in the Federal Courts: The Emergencies Act by Mark Mancini :: SSRN
This is a case comment on Canadian Frontline Nurses v Canada (Attorney General), 2024 FC 42 , which held that the federal government’s invocation of the Emergen
The Ideal Type of the Law of the Judges by Dmitry Poldnikov :: SSRN
In studies of foreign legal history countries, it is necessary to shift the attention of scholars and students from public institutions and statutory law to the
Open Parliament Data in the European Union by Virpi Koykka :: SSRNThe value of data is widely acknowledged, and in democratic institutions, data can play an important role when striving for more transparency, innovative workin The Buckley Overreach by Lawrence Lessig :: SSRNUnder both the Court's current Buckley test and under any plausible version of originalism, contributions to independent political action committees are Le Declin Du Droit Commun: Observations D'un Etudiant Franco-Irlandais by Sébastien Laymond :: SSRN
This article argues that, as a by-product of the administrative and over-regulated nature of the Irish State, the Courts have had to increase their level of def
Promoting Law Beyond the State by Geoffrey Swenson :: SSRN
In countries receiving foreign aid, non-state justice systems rooted in custom or religion generally handle most legal disputes. This dramatically influences th
Translating the U.S. LLM Experience: The Need for a Comprehensive Examination by Carole Silver, Mayer G. Freed :: SSRN
The process of globalization has generated increasing interest in United States law. One consequence of this interest is the development of a new market for U.S
“Doing” Criminal Law Differently. Jocelyn Simonson, Radical Acts of Justice: How Ordinary People Are Dismantling Mass Incarceration (2023).Jocelyn Simonson, Radical Acts of Justice: How Ordinary People Are Dismantling Mass Incarceration (2023).Jessica M. EaglinIt is easy to privilege certain kinds of “doing” in law. From constitutional law and the courts to statutory mandates and the legislature, these are highly visible examples of law in action. As such, their effect and import are deeply studied, and criminal law is no different. Yet there are so many ways to “do” and interact with criminal law, a key takeaway from [...] Artificial Intelligence and Constitutional Interpretation by Andrew Coan, Harry Surden :: SSRNThis Article examines the potential use of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT in constitutional interpretation. LLMs are extremely powerful tools, with s Common Law, Civil Law, and Supranational Law: Clashes of Interpretation by Andrea Pin :: SSRN
The article argues that a fundamental misunderstanding has seen common law and the civil law trend in the same direction and become closer together. This
Taming Justice: How Courts Die and What Can Be Done to Save Them by David Sobreira :: SSRNThe new wave of global autocratization seems to be here to stay. Reports from the V-Dem Institute demonstrate that in 2023, at least 42 countries were undergoin The Future of Comparative Law Quantitative Methods In Comparative Law: Navigating Legal Friction In The Age Of Algorithmic Justice by P. G. Monateri :: SSRN
In this paper, we will explore the future of comparative law through the lens of the growing influence of quantitative methods and algorithmic justice in a
Civil V. Common Law: The Emperor Has No Clothes by Holger Spamann :: SSRNThis Article debunks myths about the common/civil law distinction and offers a more sober, evidence-based account. Few rules and institutions are systematically Data Breach Notification Laws and their Effectiveness: A Comparative Study of Different Jurisdictional Laws, Notification Timelines, and Practical Guide on Approaching Data Breach Notification Laws...Millions of people are affected by data breaches every year, A data breach may have occurred when unauthorized individuals gain access to confidential, private, The Original Meaning of Treaties by Duncan B. Hollis :: SSRN