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onto Everything iPads
October 2, 2013 9:48 PM

Apple Finally Realizes Kids Need Their Own Section in the App Store

Apple Finally Realizes Kids Need Their Own Section in the App Store | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

Apple has finally realized that kids using its devices need their own section in its app store. Alongside the recent introduction of iOS7, Apple has quietly rolled in a new category in its app store dedicated to app selections curated by Apple editorial staff. Parents and teachers now can have a reliable place where they can access a wide variety of apps particularly geared towards young learners.

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Everything iPads
iPad resources for engaging educators, students and artists
Curated by Andrea Zeitz
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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
December 3, 2015 3:23 PM

The iPad Goes into The Art Room

The iPad Goes into The Art Room | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

Just received an iPad cart for the art room which now opens up hundreds and hundreds of possibilities !

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
November 28, 2015 9:32 PM

50 Apps, 50 New Ways To Learn

50 Apps, 50 New Ways To Learn | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

Learning through play. Self-directed learning. Flipped learning. Mobile learning. Collaborative learning. Social learning. It’s all here. Alone, none offer the turn-key approach to education that textbooks have traditionally turned to, but that’s part of the strength. As education technology grows, we can adapt to new learning models that take advantage of the fragmented but enormous potential of self-directed, creative, collaborative, and almost entirely mobile learning.

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
July 7, 2015 12:03 AM

iOS Apps on the iPad to support Coding and Robotics

iOS Apps on the iPad to support Coding and Robotics | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

The iPad is a great tool for coding.  Particularly for developing the
skills and concepts in the junior years around directional language,
understanding sprites and developing the building blocks of coding before moving onto traditional desktop coding software.

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
July 4, 2015 12:36 AM

Wordsalad-‘Word Clouds Redefined’ iPad App

Wordsalad-‘Word Clouds Redefined’ iPad App | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

Wordsalad – makes it easy and fun to create word clouds on the iPad 

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
March 9, 2015 12:51 AM

Apple Overhauling iPad in Education Program to Simplify Sharing Devices and Apps

Apple Overhauling iPad in Education Program to Simplify Sharing Devices and Apps | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

Apple will be making significant changes to iPad deployment for education during the upcoming school year that should eliminate some of the hurdles that school districts face when adopting iPads for use in the classroom.

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
February 15, 2015 8:50 PM

Apps, Lessons and Educational Games for Teaching Students Quick Typing Skills

Apps, Lessons and Educational Games for Teaching Students Quick Typing Skills | Everything iPads | Scoop.it
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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
February 7, 2015 4:27 PM

Best Spelling Apps for Kids

Best Spelling Apps for Kids | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

Looking for the best spelling apps for your beginning speller? Check these out! They're great for kids in kindergarten through third grade.

Meet This Reading Mama’s Word Study Apps.  Designed by a reading specialist, they were created using the principles of word study, a research-based approach to teaching spelling. So far, the series includes two awesome apps: the Short Vowel Word Study App and the Long Vowel Word Study App.

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
November 15, 2014 8:45 PM

How to dictate a book in the Book Creator App

How to dictate a book in the Book Creator App | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

When working with young students, typing can be quite a difficult thing for them to do. Why not make use of the iPad's dictation tool instead?

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
November 12, 2014 9:30 PM

Fantastic Ideas for Using 'Stick Around' App

Fantastic Ideas for Using 'Stick Around' App | Everything iPads | Scoop.it
Andrea Zeitz's insight:

Play, design, and share labeling and sorting puzzles! Stick Around comes with an assortment of puzzles, including ordering decimals and classifying rocks. It's the player's job to drag the stickers from the tray to their correct spots on the background before time runs out.

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
October 29, 2014 9:08 PM

5 Good Sites and Apps for Elementary School Language Arts Lessons

5 Good Sites and Apps for Elementary School Language Arts Lessons | Everything iPads | Scoop.it
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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
October 28, 2014 1:24 AM

How Knew? App Smash!

How Knew? App Smash! | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

Inspired by the last #1to1iPadChat , the term App Smash was coined by the great Greg Kulowiec (@gregkulowiec)  from EdTech Teacher fame. It is a hot topic in EdTech and obviously has its own Hashtag – #AppSmash.

What is an App Smash? Content created in one app transferred to and enhanced by a second app and sometimes third. Preferably the final product is then published to the web – remember, digital presence is the new résumé (CV).
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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
October 19, 2014 8:18 PM

How to set up and implement Apple TV in your classroom in under 5 minutes

How to set up and implement Apple TV in your classroom in under 5 minutes | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

If you are using iPads in your classroom without the Apple TV Unit you are really only getting half the experience.
This great video from square group will explain to the uninitiated the
process of getting started with Apple TV in your classroom including the
setup and some basic teaching ideas. 

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
August 1, 2014 12:39 PM

Padlet is the easiest way to create and collaborate in the world

Padlet is the easiest way to create and collaborate in the world | Everything iPads | Scoop.it
You'll feel like a superhero
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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
December 3, 2015 3:14 PM

Little Bird Tales: Story Telling App

Little Bird Tales: Story Telling App | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

Little Bird Tales: Capture the Voice of Childhood. A fun,unique way to create,record and share stories online. Kids can make drawings,upload photos or artwork and record their voice online,creating a slideshow format book,then share it with family and friends.  Environmentally friendly and great for schools,too.

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
July 19, 2015 12:26 PM

Word Swag- Great App for Creating Educational Posters

Word Swag- Great App for Creating Educational Posters | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

 Word Swag allows you to design beautiful graphics and create amazing text layouts. You can easily stylize your images by adding text, background and different colour fonts. Word Swag is great for creating poster quotes to share with students in class. You can also use it to create educational flyers and announcements or to simply caption your memories.

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
July 6, 2015 3:44 PM

Why & How to Use the Green Screen App in class

Why & How to Use the Green Screen App in class | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

This is a new must-have for all classrooms! Finding interesting ways to evaluate, reflect and report on work and projects can be tricky. Many students struggle to engage with the reflection properly as it is often a dry, unentertaining end to any unit or project. But that’s where the Green Screen App can help.

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
June 28, 2015 2:01 PM

Design Thinking: Promoting creative thinking, team work & student responsibility for learning

Design Thinking: Promoting creative thinking, team work & student responsibility for learning | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

Design thinking is a powerful tool to really get your students thinking about and tackling a problem or topic at a much deeper level. It is a structured task that focuses on giving considerable  time to thinking about and empathising with the people within the situation, designing and prototyping a possible solution that is immediately challenged in order to improve it. 

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
February 15, 2015 8:52 PM

4 Powerful iPad Apps for Teaching Kids Handwriting

4 Powerful iPad Apps for Teaching Kids Handwriting | Everything iPads | Scoop.it
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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
February 7, 2015 4:33 PM

SAMR in 120 Seconds - YouTube

This is a quick introduction to the SAMR Model, developed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura. It is not meant to be an in-depth view of the model. For more information, visit http://hippasus.com/.

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
November 29, 2014 5:22 PM

5 Easy Steps-Help the littlest learners share with iPads

5 Easy Steps-Help the littlest learners share with iPads | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

Anyone who has spent time with kindergarteners knows that these enthusiastic young students love to share what they’ve learned. This is great because reflection is an important part of discovery at any age.

Using a few digital tools, students can create artifacts, record their thoughts about their work and share with the class. They can also review their classmates’ work and give feedback.

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
November 15, 2014 6:24 PM

6 Good iPad Apps to Enhance Kids Mathematical Thinking

6 Good iPad Apps to Enhance Kids Mathematical Thinking | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

Here is a set of good iPad apps that you can use with students to enhance their mathematical thinking. These apps are meant for young learners and are specifically useful when introducing kids to those rudimentary notions of mathematical computations.

The purpose of teaching kids to think mathematically, as detailed in Kaye Stacey's paper, is three folds:

First, it will allow kids to conduct mathematical investigations by themselves.

Second, it will help them acquire other thinking skills particularly problem-solving and as mathematician Paul Halmos (1980) stated, 'problem solving is the heart of mathematics'.

Third, it helps kids get a deeper appreciation of mathematics and use it in their daily and working lives.

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
November 12, 2014 9:28 PM

Top Ten Tips for the iPad App 'Stick Around'

Top Ten Tips for the iPad App 'Stick Around' | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

Stick Around is one of the best new apps we've seen lately It offers users the ability to create, share and play their own labelling puzzles.  The design of the app is very user friendly but broad enough to include some brilliant little touches too. 

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
October 28, 2014 1:29 AM

50 resources for using tech in the modern classroom

50 resources for using tech in the modern classroom | Everything iPads | Scoop.it
A roundup of educational articles, apps and tutorials for educators looking to integrate technology into the classroom, updated for 2014.
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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
October 28, 2014 12:18 AM

Easy App Smash for the Primary Grades

Easy App Smash for the Primary Grades | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

Completing this app smash at the start of the school year gives me the chance to teach the basics of some apps that students will frequently use throughout the rest of the school year.

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Scooped by Andrea Zeitz
September 13, 2014 12:10 PM

From Toy to Tool: How to Develop Smart Tablet Habits in Class

From Toy to Tool: How to Develop Smart Tablet Habits in Class | Everything iPads | Scoop.it

Managing tablets as learning tools in the classroom is not easy, especially when many kids use them largely as toys outside of school, if they have access to a tablet in their home environment. Here are some ideas on how to develop smart habits for class.

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