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Scooped by DocBiodiv
March 8, 2022 6:38 AM!

Surfing towards coastal ecosystem protection - University of Portsmouth

Surfing towards coastal ecosystem protection - University of Portsmouth | Biodiversité |

Scientists at the University of Portsmouth believe a strategy used to protect popular surfing spots could now be more widely adopted to help preserve endangered coastal environments.

A new research paper, published this week in Trends in Ecology & Evolution, says, ‘wave reserves’, initially aimed at protecting treasured surf spots, are also a way to ensure the conservation of ecologically valuable coastal areas.

The concept of wave reserves has gained popularity over the past few decades. The first wave reserve was established in Bells Beach, Australia in 1973 by surfers keen to defend their prized waves from damaging human activity.

DocBiodiv's insight:

via @JeromeOLLIER 

A bright future for wave reserves? Grégoire Touron-Gardic, Pierre Failler. Published: March 03, 2022 Trends in Ecology & evolution DOI:

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Scooped by DocBiodiv
July 6, 2020 2:34 AM!

DONIA rejoignez la communauté des passionnés de la mer & Embarquez le meilleur de l’océanologie

DONIA  rejoignez la communauté des passionnés de la mer & Embarquez le meilleur de l’océanologie | Biodiversité |

L’application DONIA permet aux plaisanciers, plongeurs, pêcheurs et à tous les amoureux de la mer, d’échanger des informations tout en contribuant à protéger les écosystèmes marins sensibles, dans le respect de la loi. Elle offre un rendu cartographique enrichi en intégrant la nature des fonds, la bathymétrie, la réglementation en mer, les images satellites, des points d’intérêt, et de nombreux sites particuliers (sites de plongée, ports, mouillages, photographies sous-marines, observations des utilisateurs de l’application).

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