It’s been two years since ChatGTP made its public debut, and in no sector has its impact been more dramatic and detrimental than in education. Increasingly, homework and exam writing are being done by generative AI instead of students, turned in and passed off as authentic work for grades, credit, and degrees.
It is a serious problem that devalues the high school diploma and college degree. It is also sending an untold number of supposedly qualified people into careers and positions such as nurses, engineers, and firefighters, where their lack of actual learning could have dramatic and dangerous consequences.
Invertir dinero en herramientas para detectar si los trabajos entregados por los estudiantes fueron hechos con los modelos de la IA, es una pérdida de tiempo. En cambio, desarrollemos nuevos instrumentos evaluativos para detectar el desarrollo cognitivo y las conexiones mentales de nuestros estudiantes. Enfoquémonos más en su APRENDIZAJE y menos en la trampa...