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EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight,
October 22, 11:03 AM
"It’s a common belief that professors teach most classes at our colleges, when the fact is that most students in American classrooms receive instruction from others, mostly graduate teaching assistants and adjuncts." |
Dennis Swender's comment,
October 31, 1:50 AM
"All this weighs little in an era where higher education is no longer viewed as a transformational experience, but instead as a transactional exchange. "
Dennis Swender's curator insight,
October 31, 1:55 AM
Robert Zaretsky (Univ of Houston) writes, "All this weighs little in an era where higher education is no longer viewed as a transformational experience, but instead as a transactional exchange."
EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight,
October 22, 11:06 AM
"Institutions are continuously adapting to meet evolving learner demands, and technology is now a big part of how students learn. So, institutions must learn about and step into the online learning environment without compromising the many advantages of in-person learning." |
Este planteamiento fue presentado hace años por parte de Juan Domingo Farnós. Desde antes de la emergencia del COVID-19, Farnós ya estaba hablando de estos temas en diferentes foros educativos y medios noticiosos. Él ha sido uno de los pocos investigadores visionarios que se han atrevido a decir la verdad del Sistema Universitario. Mi libro, DERRUMBANDO LAS CATEDRALES DEL CONOCIMIENTO (2019), fue influenciado por sus planteamientos iniciales. Hoy día, estamos experimentando los efectos de la inercia universitaria al publicar artículos como este en diversos medios noticiosos...