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Artificial Intelligence in Academia: Chatbot applications in libraries

Artificial Intelligence in Academia: Chatbot applications in libraries | |

We live in the age of robots. Thanks to advances in AI, it is now theoretically possible to, say, make an entire feature-length film without hiring any humans to write a screenplay, act or compose the score.

Naturally, AI has found its way into just about every area of modern life, including academia. Their use at colleges and universities has not been entirely free of controversy, but AI and automation have a number of practical applications in the academic library. Indeed, these tools have the potential to transform academic librarianship for the better.

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Preguntas, no respuestas 

Preguntas, no respuestas  | |

En el documento se alerta sobre los riesgos de sustituir inopinadamente los lenguajes orales y escritos basados en significados, dominantes hasta ahora, por la comunicación de la IA construída por algoritmos y cálculos de frecuencia léxica en el discurso colectivo. Finalmente, se reflexiona en profundidad sobre las posibles consecuencias socioculturales y relacionales de las nuevas formas de inteligencia conectada, y la necesidad de integrarlas adecuadamente en nuestro patrimonio comunicativo cultural global, para disfrutar de sus beneficios en ámbitos de inclusión, personalización, y apoyo al bienestar individual y colectivo de la humanidad.

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A Post-AI Learning Taxonomy 

A Post-AI Learning Taxonomy  | |

Consider this: in a world where AI can retrieve and present information in seconds, is memorization still a critical skill? Or should we be focusing on higher-order thinking skills that AI can't replicate - skills that education has aspires to deliver for decades, and which the the World Economic Forum has identified as crucial for the future workforce and global economy?

But here's the exciting part: this challenge is also an opportunity to reimagine how we define and measure “learning” in new and more effective ways.

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Confirmado: la IA está cambiando la inteligencia colectiva

Confirmado: la IA está cambiando la inteligencia colectiva | |

Los grandes modelos lingüísticos creados con Inteligencia Artificial están cambiando la inteligencia colectiva de nuestra especie, tanto para democratizar el acceso al conocimiento y mejorar la colaboración global como para generar una falsa sensación de consenso que margina perspectivas minoritarias pero valiosas.


En un mundo cada vez más interconectado y digitalizado, la aparición de los modelos de lenguaje de gran escala (LLMs, por sus siglas en inglés) ha marcado un antes y un después en la forma en que procesamos y compartimos información.

Via Santiago Bonet, juandoming
Santiago Bonet's curator insight, September 30, 3:03 PM

Confirmado: la IA está cambiando la inteligencia colectiva

#TransformacionDigital #IA #InteligenciaArtificial #InteligenciaColectiva!

Schools need to teach about tech, not just use it in lessons

Schools need to teach about tech, not just use it in lessons | |

Amid an AI revolution, we must reform lesson plans and retrain teachers to educate the young about technology and how to use it for good.


Technology education is education about technology – what it is and how it is used to solve problems. It is not the same as education technology, which refers to the tools enabling students to learn.

Via Yashy Tohsaku
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El futuro de la formación docente en la era de la IA: Qué necesitan saber los educadores de hoy

El futuro de la formación docente en la era de la IA: Qué necesitan saber los educadores de hoy | |

En esta entrevista, exploramos junto a Raquel su visión sobre la formación continua docente, un aspecto crucial para enfrentar los retos actuales de la educación. Conversaremos sobre su experiencia en la formación de profesorado a nivel nacional e internacional y analizaremos el estado actual de la capacitación docente, identificando áreas clave de mejora y las preocupaciones más comunes entre los educadores. También discutiremos las oportunidades que surgen con los últimos avances metodológicos y tecnológicos, y cómo estos pueden transformar la práctica educativa.

Raquel compartirá su perspectiva sobre el futuro de la educación, basándose en su trayectoria como formadora y asesora en tecnología educativa. Además, conoceremos sus referentes pedagógicos y sus consejos para quienes se inician en la docencia.

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Teoría de redes aplicada a la educación: Potenciando el Aprendizaje Colaborativo 

En la era de la educación digital, los enfoques que integran tecnologías y metodologías innovadoras se han vuelto indispensables para mejorar los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En este contexto, la teoría de redes emerge como una herramienta fundamental para entender las interacciones y conexiones entre estudiantes, docentes y contenido educativo. Esta teoría permite visualizar la estructura de las relaciones en una comunidad educativa, facilitando el análisis de cómo fluye la información, cómo se colabora y cómo se toman decisiones en entornos de aprendizaje.

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Nueva voz avanzada de OpenAI en ChatGPT: Inteligencia Artificial en la Sala de Clases

Nueva voz avanzada de OpenAI en ChatGPT: Inteligencia Artificial en la Sala de Clases | |

Aquí te presento un debate legal con la Inteligencia Artificial de OpenAI ChatGPT en Modo Avanzado de Voz. Este es un uso práctico para la sala de clases o el aprendizaje y práctica independiente. También ayuda en el arte de hablar en público, debate argumentativo y persuasivo, así como en el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico.

Edumorfosis's insight:
Un buen ejemplo que explica el concepto de la Sinapsis Algorítmica en la que se fusionan nuestras conexiones mentales con los algoritmos de la IA para crear, explorar, debatir, argumentar, pensar críticamente y analizar datos. Me encanta lo que podemos hacer con la IA en diversidad de experiencias de aprendizaje...
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Using ChatGPT to support Student-Led Inquiry

Using ChatGPT to support Student-Led Inquiry | |

Next, imagine that students turn to ChatGPT to overcome these obstacles in their thinking. How can ChatGPT be used as such a tool? I’d like to share three ways to harness ChatGPT to bolster student-led inquiry.

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Welcoming AI into the classroom

Welcoming AI into the classroom | |

When ChatGPT and other generative AI platforms first became widely available, professors on many college campuses responded with understandable concern: How will students use this to cheat? How well can the tech write an essay? Can it come up with computer code or solve problem sets and show the steps? And how on Earth can we police this?

But with the arrival of easy-to-use generative AI tools last year, the questions have changed.

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Students turn to AI to do their assigned readings for them

Students turn to AI to do their assigned readings for them | |

Ava Wherley likes to read—especially thrillers. She rarely reads nonfiction, but when she does, she prefers suspenseful tales of true crime.

Reading for school is another matter. Wherley, a sophomore biology major at the University of Florida, is assigned about 100 pages of reading a week for three classes—most of which she skips in favor of gleaning the information from YouTube videos.

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Competencia de Inteligencia Artificial para docentes  

Competencia de Inteligencia Artificial para docentes   | |

¿Podrán los docentes estar al día en las competencias de inteligencia artificial y ser los nuevos acompañantes de la educación en el siglo XXI?  Para ser un docente competente en Inteligencia Artificial (IA), es importante poseer una combinación de habilidades técnicas y pedagógicas. A continuación enumero y desarrollo las competencias básicas que un docente en IA debe tener:

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[PDF] 2024 State EdTech Trends Report

[PDF] 2024 State EdTech Trends Report | |

The report complements the survey data with state spotlights that showcase the work states are leading to support cybersecurity efforts, the effective and equitable use of edtech tools, and the development of policy to guide the use of AI in K-12 classrooms.

This work was made possible through the generous support of Siegel Family Endowment, whose commitment to advancing education through technology has empowered us to continue tracking and addressing these key issues.

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Must-Have Competencies and Skills in our new AI World: A synthesis for Educational Reform

Must-Have Competencies and Skills in our new AI World: A synthesis for Educational Reform | |

The new reality that we all must come to terms with is that AI is now everywhere, it is here to stay, and it will be in everything as it is woven into the fabric of our daily lives. Our educational systems must pivot from preparing students for the world as it is to empowering them to succeed in the world as it will be with the rise of modern AI. I propose a tripartite model of competencies and skills integral to thriving in an AI-driven world: intelligent design skills, intelligent human skills, and intelligent data skills...

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Propuesta de actividad ABP para combatir las Fake News en el aula de secundaria con IA

Propuesta de actividad ABP para combatir las Fake News en el aula de secundaria con IA | |

Imaginad por un momento que estáis navegando por vuestro feed de redes sociales. De repente, os encontráis con una noticia impactante: “¡Científicos descubren que la Tierra es plana!”. ¿Os lo creeríais? Probablemente no, pero ¿y si la noticia fuera más sutil, más creíble? En el mundo actual, donde la información viaja a la velocidad de un clic, distinguir entre lo verdadero y lo falso se ha convertido en un verdadero desafío.

Vivimos en la era de la información, pero también en la era de la desinformación. Las noticias falsas, o “fake news” como se les conoce en inglés, se han convertido en un problema global que afecta a todos los ámbitos de nuestra sociedad. Desde la política hasta la salud, pasando por la ciencia y la cultura, ningún área está a salvo de este fenómeno.

Como educadores, nos enfrentamos a un reto formidable: preparar a nuestros estudiantes no solo para absorber conocimientos, sino para navegar críticamente en este océano de información. La capacidad de discernir entre lo verdadero y lo falso, de cuestionar las fuentes y de pensar críticamente se ha convertido en una habilidad tan esencial como leer o escribir.

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Los 3 principales tipos de Evaluación Educativa – Lo que todo docente debe saber

Los 3 principales tipos de Evaluación Educativa – Lo que todo docente debe saber | |

La evaluación educativa es un proceso fundamental en el ámbito pedagógico que permite medir el aprendizaje y el desarrollo de los estudiantes. Esta entrada aborda los aspectos más relevantes de los tres tipos principales de evaluación: diagnóstica, formativa y sumativa. Cada uno de estos tipos tiene características específicas, objetivos distintos y métodos de aplicación que son esenciales para el proceso educativo.

Via Teresa Torné
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AI in Education in 2024: Mixed feelings on the tech’s future

AI in Education in 2024: Mixed feelings on the tech’s future | |

There is optimism about artificial intelligence’s productivity gains amid worry about inappropriate student use. Here’s what you need to know. 


In general, education leaders have an optimistic opinion of AI. The Consortium for School Networking’s State of EdTech District Leadership report notes that 97% see benefits in how AI can positively impact education. While there is great optimism, districts lag in actually implementing AI, with only 35% stating that they have a generative AI initiative in place.

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, October 1, 1:27 PM

"As students settle back into classroom routines for the 2024-2025 school year, K–12 teachers and administrators face a host of pressing issues. Among them: how to navigate the use of artificial intelligence in education."!

The problem with TurnItIn and other AI detectors in Education

The problem with TurnItIn and other AI detectors in Education | |

Over the last few years, many educators have turned to AI detection software to check for student use of AI in their assignments. One such tool,, is widely known for its plagiarism detection, but it now includes an AI detection feature as well. But, is the AI Detection feature effective? And is it fair?

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)
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La nueva educación (universidad) impulsada por la IA: Multi-documentos, multiagentes, y machine learning 

La nueva educación (universidad) impulsada por la IA: Multi-documentos, multiagentes, y machine learning  | |

En el ámbito universitario, la investigación se transforma con la ayuda de agentes multi-documentos que pueden analizar grandes conjuntos de datos, identificar patrones y tendencias, y generar nuevas hipótesis. La colaboración entre estudiantes y agentes especializados en diferentes áreas de conocimiento impulsa la innovación y acelera el ritmo de los descubrimientos.

La visión de Farnos, centrada en la personalización y la accesibilidad, se materializa en un ecosistema educativo donde la IA no reemplaza al educador, sino que lo empodera con herramientas que le permiten dedicar más tiempo a la interacción humana y al desarrollo integral de cada estudiante. El aprendizaje autónomo se fortalece con sistemas de recomendación inteligentes que guían a los estudiantes hacia los recursos más relevantes para sus necesidades e intereses.

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Can a single prompt reliably predict your learners' needs?

Can a single prompt reliably predict your learners' needs? | |

n August, I shared my reflections on a study by Hewitt et al. (2024), which found that GPT-4 can predict human responses with a correlation coefficient of r = 0.85 (i.e. with the right level of context, GPT4 is pretty good at predicting human responses and behaviours).

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[PDF] Evolving Teacher Education in an AI World

[PDF] Evolving Teacher Education in an AI World | |

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) has captured the attention of the education community. Some educators are enamored with the opportunities to use GenAI to tackle long-standing issues and close opportunity gaps. Others focus on challenges caused by GenAI upending traditional learning structures, as well as concerns about academic integrity and inaccuracies of AI-Generated materials. Whether enthusiastic, circumspect, or somewhere in between, it is crucial for all educators to be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for success in an AI-driven world. Most educators agree that students must develop critical AI skills, such as understanding what AI is, how it works, and how to use it to support learning (ISTE, 2024). This creates a particular urgency for Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs) that are responsible for preparing next-generation teachers to effectively leverage GenAI and understand the implications for teaching and learning.

In the early days of GenAI, many elementary and secondary schools reacted by attempting to limit access to GenAI tools, often in the name of preventing cheating. However, much has changed in a short period of time. Education leaders now recognize that bans on GenAI are largely ineffective, often restrict access for those who can
least afford the technology, and may prevent students from developing critical skills (Jimenez, 2023). Additionally, survey data from Stanford shows no significant increase in student cheating since GenAI became widely available (Spector, 2023).

As experience with GenAI has grown, school leaders and educators have also become better equipped to assess its benefits and risks, leading to informed guidelines and policies that expand its use. As of 2023, over half of educators said they have used ChatGPT for educational purposes, and more than two-thirds agreed that AI integration would significantly benefit teaching (AmadoSalvatierra et al., 2023).

GenAI offers unprecedented capabilities that could disrupt current educational practices, expanding access to high-fidelity simulations, adaptive tutoring, and more personalized learning. As GenAI continues to evolve, to fully leverage these capabilities, education institutions must address issues of equity, bias, transparency, accuracy, user privacy, and a wide array of ethical questions.

Additionally, assessment practices will need to be updated, new digital literacies acquired, and norms established for appropriate GenAI use. EPPs face particular challenges, as teacher education
faculty must consider GenAI’s impact on their own teaching, as well as the rapidly changing school environments their students will enter. EPPs must work in tandem with their school partners to establish transformational GenAI practices in their programs.

Nik Peachey's curator insight, September 28, 3:01 AM

Worth checking out!

Colleges still don’t have a plan for AI cheating

Colleges still don’t have a plan for AI cheating | |

A mere week after ChatGPT appeared in November 2022, The Atlantic declared that “The College Essay Is Dead.” Two school years later, Jensen is done with mourning and ready to move on. The tall, affable English professor co-runs a National Endowment for the Humanities–funded project on generative-AI literacy for humanities instructors, and he has been incorporating large language models into ASU’s English courses. Jensen is one of a new breed of faculty who want to embrace generative AI even as they also seek to control its temptations. He believes strongly in the value of traditional writing but also in the potential of AI to facilitate education in a new way—in ASU’s case, one that improves access to higher education.

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How people are really using GenAI

How people are really using GenAI | |

There are many use cases for Generative AI, spanning a vast number of areas of domestic and work life. Looking through thousands of comments on sites such as Reddit and Quora, the author’s team found that the use of this technology is as wide-ranging as the problems we encounter in our lives. The 100 categories they identified can be divided into six top-level themes, which give an immediate sense of what Generative AI is being used for: Technical Assistance & Troubleshooting (23%), Content Creation & Editing (22%), Personal & Professional Support (17%), Learning & Education (15%), Creativity & Recreation (13%), Research, Analysis & Decision Making (10%).

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Teaching with AI: How college professors are redefining the classroom

Teaching with AI: How college professors are redefining the classroom | |

While the proliferation of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has many industries hoping it will eventually streamline processes and save resources on labor-intensive tasks, the explosion in its adoption by students has created some unique challenges for educators.

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[PDF] Bridging Talent Shortages in Tech

[PDF] Bridging Talent Shortages in Tech | |

Talent shortages are a lose-lose situation for everyone: for firms, they hinder productivity and innovation; for workers, they lead to skills mismatches and reduced job satisfaction; for governments, they reduce competitiveness and economic growth. All stakeholders suffer from lowered efficiency, missed opportunities and heightened economic strain. This is particularly the case in the tech sector, where the demand for highly specialized skills often outstrips the available supply of qualified professionals due to
constantly evolving technologies and to unfavourable working conditions for certain groups of workers (such as women and ethnic and racial minorities). Tackling talent shortages in the tech sector effectively requires innovative approaches and collaborative efforts by all stakeholders.

In particular, a skills-first approach to hiring and training can be extremely valuable to address persistent talent shortages. This approach allows companies to adapt more dynamically to changing demands by focusing on the specific skills needed for vacant roles rather than rigid qualifications or experience criteria. The skills-first approach broadens the talent pool by considering candidates with diverse backgrounds, thereby reducing dependency on traditional recruitment pipelines. Skills-first strategies also promote innovation, by valuing workers’ capabilities and potentials, and facilitate reskilling and upskilling initiatives, ensuring that the workforce remains relevant and competitive in rapidly evolving markets. Beyond employers, career guidance institutions and education and training providers can benefit from adopting skills-first strategies. Indeed, by focusing on developing specific skills, training institutions can better prepare individuals for the job market, improving their employability and career prospects. Skills-first approaches also allow for more personalized career guidance, where individuals can identify and pursue paths that align with their strengths and interests, rather than predefined career tracks. Micro-credentials – i.e. small, targeted learning activities that offer a way for learners to retrain and upskill quickly and efficiently – can also help reduce talent shortages, particularly in the tech sector, by providing flexible and rapid skill development.

Micro-credentials allow workers to acquire specific, in-demand skills without committing to lengthy degree programmes, thus quickly filling skills gaps. Employers who can adapt to emerging technologies and industry changes can better benefit from a more agile workforce. Micro-credentials support continuous learning, enabling professionals to remain up to speed with the latest advancements. Partnerships between educational institutions and tech companies can ensure that microcredentials align with real-world industry needs, further bridging the talent gap.

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[PDF] Un aprendizaje a la medida de todos: Los cinco perfiles de estudiantes

[PDF] Un aprendizaje a la medida de todos: Los cinco perfiles de estudiantes | |

No todos los estudiantes tienen las mismas necesidades al mismo tiempo ni en el mismo nivel, lo que puede dificultar el diseño de programas a los líderes de aprendizaje. Para comprender los patrones que subyacen tras estas diferencias, llevamos a cabo investigaciones para determinar qué hace únicos a los estudiantes (incluidas sus preferencias y motivaciones) e identificamos cinco perfiles comunes, cada uno de los cuales está asociado a actitudes, motivaciones, fortalezas y preferencias distintivas a la hora de

Este informe de encuesta sintetiza nuestros hallazgos con el fin de proporcionar a los líderes de aprendizaje y desarrollo, recursos humanos y otros líderes organizacionales información que los ayude a guiar el desarrollo y la implementación de la estrategia de
aprendizaje. Comprender estos perfiles puede ser útil para los líderes de aprendizaje y gerentes a la hora de diseñar programas de aprendizaje que incluyan elementos que se ajusten a las preferencias de los distintos estudiantes con el fin de
ofrecerles lo siguiente:

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