This study, conducted in partnership with Hopelab and the Center for Digital Thriving at Harvard Graduate School of Education, examines how young people perceive and interact with Generative AI technologies, with special attention to race and ethnicity, age, gender, and LGBTQ+ identity.
These nuanced views of teens and young adults from diverse demographic groups offer valuable insights into the potential benefits of generative AI, such as broader access to information, streamlining of tasks, and enhanced creativity. However, young people also expressed concerns about potential negative impacts, including job loss, privacy issues, intellectual property theft, misinformation and disinformation, and even AI taking over the world.
It's essential to understand young people's perspectives about generative AI, especially when considering programs, policies, and design features that impact the mental health of marginalized and minority populations like LGBTQ+, Black, and Latinx youth. The data in this report can ensure that the well-being of the earliest adopters is prioritized.