Aquí te recomendamos los mejores cursos online gratuitos de Inglés (para principiantes e intermedios) ¡Aprenderás a conversar y entender el idioma! Dentro de esta amplia oferta de cursos gratu…
Via Juan Jesús Baño Egea
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Manuel León Urrutia's curator insight,
March 2, 2014 12:28 PM
Another MOOC report, this time from University of London. Section 6 specially interesting for MOOC making.
luiy's curator insight,
April 15, 2014 6:21 PM
Project Planning a MOOC
The course teams involved with our MOOCs included experienced academics with familiarity in developing materials on a learning platform. Nonetheless, for each of them it was their first experience of MOOCs, as it was for the project planning team.
Delivering a MOOC
A range of styles and learning methods were adopted by the four MOOCs, appropriate to the subject matter covered. A MOOC structure of six weeks and 5-10 student effort hours per week of study appeared to be just right for the majority of students (55%). Some considerations for future delivery include:
< Well designed announcements at the beginning and end of each week that articulate with the topic coverage, learning activities and assessment methods can be effective at maintaining student interest and motivation. < Management of forum threads and posts is a critical factor in dealing with massive scale short courses to ensure the majority of students are not affected negatively by the behaviour of a small number of the community, while preserving the openness of the discussion areas.
< The Coursera platform tools are significant and comprehensive in terms of plotting overall student activity, allowing evaluation of assessment data, as well as usage statistics on video resources and other learning activities; however, further refinement of these tools to enable both students and teaching staff to understand their progression at an individual level is necessary (and underway). ** Learning Resource Development
María Dolores Díaz Noguera's curator insight,
May 20, 2014 5:22 AM
University of London MOOC Report . I Barney Gracinger, U. London
pru's curator insight,
March 14, 2014 7:02 PM
Useful discussion prompt for openness - in professional learning, and when considering development of MOOC learning materials. Massive benefit if these can become part of the OER ecosystem.
Robin Good's curator insight,
January 10, 2014 1:24 PM
Though it started on January 8th, you are still very welcome to sign up for this online free course on content curation, organized by Sam Burrough and Martin Couzins that will last for the next two weeks. Here the key topics covered:
From the official course page: "This course would suit anyone who is looking to understand more about curation and wants help to get started. It’s aimed at people in marketing, internal or external communications, learning and development and anyone who wants to share their passion for a topic with the world." Free for everyone. Sign-up now:
Gilles Le Page's curator insight,
May 25, 2013 4:38 AM
Jacques Rodet est "l'expert du tutorat" :
Anne-Emmanuelle JOURNEAU's comment,
June 9, 2013 4:57 PM
L'idée est extraordinaire, la mise en oeuvre laisse encore à désirer...
Ken Morrison's curator insight,
February 18, 2013 3:10 AM
I am taking a course from Howard Rheingold at the moment. He is very skilled at building a community of colearners.
cafel23mooc's curator insight,
March 4, 2013 5:00 AM
Un diaporama qui permet de cheminer dans l'histoire des MOOC, la compréhension des formes de MOOC. Présentation des grandes données chiffrées des MOOC (le tendances en matière de fréquentation, de nationalités, d'outils utilisés sur le Web...). Pour finir, des conseils : les étapes d'une mise en oeuvre réfléchie du dispositif.