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Alejandro Tortolini's curator insight,
June 25, 2013 7:05 PM
Excelente artículo de Débora Kozak sobre el concepto de alfabetización tecnológica. |
Guillaume Decugis's curator insight,
September 4, 2013 12:34 PM
I'm not a lawyer and I don't know how British law will rule that. But the mere existence of a lawsuit shows some believe enough in the value of content curation - what the Ministry of Sound effectively provides when producing their famous compilation albums - to think it should be protected by copyright or trademark law. Seems a bit meta? Probably. And it also shows the limits of copyright law growingly challenged by the remix culture.
A. Brian Dengler's comment,
September 5, 2013 3:14 PM
This is a fascinating issue. The names of songs listed in alphabetical order would be mere facts, and facts are not protected by copyright law, at least in the US. However, compilations that include editorial judgment in its selection of songs (the songs may fit a certain genre, reached a certain point of sales and appeal to a specific market), just may be protected by copyright. However, then you get into other analysis: did the postings on Spotify "copy" the Ministry of Sound's compilations, and how much originality did Ministry of Sound use to create the compilation? The outcome will be fascinating.
Alejandro Tortolini's curator insight,
September 28, 2013 11:55 AM
Debate: curaduría de contenidos y leyes de copyright (caso Ministry of Sound versus Spotify) |