Documentation juridique
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onto Documentation juridique
November 27, 3:05 AM!

Rage Against the Machine:  Who Is Responsible for Regulating Generative Artificial Intelligence in Domestic and Cross-Border Litigation? by S.I. Strong :: SSRN

Rage Against the Machine:  Who Is Responsible for Regulating Generative Artificial Intelligence in Domestic and Cross-Border Litigation? by S.I. Strong :: SSRN | Documentation juridique |
In 2023, ChatGPT – an early form of generative artificial intelligence (AI) capable of creating entirely new content – took the world by storm. The
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Documentation juridique
Informations et bonnes pratiques en recherche documentaire juridique en France et à l'étranger
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
August 19, 9:36 AM!

Recherche documentaire juridique ~ Ouvrage ~

Recherche documentaire juridique ~ Ouvrage ~ | Documentation juridique |

Ce guide méthodologique a été conçu pour fournir :

• une cartographie des gisements d’informations disponibles pour toutes les sources du droit français, du droit de l’Union européenne et du droit international (législation, jurisprudence, doctrine),

• une description plus détaillée des données et outils essentiels, accompagnée de trucs et astuces pour une utilisation efficace,

• une méthode de travail adaptable à tous les types de recherche et des conseils plus pointus pour des requêtes et investigations spécialisées.Le corps du texte s’accompagne d’outils permettant d’acquérir des compétences en recherche d’information juridique : des copies d’écran illustrent les procédures, des résumés permettent de mémoriser les points essentiels, des focus approfondissent certains aspects plus complexes.

Privilégiant la pratique et une approche la plus concrète possible, l’ouvrage devrait être utile à l’étudiant en licence ou master, au professionnel du droit ou de l’information juridique. Au-delà, il devrait intéresser toute personne souhaitant :

• se former à la recherche documentaire juridique,

• vérifier ou actualiser ses connaissances dans le domaine,

• former des étudiants à ce type de recherche,

• mesurer l’impact de l’intelligence artificielle sur la recherche d’information juridique.

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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
November 28, 1:47 AM!

ChatGPT and the Market for Legal Directory Quotes + Recommendations by Rupert Macey-Dare :: SSRN

At the start of the new legal year, literally tens of thousands of professional lawyers and their law firms from across the English-speaking world are

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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
November 27, 2:39 AM!

Replay Un jour, un auteur #2 : Stéphane Cottin pour le livre « Recherche documentaire juridique : Méthodologie »

Échange avec Stéphane Cottin, chef du service de la documentation et de l’aide à l’instruction du Conseil constitutionnel, autour de son ouvrage "Recherche documentaire juridique – Méthodologie" (6e édition), co-écrit avec Vincent de Briant.
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
November 22, 7:28 AM!

Le droit par les livres — A la découverte de la 6e édition de l’ouvrage « Recherche documentaire juridique – Méthodologie » chez @CabinetLandot

Le droit par les livres — A la découverte de la 6e édition de l’ouvrage « Recherche documentaire juridique – Méthodologie » chez @CabinetLandot | Documentation juridique |
Continuons notre petite série de vidéos dédiée aux ouvrages juridiques. Avec une découverte de la 6e édition de l’ouvrage « Recherche documentaire juridique – Méthodologie » par MM. Stéphane …
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
November 21, 5:11 PM!

Large Language Models (LLMs) for Legal Advice: A Scoping Review by Joshua Krook, Eike Schneiders, Tina Seabrooke, Natalie Leesakul, Jeremie Clos :: SSRN

Large Language Models (LLMs) for Legal Advice: A Scoping Review by Joshua Krook, Eike Schneiders, Tina Seabrooke, Natalie Leesakul, Jeremie Clos :: SSRN | Documentation juridique |
Large Language Models (LLMs) represent a challenge to traditional legal services, creating new means by which clients and lawyers can access legal concepts, cas
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
November 20, 11:49 AM!

A Legal Framework for eXplainable Artificial Intelligence by Aniket Kesari, Daniela Sele, Elliott Ash, Stefan Bechtold :: SSRN

A foundational principle of the law is that decision-makers must explain their reasons: judges write opinions, government agencies write reports detailing why t
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
November 19, 2:21 AM!

Generative AI, Fake Law and Professional Guidance by Michael Legg, Vicki McNamara :: SSRN

This article examines the impact of generative AI (GenAI) on the legal profession, focusing on the rise of AI-generated fake and inaccurate citations in l
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
November 11, 3:07 PM!

Artificial Intelligence for Learning the Law: Generative AI for Academic Support in Law Schools and Universities - Report of Experiments by Michael D. Murray :: SSRN

This document reports research conducted from December 2022 to August 2024, and in particular, Part I experiments conducted from May 20 to July 12, 2024, and Pa
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
November 8, 7:14 AM!

Comparateur Compar:IA : outil gratuit du service du numérique du ministère de la Culture. 

Le comparateur Compar:IA est un outil gratuit proposé par le service du numérique du ministère de la Culture qui répond à trois enjeux majeurs :

Sensibiliser les citoyens à l’IA générative et ses enjeux

Veiller au respect de la diversité des cultures francophones dans les modèles d’IA conversationnelle

Contribuer à la transparence des modèles d’IA générative

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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
November 6, 8:26 AM!

The Law of Digital Resurrection  by Victoria J. Haneman :: SSRN

The digital right to be dead has yet to be recognized as an important legal right. Artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and nanotechnology have progresse
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
November 5, 1:49 AM!

Ignorance of Law Does Not Excuse: A New Empirical Account by Piotr Bystranowski :: SSRN

Not knowing what is expected of one should limit one's responsibility for not complying; yet ignorance of law is no excuse. Existing literature in law and philo
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
October 30, 10:24 AM!

The Next Frontier: Legal Technology Systems for Document Retrieval in Court Proceedings by Stephanie Kew Yen Nee :: SSRN

The advancement of legal technology systems could potentially become promising tools for document retrieval in courtroom management, offering more streamlined l
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
October 30, 10:19 AM!

Generative AI in American and Canadian Courts: A “Training” Approach to Regulation by Fife Ogunde :: SSRN

Increased usage of generative artificial intelligence (AI) within the legal profession has prompted responses from the judiciary, resulting in the issuance of v
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
November 28, 5:39 AM!

Revue de doctrine sur la QPC : nouvelle présentation. Portail #QPC360° Veille sur les doctrines relatives aux décisions QPC (du Conseil constitutionnel et des juridictions du fond)

Revue de doctrine sur la QPC : nouvelle présentation. Portail #QPC360° Veille sur les doctrines relatives aux décisions QPC (du Conseil constitutionnel et des juridictions du fond) | Documentation juridique |

Cette sélection de références doctrinales est conçue par le service de la documentation et de l’aide à l’instruction du Conseil constitutionnel.

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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
November 27, 3:05 AM!

Rage Against the Machine:  Who Is Responsible for Regulating Generative Artificial Intelligence in Domestic and Cross-Border Litigation? by S.I. Strong :: SSRN

Rage Against the Machine:  Who Is Responsible for Regulating Generative Artificial Intelligence in Domestic and Cross-Border Litigation? by S.I. Strong :: SSRN | Documentation juridique |
In 2023, ChatGPT – an early form of generative artificial intelligence (AI) capable of creating entirely new content – took the world by storm. The
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
November 25, 1:03 AM!

Policies to Ensure that AI Benefits Free Access to Law by Graham Greenleaf, Philip Chung, Andrew Mowbray :: SSRN

Policies to Ensure that AI Benefits Free Access to Law by Graham  Greenleaf, Philip Chung, Andrew Mowbray :: SSRN | Documentation juridique |
This paper examines what policies concerning artificial intelligence (AI) applications to law will ensure the greatest benefits for the goal of free access to l
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
November 22, 1:36 AM!

A Legal Framework for eXplainable Artificial Intelligence by Aniket Kesari, Daniela Sele, Elliott Ash, Stefan Bechtold :: SSRN

A Legal Framework for eXplainable Artificial Intelligence by Aniket Kesari, Daniela Sele, Elliott Ash, Stefan Bechtold :: SSRN | Documentation juridique |
A foundational principle of the law is that decision-makers must explain their reasons: judges write opinions, government agencies write reports detailing why t
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
November 21, 4:54 AM!

L’intelligence artificielle va-t-elle remplacer avocats et juristes ? - Intelligence artificielle | Dalloz Actualité

L’intelligence artificielle va-t-elle remplacer avocats et juristes ? - Intelligence artificielle | Dalloz Actualité | Documentation juridique |
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
November 20, 11:15 AM!

Artificial Intelligence and Constitutional Interpretation by Andrew Coan, Harry Surden :: SSRN

This Article examines the potential use of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT in constitutional interpretation. LLMs are extremely powerful tools, with s
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
November 13, 2:02 AM!

Introduction to Cyber Jurisprudence by Yassin Abdalla Abdelkarim :: SSRN

Introduction to Cyber Jurisprudence by Yassin Abdalla Abdelkarim :: SSRN | Documentation juridique |
The novelty of technologies deployed for communications in cyberspace facilitated crucially human interactions. The intensive adoption of cyberspace technologie
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
November 11, 3:03 PM!

Research Methodology: Students’ Guide by Syed Shahbaz :: SSRN

Research is a complex process that involves systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of data to advance knowledge. It requires meticulous planning, m
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
November 6, 2:38 PM!

Remote Court Hearings (Past, Present, And Future): Arizona's Next Steps for A New World to Enhance Access to Justice by Samuel Thumma, Marcus W. Reinkensmeyer :: SSRN

In this article, the COVID-19 Continuity of Court Operations During a Public Health Emergency Workgroup (“Plan B Workgroup”) provides an update from its prior e
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
November 6, 1:23 AM!

Is Code Destined to Supersede Law? Behavioural Control by Code and Legal Theory by Matyas Bodig, Zsolt Ződi :: SSRN

Focusing on the challenge that the growing prominence of ‘behavioural control by code’ for modern state law, the article assesses the ‘legal theory of code’ – a
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
November 4, 2:32 PM!

Artificial Intelligence for Learning the Law: Generative AI for Academic Support in Law Schools and Universities - Report of Experiments by Michael D. Murray :: SSRN

This document reports research conducted from December 2022 to August 2024, and in particular, Part I experiments conducted from May 20 to July 12, 2024, and Pa
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
October 30, 10:19 AM!

Who Wants a Robo-Lawyer Now?: On AI Chatbots in China’s Public Legal Services Sector by Xin Dai :: SSRN

The recent popularization of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) applications, such as ChatGPT and other large language model (LLM)-powered chatbots,
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Rescooped by Stéphane Cottin from Economie et finances publiques
October 29, 7:48 AM!

Rapport annuel sur l'état de la France 2024 | CESE

Rapport annuel sur l'état de la France 2024 | CESE | Documentation juridique |

1 Français sur 4 n’a pas le sentiment de faire pleinement partie de la société : le CESE appelle à renforcer le pouvoir d’agir des citoyens pour sortir de la crise démocratique.

Cette année, le Rapport annuel sur l’état de la France (RAEF) met en lumière les liens entre inégalités et démocratie. En dépit du recul de l’inflation, les inégalités et leur accumulation pour certaines catégories de population se traduisent par un sentiment de mise à l’écart de la société et une défiance vis-à-vis des personnels politiques. Or, dans un contexte politique et budgétaire incertain, il existe des dispositifs de consultation et d’inclusion ainsi qu’une énergie citoyenne qui sont des atouts pour la France. 

Via INSP-Doc
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