Documentation juridique
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onto Documentation juridique
August 28, 2:41 PM!

Algorithmic Judicial Ethics by Keith Swisher :: SSRN

Judges have a brand new bag—an algorithmic accessory in criminal adjudication. It scores criminal defendants, aiming to inform judges which defendants are likel
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Documentation juridique
Informations et bonnes pratiques en recherche documentaire juridique en France et à l'étranger
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
August 19, 9:36 AM!

Recherche documentaire juridique ~ Ouvrage ~

Recherche documentaire juridique ~ Ouvrage ~ | Documentation juridique |

Ce guide méthodologique a été conçu pour fournir :

• une cartographie des gisements d’informations disponibles pour toutes les sources du droit français, du droit de l’Union européenne et du droit international (législation, jurisprudence, doctrine),

• une description plus détaillée des données et outils essentiels, accompagnée de trucs et astuces pour une utilisation efficace,

• une méthode de travail adaptable à tous les types de recherche et des conseils plus pointus pour des requêtes et investigations spécialisées.Le corps du texte s’accompagne d’outils permettant d’acquérir des compétences en recherche d’information juridique : des copies d’écran illustrent les procédures, des résumés permettent de mémoriser les points essentiels, des focus approfondissent certains aspects plus complexes.

Privilégiant la pratique et une approche la plus concrète possible, l’ouvrage devrait être utile à l’étudiant en licence ou master, au professionnel du droit ou de l’information juridique. Au-delà, il devrait intéresser toute personne souhaitant :

• se former à la recherche documentaire juridique,

• vérifier ou actualiser ses connaissances dans le domaine,

• former des étudiants à ce type de recherche,

• mesurer l’impact de l’intelligence artificielle sur la recherche d’information juridique.

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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
September 16, 5:15 AM!

A Comparative Study of Summarization Algorithms Applied to Legal Case Judgments

A Comparative Study of Summarization Algorithms Applied to Legal Case Judgments | Documentation juridique |
Summarization of legal case judgments is an important problem because the huge length and complexity of such documents make them difficult to read as a whole. Many summarization algorithms have been proposed till date, both for general text documents and
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
September 13, 12:07 PM!

Students Must Experience the Law: The Importance of Experiential Learning Through a Court Visit in Business Law and Legal Studies Courses by Hannah R. Weiser, J.D., M.B.A. :: SSRN

For a business law class at any level or format, a field trip to a court is critical to bridge the gap between theory and practice. This article encourages lega
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
September 12, 2:17 AM!

Alignment as Jurisprudence by Nicholas A. Caputo :: SSRN

Jurisprudence, the study of how judges should properly decide cases, and alignment, the science of getting AI models to conform to human values, have the same f
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
September 11, 1:56 PM!

Law School Success: A Matter of Heart (Réussir ses études en droit: une affaire de cœur) by Yan Campagnolo :: SSRN

English Abstract: At the start of the academic year, Vice-Dean Yan Campagnolo will address the new students of the University of Ottawa Faculty of L
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
September 11, 3:07 AM!

Adapter l'intelligence artificielle aux usages des avocats.

Adapter l'intelligence artificielle aux usages des avocats. | Documentation juridique |
L'intelligence artificielle (IA) se présente comme un allié précieux pour les avocats, offrant une multitude d'avantages qui révolutionneront la (...)...
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
September 10, 12:40 PM!

Governing AI: Creation of Norms and Delegation of Authority - ProQuest

Explore millions of resources from scholarly journals, books, newspapers, videos and more, on the ProQuest Platform.
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
September 9, 1:12 PM!

John Robots, Thurgood Martian, and the Syntax Monster: A New Argument Against AI Judges by Amin Ebrahimi Afrouzi :: SSRN

This paper argues that an AI judge is conceptually undesirable and not just something that lies beyond the state of the art in computer science. In a nutshell,
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
September 6, 12:51 PM!

Doctrine, la belle affaire de Pierre-Édouard Stérin

Doctrine, la belle affaire de Pierre-Édouard Stérin | Documentation juridique |
Le fonds d’investissement du milliardaire a réalisé une jolie plus-value en cédant sa participation dans la legaltech, qu’il avait accompagnée depuis ses débuts.
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
September 2, 2:13 PM!

A View of How Language Models Will Transform Law by Frank Fagan :: SSRN

This Article considers the influence of Large Language Models (LLMs) on legal practice and the legal services industry. In the near term, LLMs will spur new leg
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
August 28, 2:41 PM!

Algorithmic Judicial Ethics by Keith Swisher :: SSRN

Judges have a brand new bag—an algorithmic accessory in criminal adjudication. It scores criminal defendants, aiming to inform judges which defendants are likel
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
August 28, 2:40 PM!


Legal history or the history of law is the study of how law has evolved and why it changed. Legal history is closely connected to the development of civilizatio
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
August 27, 10:53 AM!


Should judicial opinions be interpreted with an eye to their purpose, context, or the intent of their authors, or should interpreters focus solely on t

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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
September 16, 5:15 AM!

Incorporating domain knowledge for extractive summarization of legal case documents | Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law

Incorporating domain knowledge for extractive summarization of legal case documents | Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law | Documentation juridique |
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
September 16, 5:00 AM!

XR4LAW: Implementing an Immersive Ergonomic User Interface for Legislative and Deliberative Institutions | Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction

XR4LAW: Implementing an Immersive Ergonomic User Interface for Legislative and Deliberative Institutions | Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction | Documentation juridique |
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
September 13, 6:01 AM!

Leçons de méthodologie juridique ~3e édition #Larcier 2024 | Belgique | Geoffrey Willems, Stéphanie Wattier, Emanuele Ceci, Marie Spitaels, Albane Toussaint

Leçons de méthodologie juridique ~3e édition #Larcier 2024 | Belgique | Geoffrey Willems, Stéphanie Wattier, Emanuele Ceci, Marie Spitaels, Albane Toussaint | Documentation juridique |
Ce Précis s’assigne une ambition… précise.Il dispense quelques leçons prosaïques de méthodologie juridique, principalement aux étudiants en droit, subsidiairement à ceux qui l’ont été un jour. Laissant à d’autres enseignements l’étude des processus d’élaboration, d’interprétation, d’application et de censure de la norme, cet ouvrage se veut être leur complément logistique.C’est dans cette perspective qu’y sont développées, avec force exemples et illustrations, sept leçons destinées à familiariser le juriste en herbe aux arcanes de la recherche juridique : circonscrire un point de droit, trouver les sources normatives, jurisprudentielles et doctrinales qui s’y rapportent, les lire, les comprendre, les mobiliser, y faire référence : autant d’étapes essentielles à l’élaboration d’une étude susceptible d’être reçue par la communauté des juristes. Mais progrès oblige, les rouages et les outils de l’informatique juridique documentaire occupent une place centrale dans cet enseignement, que la multiplication des sites internet et autres bases de données vient proprement bouleverser.S’achevant par une double liste – revue et augmentée – des principales abréviations juridiques, ces leçons cèdent ensuite la place, dans la seconde partie de l’ouvrage, à un important cahier d’exercices invitant, corrigés à l’appui, à l’application des règles et méthodes enseignées dans la première partie.Version numérique disponible sur :Strada lex BelgiqueVous êtes abonné ? Activez gratuitement la version numérique grâce au code présent dans l’ouvrage.
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
September 11, 1:57 PM!

Augmented Law -Formalism in Blockchain by Andrea Leiter, Delphine Dogot :: SSRN

The relationship between law and code has been widely debated and scholarship exploring the regulatory capacities of code itself is wrestling with the conceptua
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
September 11, 5:13 AM!

Scholarly Impact of Law School Faculties in 2024: Updating the Leiter Score Ranking for the Top Third by Gregory C. Sisk, Adam Bent, Nicole Catlin, Alison Shea, Allie Dischinger, Lizzie Edinger :: ...

This updated 2024 study explores the scholarly impact of law faculties, ranking the top third of ABA-accredited law schools. Refined by Brian Leiter, the “Schol
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
September 10, 2:49 PM!

Generative AI, Plagiarism, and Copyright Infringement in Legal Documents by Amy Cyphert :: SSRN

Lawyers are increasingly using generative AI in their legal practice, especially for drafting motions and other documents they file with courts. As they use thi
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
September 10, 10:22 AM!

Law School Success: A Matter of Heart (Réussir ses études en droit: une affaire de cœur) by Yan Campagnolo :: SSRN

English Abstract: At the start of the academic year, Vice-Dean Yan Campagnolo will address the new students of the University of Ottawa Faculty of L
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
September 9, 4:43 AM!

E1 – La QPC, une révolution de velours ? - Amicus Radio : Le droit à l'écoute

E1 – La QPC, une révolution de velours ? - Amicus Radio : Le droit à l'écoute | Documentation juridique |
️ Le podcast sur la QPC, épisode 1 Qu’est-ce que la Question prioritaire de constitutionnalité (QPC) dite « question citoyenne » ? Apprenez-en plus sur cette procédure mise en place en 2010, sur ses origines, son rôle et ses acteurs dans le premier épisode de notre série qui y est consacrée. Un podcast réalisé avec
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
September 5, 2:21 PM!

Do Not Read by Michael L. Smith :: SSRN

Law professors enjoy marking up drafts of papers with "Do Not Cite or Circulate" notifications-hoping that doing so will manage reader expectations, p
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
August 29, 5:26 PM!

The Legal Tech Bro Blues: Generative AI, Legal Indeterminacy, and the Future of Legal Research and Writing by Nicholas Mignanelli :: SSRN

The Legal Tech Bro Blues: Generative AI, Legal Indeterminacy, and the Future of Legal Research and Writing by Nicholas Mignanelli :: SSRN | Documentation juridique |
In recent years, a new figure, the tech bro, has arrived in the legal field. He can be found opining on podcasts and social media platforms, selling his wares i
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
August 28, 2:41 PM!

The Cost of Justice at the Dawn of AI by Michael Abramowicz :: SSRN

Justice isn’t free, but it might soon get much less expensive. Policies concerning issues such as arbitration, class actions, and plea bargaining depend on how
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
August 28, 2:39 PM!

The Rise of Generative Artificial Intelligence by Guy Rub :: SSRN

I prepared these reading materials on copyright and generative AI for my copyright and disruptive technologies course. The first part deals with the copyrightab
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
August 27, 3:28 AM!

Judging Readability: A Study of Opinions by Apex-Court Judges from Australia, Canada, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States by Mike Madden :: SSRN

<p><span>Judging Readability: A Study of Opinions by Apex-Court Judges from Australia, Canada, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States</span></p> by Mike Madden :: SSRN | Documentation juridique |
Little is known about the extent to which readability differences exist between opinions written by different apex court judges, or about the potential biogr
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