Documentation juridique
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Documentation juridique
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
March 29, 2017 2:54 AM!

On the Concept of Relevance in Legal Information Retrieval by Marc van Opijnen, Cristiana Santos :: SSRN

The concept of ‘relevance’ is crucial to legal information retrieval, but because of its intuitive understanding it goes undefined too easily and unexplored too
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
October 31, 2016 12:38 PM!

Lawbot as a chatbot lawyer for crim

Lawbot as a chatbot lawyer for crim | Documentation juridique |
A team from the University of Cambridge have launched Lawbot (BETA), an interactive conversational tool that can consult people on their possible legal situations. It’s a British tool, coveri…
Stéphane Cottin's insight:

Accès direct : encore très "béta"

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