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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
September 21, 2016 5:29 AM!

"Out of Cite, Out of Mind: Navigating the Labyrinth That is State Appellate Courts' Unpublished Opinion Practices" by Lauren S. Wood

Imagine that you are an attorney, litigating an appellate case with an atypical fact pattern. You are familiar with the law; however, its application to your client's circumstances is entirely unclear.
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
July 28, 2016 1:32 AM!

Making Doctrinal Work More Rigorous: Lessons from Systematic Reviews by William Baude, Adam S. Chilton, Anup Malani :: SSRN

Making Doctrinal Work More Rigorous: Lessons from Systematic Reviews by William Baude, Adam S. Chilton, Anup Malani :: SSRN | Documentation juridique |
Legal scholars, lawyers, and judges frequently make positive claims about the state of legal doctrine. Yet despite the profligate citation norms of legal writin
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