Digital Marketing Power
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Digital Marketing Power
Everything you need to know about digital, mobile & social media marketing to help you engage your audience & drive new business
Curated by Gary Hitching
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Scooped by Gary Hitching
July 19, 2013 4:13 AM!

24 Statistics, Tips & Tricks To Boost Your Content Marketing Strategy [INFOGRAPHIC]

24 Statistics, Tips & Tricks To Boost Your Content Marketing Strategy [INFOGRAPHIC] | Digital Marketing Power |

Did you know that studies have shown that more than one in three (34 percent) of marketers have generated leads through Twitter? Or that brands that have 1,000 or more Likes on their Facebook Page experience a traffic increase of 185 percent?

What if I told you that 57 percent of companies have acquired a customer via their blog, or that one in five spend at least one hour each week engaging with marketing emails?


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Scooped by Gary Hitching
July 1, 2013 12:29 PM!

How to Create an Infographic for Your Business

How to Create an Infographic for Your Business | Digital Marketing Power |

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve likely noticed that lots of businesses are using infographics as a way to share content.

And there are a few good reasons why – infographics are highly sharable, they really stand out on sites like Pinterest because they’re longer than regular images, and they can be a really simple, effective way of sharing content in a way that plain written content cannot.

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Scooped by Gary Hitching
June 10, 2013 4:33 AM!

4 Ways to Build Instant Trust Through Inbound Marketing

4 Ways to Build Instant Trust Through Inbound Marketing | Digital Marketing Power |

The world of professional services is relationship based.  It always has been and it always will be.  Clients work with firms that they know well and that they trust, and this is precisely why cold calling has such a low percentage success rate.

The challenge with this notion is that you are limited to your network.  Firms that rely on referral leads can only grow so quickly because one can only develop so many personal relationships.  Fortunately, because of the Internet, there is another way to meet new prospects and build trust.

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Scooped by Gary Hitching
June 7, 2013 3:44 AM!

How to be an Inbound Marketing Man of Steel

How to be an Inbound Marketing Man of Steel | Digital Marketing Power |

Serious inbound marketers are known for their near superhuman abilities to generate leads. But these supermen and women aren’t from another planet, and they don’t have a secret identity. Instead, they utilize modern marketing tools, dig through data and adjust their tactics on a regular basis.

So how can you, too, be an inbound marketing man (or woman) of steel? Well, here are five things that make a super inbound marketer:


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Scooped by Gary Hitching
June 3, 2013 4:05 AM!

Is Inbound Marketing Trashing My Outbound Marketing?

Is Inbound Marketing Trashing My Outbound Marketing? | Digital Marketing Power |


Inbound marketing is all the rage. Social media has us consumed.  B2B Marketers are creating more content than ever before.  We’re optimizing everything we possibly can all with the intention of driving more people to our sites, engaging with them and offering them opportunities to raise their hand and announce themselves.

For many of us, it’s working!  Visitors are showing up at rates we’ve never seen before. Some are just stopping by to see what we’re offering, some clicking around the site to check us out and of course those that decide to take the bait, oops, I mean fill out the lead form.

Erica Thayer's curator insight, March 3, 2014 10:43 AM

This article discusses the ways the inbound, social media, marketing can effect your outbound, traditional, marketing efforts.  As companies are beginning to understand that their customers are constantly online and that social media websites are an effective, inexpensive way to communicate with them, budgets are going up.  Businesses are allocating more money to social media marketing.  When thinking of the flaws in social media marketing, this one is not something I had previously thought of and I find it very interesting: Companies are having their customers fill out information such as names, email addresses, birth dates, etc. through social media webpages.  They are then using this information to determine target markets and necessary traditional media that should be used.  Many customers, though, are not comfortable giving out their personal information over the internet, and are giving these companies false information.  This false information can effect the success of any traditional campaign, and something needs to be done to avoid this.  The article gives a few suggestions, such as requiring valid email confirmation, that I now understand and believe should be done.  When measuring the success of your traditional media, it is important to measure the success of any social media efforts used to fuel the traditional.  This is something to keep in mind while measuring. 

Abd Torah's curator insight, March 24, 2014 11:47 AM

Is Inbound Marketing Trashing My Outbound Marketing?

Scooped by Gary Hitching
May 24, 2013 4:27 AM!

Common Content Marketing Misconceptions

Common Content Marketing Misconceptions | Digital Marketing Power |

Content marketing has been around for well over a hundred years, but is becoming one of the most used tactics to do everything for businesses; from getting more customers, to improving their search engine rankings. Still, many misconceptions about it exist. Susanna Gebauer recently broke down some common content marketing misconceptions. We’ve highlighted the most popular ones have been outlined in this artice.

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Scooped by Gary Hitching
May 3, 2013 7:24 AM!

26 Essentials for Blogging Success, What You Need to Know

26 Essentials for Blogging Success, What You Need to Know | Digital Marketing Power |

Do you want to be a more successful blogger?

Are you keeping up with the newest developments in blogging?

Whether you are new to blogging or you have been blogging for years, you will find insight in this article.

It covers 26 blogging essentials, in an A–Z tour of the blogosphere.

Each one has a full explanation, along with a link to further reading in case you want to know more.

Marilyn Moran's curator insight, January 30, 2014 10:09 PM

They totally left off adding an SEO plugin for your blog such as Yoast SEO for Wordpress, All in One SEO Pack or Squirrly SEO. 

Scooped by Gary Hitching
March 27, 2013 4:18 AM!

How to Make Your Blog Mobile-Friendly

How to Make Your Blog Mobile-Friendly | Digital Marketing Power |

Do you want more mobile subscribers and readers? Is your blog suitable for a mobile device?

In 2012, mobile users spent 63% more time on their devices accessing mobile websites and apps and this is set to increase.

In this article I’ll explore the importance of mobile for your blog and the different options available to support your blog on a mobile device.


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Scooped by Gary Hitching
March 11, 2013 11:21 AM!

Digital Marketing Power - My Curation Topic

Digital Marketing Power - My Curation Topic | Digital Marketing Power |

I've been fascinated with digital marketing and its possibilities ever since the term was coined. I guess that's because I've been professionally involved in sales and marketing for over 20 years now, way before the invention of the internet. I remember trying to think of a suitable title to encapsulate what digital marketing means to me and I realised that the word POWER had to be in there. When you think about it, when has there ever been a time in the history of commercial marketing and PR where a one man band or small business could compete with a multinational or global business. Digital marketing (when executed correctly) can level the playing field. My objective with 'Digital Marketing Power' is to select the best content from the best content producers around the world based on the following 3 key principles; 1) Education - provide hot tips and advice which you can use in your business immediately to make a difference 2) well written and nicely presented content for your enhanced experience and 3) evergreen content - so you can go back and reference this material regularly if you so choose. This is not a news site. Finally, I wanted to take this opportunity to mention my business, Gary Hitching Associates. I'm a business development consultant and specialise in lead generation, sales and customer retention for mainly SME businesses. Digital marketing and social media marketing are very significant components of my business development toolkit. Please feel free to visit my website and download a free copy of my 'Marketing Audit Checklist'

Gary Hitching's insight:

It would be great if you want to follow this topic.  I would really welcome your feedback on this curation site including any suggestions for improving your experience.  Please feel free to share the content - there are plenty of ways you can do this. May the digital marketing force be with you!


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Scooped by Gary Hitching
March 8, 2013 3:37 AM!

Make Marketing Easy - 3 Tips To Help Sell Your Digital Content

Make Marketing Easy - 3 Tips To Help Sell Your Digital Content | Digital Marketing Power |

Most of us who are content creators love to write.  And we are pretty good at organizing and layout out content in ways that are useful and helpful to our customers.

But as good as we may be at creating digital content, many of us are weak when it comes to marketing what we’ve created.  It’s just not what we like to do. We create our stuff, we say a little prayer, and hope that the sales roll in.

Need I say that weakness in marketing is a problem if you want to create income from your digital content?  One of my first coaches, Ali Brown, set me straight by saying early on “if you refuse to become just as great at marketing as you are at your craft, your business will fail.  Learn to love it.”  That strong statement made me blink back then.

I’m a good student, and in the years since then I’ve come to realize that half the battle of marketing is building into your product certain components that actually help you to market.  Here are 3 ways to make your marketing easy when you’re ready to launch your digital content into the world:

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Scooped by Gary Hitching
March 7, 2013 3:59 AM!

7 Ways to Get More Organic Search Clicks

7 Ways to Get More Organic Search Clicks | Digital Marketing Power |

After offsite engagement for awareness, the next step along the route to revenue looks at the "Consideration" phase where engagement – as well as other factors – can affect click-through rates (CTR) in search results, an oft overlooked, and underrated metric in the world of SEO.

First a caveat! CTR studies are both fun and farcical. When no two search results are the same, predicting the percentage of click-throughs in certain positions, and leveraging that as a prognostication of actual traffic can, at best, provide directional data and, at worst, leave clients unhappy when targets fall short.


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Scooped by Gary Hitching
March 4, 2013 4:42 AM!

How to Find the Keywords that Work for Your Content Marketing Goals

How to Find the Keywords that Work for Your Content Marketing Goals | Digital Marketing Power |

When you do keyword research, you’re working to discover the actual words your customers use when they search for information about your content topic.

Smart keyword research will let you uncover great information about your audience — how they search, how they speak, and how they think.

Accurate keyword research helps you optimize your website for the search engines, and it also allows you to shape your content strategy. So it’s vitally important that you use smart tactics to help you do your research in a fast, efficient way.

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Scooped by Gary Hitching
January 29, 2013 2:44 AM!

How press releases should work with inbound marketing

How press releases should work with inbound marketing | Digital Marketing Power |

In the olden days, press releases were simply for the press. You'd write them, send them and forget about them, and hopefully a day or two later you'd read them again in some form in the newspaper.

Today, that's all changed. Press releases are shared widely, used as SEO tools, used to engage audiences far beyond the traditional media - the primary objective of many terrible examples that litter the newswires definitely isn't press coverage.

That's sad, because a well written press release can be reused and worked into a marketing strategy far more effectively than just letting it fester on a newswire page. No business today should be writing releases with the sole expectation that they'll just be sent to the media - it's far more efficient to write content that can support interaction with multiple stakeholder grouls

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Scooped by Gary Hitching
July 10, 2013 2:48 AM!

How To Reuse Your Content Marketing

How To Reuse Your Content Marketing | Digital Marketing Power |

To maximize your content marketing reach while limiting resource investment, repurpose or reuse content creating multiple pieces from each effort. Each element of content must be re-imagined so that it’s contextually relevant, provides new information, and is adapted to specific venues without appearing as duplicate content to the search engines.

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Scooped by Gary Hitching
June 27, 2013 2:28 AM!

5 Inbound Marketing Predictions you Should Prepare for

5 Inbound Marketing Predictions you Should Prepare for | Digital Marketing Power |
In any conversation about the inbound marketing space, forecasting or predicting the future is usually at the forefront. This is largely due to the fact that as inbound marketers we can’t afford to guess. Our marketing campaigns rely on our ability to see what’s around the corner so we can ensure more effective marketing campaigns. Beyond that, forecasting the future of inbound marketing impacts users and customers just as much as the marketer. Savvy customers and users should understand just this is changing and how that affects them. Whether you view yourself as a doomsday marketing prophet, or an eager inbound marketer, here are five major predictions for inbound marketing that you can use to educate both your organization and your future site visitors.
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Scooped by Gary Hitching
June 10, 2013 4:28 AM!

How Does A Brand Transition To Inbound Marketing?

How Does A Brand Transition To Inbound Marketing? | Digital Marketing Power |

In 2012, the Encyclopedia Britannica – the go-to source for information for more than 200 years – announced it would no longer print its pricey reference books. It makes sense – why pay nearly $1,400 for a set of books when Google is free?

Technology has changed the way we access information, including how we respond to advertising and marketing. We can record our favorite TV shows and skip through commercials. We can install pop-up blockers to keep pesky ads from annoying us while we’re online. And many people can’t even recall a time when they answered a “land line” and took a survey about their product preferences.

Unlike the leather-bound reference books of yore, marketing departments are still relevant. But in order to be successful, they need to learn how to transition to inbound marketing.

Abd Torah's curator insight, March 24, 2014 6:37 AM

How Does A Brand Transition To Inbound Marketing in your business ?

Abd Torah's curator insight, March 24, 2014 11:46 AM

How Does A Brand Transition To Inbound Marketing?

Scooped by Gary Hitching
June 3, 2013 4:08 AM!

Podcasting as a Business Content Marketing Strategy

Podcasting as a Business Content Marketing Strategy | Digital Marketing Power |


Every day we hear more experts preaching the gospel of podcasting as a content marketing tool. It’s a very enticing sermon. We get to have our own cute little pre-recorded radio show our audience can listen to when they’re working out or driving in the car.

But how is a podcast supposed to help grow our business?

In theory, podcasts create brand fanatics, people who are deeply invested in who we are as people and as business professionals. This is essence of long-form content marketing.

Every minute that a customer or prospect listens to us speak with authority we’re establishing ourselves as a thought-leader. Conceptually the more time our audience spends with our content the more authority we have as content marketers.

According to Google Analytics the average visitor to my website stays for two minutes and seven seconds. According to Stitcher {popular alternative to iTunes} the average podcast listener stays for twenty two minutes.

If you believe the concept that the time our audience spends in front of our content builds authority then by these statistics I would have to produce 11 blog posts to equal just one podcast.

Podcasts place the ideas and expertise that establish us as an authority in front of our audience for a longer period of time per interaction. From a business content marketing strategy, this is why we podcast.

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Scooped by Gary Hitching
May 28, 2013 6:48 AM!

26 Ways to Create Social Media Engagement With Content Marketing

26 Ways to Create Social Media Engagement With Content Marketing | Digital Marketing Power |

Are you looking to create content that engages your audience and compells them to take action?

Does your content connect with people and encourage them to engage?

In this article, you'll learn 26 ways to make content that engages people, in an A-Z guide of tips that you can apply to your business.

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Scooped by Gary Hitching
May 23, 2013 11:36 AM!

8 Disgusting Words to Avoid in Your Content Marketing Strategy

8 Disgusting Words to Avoid in Your Content Marketing Strategy | Digital Marketing Power |

Word aversion is the feeling of discomfort or even disgust triggered in people by a certain word—not because it was used incorrectly, but because the sound of the word itself is displeasing. What can explain this phenomenon? Jason Riggle, a professor of linguistics at University of Chicago, believes it’s part instinct, part cultural exposure. There are some words that just make us uncomfortable, because they conjure unpleasant associations. Sickness, bodily functions, sexual activity, etc. For others, they see how strongly others react to a word and adopt those reactions themselves. 

What this means for marketers is that there’s a collection of words that should not pop up in your content, unless you absolutely have to use them, or unless you’re using them correctly. This latter point is important, because besides turned off by certain words, some readers may also feel annoyed at seeing a word misused—even if the mistake is a common one.

See if any of the following raises your ire:

Gary Hitching's insight:

My wife hates Number one with a passion. I quite like it. What do you think?

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Scooped by Gary Hitching
April 8, 2013 3:48 AM!

11 Actionable Blogging Tips to Make Content Findable

11 Actionable Blogging Tips to Make Content Findable | Digital Marketing Power |

Is your blog an Easter egg hunt?Specifically, do you make your target audience work hard to find your blog content?

Without your realizing it, the best parts of your content can be hidden and difficult to find. It’s like an Easter egg that’s buried too far from sight and your guests have to hunt forever to find it.


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Scooped by Gary Hitching
March 18, 2013 5:24 AM!

21 Social Media & Content Marketing Tips Tailored For Small Businesses

21 Social Media & Content Marketing Tips Tailored For Small Businesses | Digital Marketing Power |

Social media and content marketing are must haves for any business. This need is more important among small and mid-size businesses where additional marketing requires a trade-off for other scarce resources.

Most important among these is time, especially the owner’s or solopreneur’s time since there’s always something else that needs to get done that will yield an easily measureable return.

As a small or medium-sized businesses person you know that it can be difficult to find the time to brainstorm marketing initiatives – specifically social media, content and search marketing initiatives that you can track

Here are seven questions you can ask about your small business marketing efforts. By answering these questions, you can direct your time and resources to where they’ll yield the best results.

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Scooped by Gary Hitching
March 11, 2013 7:27 AM!

SEO & Content Marketing: Two Sides of the Same Coin

SEO & Content Marketing: Two Sides of the Same Coin | Digital Marketing Power |

Quality content seems to be the main edifice on which any SEO campaign can gain a deep-rooted search presence.

You share quality content with the groups, circles, or people you're connected with on various social media platforms. If that content is valuable and informative, only then does it have the potential to be shared further, go viral, and reap the targeted return on investment (ROI).

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Scooped by Gary Hitching
March 7, 2013 4:09 AM!

How to Construct Today's Winning Marketing Department

How to Construct Today's Winning Marketing Department | Digital Marketing Power |

Marketing has been around a long time – and so has the marketing department. Much of the organizational chart for marketing was built to accommodate the deployment of outbound or interruption-based marketing. Early adopters of inbound marketing are finding that the traditional marketing organizational charts impede the efficient deployment of inbound campaigns.

Below represents an alternative to the traditional structure of a B2B marketing department and is based on the inbound marketing campaign process developed by Mike Ewing of HubSpot. This structure is built not only to win at inbound marketing, but to win at all marketing.


Gary Hitching's insight:

My view is that SOME outbound marketing can still be effective and co-exist with inbound marketing. I continue to get good results for my clients from well targeted outbound telephone calls especially if I've done my research prior to my call. What do you think?

Naveed Malik's curator insight, February 4, 2014 2:59 PM

B2B Marketing department and Inbound Marketing...

Jorge Saraiva's curator insight, April 21, 2014 6:09 PM

How to get success in Marketing Department

sonia leo's curator insight, April 23, 2014 1:24 PM

by: Sonia Rosa Jódar Robles

Scooped by Gary Hitching
March 6, 2013 3:46 AM!

Generating Content for SEO: Get Over Writer's Block

Generating Content for SEO: Get Over Writer's Block | Digital Marketing Power |

Let’s face it, blogging is not easy. The hardest part can be thinking of good things to write about. There are only so many different ways that you can talk about the Super Bowl Ads and when you’ve exhausted all options, you’re just left with writer’s block.

When it comes to SEO, without good content you can’t grow your rankings. You may find yourself searching for ideas on how to generate fresh content. Here are some great tips from a recent SEOmoz webinar called 'how to blog like you mean it', which should help the next time you find yourself staring at the wall.

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Scooped by Gary Hitching
March 1, 2013 3:44 AM!

10 Ways to Write Damn Good Copy

10 Ways to Write Damn Good Copy | Digital Marketing Power |

Writing effective copy is both an art and a science.

It’s an art because it requires creativity, a sense of beauty and style — a certain aptitude, mastery and special knowledge. Artistic advertising allows you to create content marketing that’s not just practical and persuasive, but awe-inspiring and breathtaking.

Writing effective copy is also a science, because it exists in the world of tests, trial and failure, improvement, breakthroughs, education and predictability. Scientific advertising allows you to develop an idea, and then test that idea. It’s how you know if your content marketing is working.

In bad copy, one (or both) of these elements are missing. In good copy, they are both abundant.

Read on, in the next few minutes we’ll explore ten examples of good copy living (and selling) out in the wild …

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