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April 23, 2013 3:16 PM!

Confirmation de l'achat par la Nouvelle-Zélande de SH-2G Super Seasprite délaissés par l'Australie

Confirmation de l'achat par la Nouvelle-Zélande de SH-2G Super Seasprite délaissés par l'Australie | DEFENSE NEWS |

New Zealand will acquire eight Kaman SH-2G (I) Super Seasprite naval helicopters, with two additional airframes to be purchased as spares.

The total package is worth NZ$242 million ($204 million) and includes a full motion simulator, Penguin anti-ship missiles and additional components, the New Zealand government said in a statement.

"This package from Kaman Aerospace will provide the Navy with an upgraded variant, the Seasprite SH-2G (I), and increase the fleet from five to eight helicopters," says defence minister Jonathan Coleman. "It will allow helicopters to be embarked on the two ANZAC-class frigates [Te Mana and Te Kaha] as well as the offshore patrol vessels and the multi-role ship HMNZS Canterbury."

Wellington's current fleet of five SH-2Gs have been in service since the late 1990s and will be retired.

The airframes were originally built for Australia, but in 2009, Canberra cancelled the contract after cost overruns and persistent technical issues.

"The New Zealand Defence Force and Ministry of Defence officials are acutely aware that the Australian government decided not to fully introduce these aircraft into service after concerns about a range of technical issues," says Coleman.

"As a consequence the New Zealand Ministry of Defence has invested considerable resources into examining all aspects of this project over the last two years. This included commissioning an independent study by Marinvent Corporation of Canada."

The airframes are in storage in Connecticut, and Wellington will receive the entire complement of aircraft between 2014-2016. New Zealand's defence ministry says they will have a service life "out to 2030".

Coleman says the navy requires a larger fleet of Seasprites, given that five New Zealand navy ships can operate a helicopter. The present fleet of five SH-2Gs means only two helicopters can be deployed simultaneously. Having more aircraft available will allow Wellington to get "full value" from its ship investments.

Aside from new communications equipment and sensors, the SH-2G (I) helicopters will be armed with the Kongsberg Penguin anti-ship missile. The ministry says this weapon is superior in the anti-shipping role to the Raytheon AGM-65 Maverick used by New Zealand's SH-2Gs.

Canberra scrapped its Seasprite acquisition in March 2008 with the project seven years late and 47% over budget.

It ordered 11 upgraded former US Navy SH-2Fs in 1997 under a A$746 million deal with Kaman, and had expected deliveries from 2001. But problems, primarily with the aircraft's integrated tactical avionics system (ITAS), forced it to provisionally accept nine aircraft from 2003 in an interim configuration. These were grounded by March 2006 due to automatic flight control system problems.

"A key issue was the Australian Defence Force specified an aircraft that could be flown by a two-person crew and have a computer flight system that could operate the aircraft with 'no hands' on the controls," says New Zealand's defence ministry.

"[New Zealand] has a different requirement. It will operate the aircraft with a three-person crew, as is current practice with its standard operating procedure for pilots to retain a hold on the controls at all times. The 'no-hands' requirement is not being adopted."

Of the acquisition's total cost of NZ$242 million, NZ$147 million covers the eight operational aircraft, with the balance covering the remainder of the package.

Via Patrick H.
Patrick H. 's curator insight, April 20, 2013 11:33 AM

ce possible achat était évoqué ici début février :


Rappelons qu'il s'agit vraiment d'une acquisition...en soldes, à un prix situé très en dessous de l'offre d'Eurocopter pour des NH90 neufs.

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April 23, 2013 3:15 PM!

La Marine thaïlandaise choisit le constructeur sud-coréen DSME pour construire sa future frégate

La Marine thaïlandaise choisit le constructeur sud-coréen DSME pour construire sa future frégate | DEFENSE NEWS |

The Royal Thai Navy has chosen a South Korean naval ship manufacturer to build a new frigate that will cost about 13 billion baht.

An RTN selection committee announced on Friday it had chosen Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering to manufacture the frigate, a navy source said.

The company was one of the last two South Korean firms to enter the final round of the bid organised by the RTN panel.

The other three foreign firms ousted from the previous rounds were from Spain, Italy and China.

RTN chief of staff Chakchai Phucharoenyot, who chaired the panel, said Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering was selected because it had proposed specifications for the frigate that were in line with the navy's demands.

The navy also asked the company to manufacture a Combat Management System (CMS) which can be allied to the systems installed in the frigates HTMS Naresuan and HTMS Taksin, he said.

The frigate, which will be the first South Korean-manufactured navy ship in Thailand, is expected to be commissioned in two years' time, Adm Chakchai said.

The new frigate will have a displacement of between 3,000 and 4,000 tonnes.

The cabinet earlier approved the RTN's procurement of two frigates with a budget of 30 billion baht. The frigates will be considered for manufacturing one by one.

According to the navy source, the RTN preferred European frigates but they were too expensive.

Meanwhile, a Defence Ministry source revealed that Defence Minister Sukumpol Suwanatat will lead military top brass on a visit to Russia between Tuesday and next Monday to bolster military ties.

Thai delegates will inspect the armaments industry in Russia, the source said.

Via Patrick H.
Patrick H. 's curator insight, April 21, 2013 9:41 AM

Il s'agit du design DW 3000H proposé par le constructeur sud-coréen en 2012 (114 m, 3000 t) :


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April 23, 2013 3:14 PM!

La Marine indonésienne commande des simulateurs de passerelle NAUTIS pour l'entraînement des équipages de ses corvettes SIGMA

La Marine indonésienne commande des simulateurs de passerelle NAUTIS pour l'entraînement des équipages de ses  corvettes SIGMA | DEFENSE NEWS |

The Indonesian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has awarded a contract to VSTEP to deliver its Class-A NAUTIS full mission bridge (FMB) simulators to train the Indonesian Navy's Sigma-classcorvette bridge personnel.

Under the contract, the navy's Kobangdikal marine training facility in Surabaya, Indonesia, will receive two NAUTIS FMB simulators, which are designed with a 270° field of view projected on a cylindrical screen to enable realistic training.

The company will also supply five custom-built ports and navigation screens for the Indonesian navy as part of its modernising programme to more effectively combat maritime crime and piracy.

VSTEP director Cristijn Sarvaas said the company would support the delivery and commissioning of the simulators, as well as training of local instructors.

In order to enhance the local content, VSTEP has partnered with Terravision to install two of bothNAUTIS instructor stations and desktop training simulators at the facility.

Delivering an affordable alternative for training maritime officers and crews, the maritime training simulator is a new generation of advanced Det Norske Veritas (DNV) certified maritime training solution for the military and civilian maritime industry.

quipped with a suite of flexible editor tools, NAUTIS simulators enable instructors to quickly and easily prepare training scenarios and manage exercises in real-time.

Easily adaptable to specific training needs, the simulators can train large numbers of trainees simultaneously and provides highest level of graphical detail and realism, user-friendly set of instructor tools and standard interface to connect to external equipment.

Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding (DSNS) built SIGMA-class frigates have been designed to support missions, including maritime search-and-rescue, fishery and natural resources protection and law enforcement duties.

Via Patrick H.
Patrick H. 's curator insight, April 23, 2013 6:39 AM

Les corvettes de la Marine indonésienne sont le modèle SIGMA 9113.


Un rappel du contrat de la Marine indonésienne avec Damen pour la construction d'une nouvelle frégate SIGMA version 10514 en 2016 :


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April 23, 2013 3:08 PM!

Chasseur russe de 5e génération: début des tests d'Etat en 2014

Chasseur russe de 5e génération: début des tests d'Etat en 2014 | DEFENSE NEWS |

Les tests d'Etat du chasseur russe de cinquième génération T-50 (PAK FA) débuteront en 2014, a déclaré mardi aux journalistes le président du Consortium aéronautique unifié (OAK) Mikhaïl Pogossian.

"En 2013, nous devons achever les essais provisoires de cet appareil et entamer son exploitation de test. En 2014, nous procéderons aux tests d'Etat, dont la première étape devrait être achevée en 2015", a indiqué M.Pogossian.

Le T-50 est un chasseur de cinquième génération doté d'un radar unique à balayage électronique actif. L'appareil possède une faible signature radar et thermique, une vitesse de croisière supersonique et un niveau élevé d'intégration des systèmes de commande. Conçu pour remplacer les MIG-29 et les Su-27 en service dans l'armée russe, le T-50 conjugue les caractéristiques d'un avion de frappe et d'un chasseur classique. Il est développé en Russie depuis les années 1990.

Le premier décollage du chasseur T-50 remonte au 29 janvier 2010. L'avion a été présenté pour la première fois au public le 17 août 2011, lors du Salon aérospatial MAKS-2011 à Joukovski, dans la région de Moscou.



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April 23, 2013 3:02 PM!

Russie: une centaine d'avions livrés à l'Armée de l'air en 2014

Russie: une centaine d'avions livrés à l'Armée de l'air en 2014 | DEFENSE NEWS |

L'industrie de défense livrera en 2013, à l'Armée de l'air russe près de 100 nouveaux avions de combat, a déclaré mardi à Moscou le président de la Compagnie aéronautique unifiée (OAK), Mikhaïl Pogossian.
"Dans le cadre du programme d'Etat d'armement, nous devons, d'ici quelques années, doubler le nombre d'avions livrés au ministère de la Défense. En 2012, nous avons livré 35 avions, cette année leur nombre a été porté à 60 et en 2014 nous devrons fournir près de 100 appareils", a indiqué le responsable devant les journalistes.
Selon lui, ceci ne sera possible que grâce à une coopération étroite entre le ministère de la Défense et l'industrie aéronautique.
"Pour 2013, en ce qui concerne les livraisons de matériel,  pratiquement tous les contrats ont été signés (avec le ministère de la Défense). C'est important pour la réalisation de nos projets", a souligné le président de l'OAK.

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April 23, 2013 3:01 PM!

La Russie créera une base aérienne en Biélorussie

La Russie créera une base aérienne en Biélorussie | DEFENSE NEWS |

La Russie compte déployer une base aérienne en Biélorussie, le premier groupe de chasseurs y sera livré dès 2013, a annoncé mardi le ministre russe de la Défense Sergueï Choïgou.
"Nous espérons qu'en 2015, un régiment d'aviation y apparaîtra pour surveiller nos frontières. Nous étudions le projet de déploiement en Biélorussie d'une base aérienne russe dotée de chasseurs. En 2013, nous allons créer un commandement d'aviation et fournirons le premier groupe de chasseurs", a déclaré le ministre lors d'une rencontre avec le président biélorusse Alexandre Loukachenko.



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April 23, 2013 2:54 PM!

La Russie lance la conception d'une arme hypersonique

La Russie lance la conception d'une arme hypersonique | DEFENSE NEWS |

Un programme de conception d'une arme hypersonique sera mis au point d'ici l'été prochain, a annoncé mardi aux journalistes le PDG du consortium russe "Missiles tactiques" Boris Obnossov.

"Sur la base du consortium, un groupe de travail réunissant dix subdivisions chargées des divers aspects a été créé. Nous avons pour objectif d'élaborer un programme complexe d'ici l'été. Il s'agit d'une tâche très ambitieuse et très difficile", a déclaré M.Obnossov.

Selon lui, plus de 60 entreprises sont impliquées dans le développement du programme.

M.Obnossov a également rappelé que des projets de missiles hypersoniques avaient été développés en Russie à l'époque soviétique, et espéré que les travaux actuels se solderaient par un succès.

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April 23, 2013 2:51 PM!

Des avions F-16 supplémentaires pour les Emirats arabes unis?

C’est un signe fort peu encouragent pour l’avenir du Rafale aux Emirats arabes unis, pays qui envisage d’en acquérir 60 exemplaires depuis 2008. Ce marché, visé également par le consortium Eurofighter, a jusqu’à présent fait l’objet de négociations aux multiples rebondissements.

Récemment, à l’occasion du salon de défense IDEX, à organisé en février à Abou Dhabi, l’optimisme était dans le camp français. “Nous sommes confiants qu’on finira par réussir à le vendre”, confiait même Christian Mons, le président du Conseil des industries de défense françaises (CIDEF), au sujet du Rafale. “Il y a une grande chance que le client (émirati) souhaite acheter en 2015/2016 et que nous commencions les livraisons en 2017/2018″, avait-il ajouté.

Seulement, dans la rivalité entre Dassault Aviation et Eurofighter, laquelle avait pris corps en novembre 2011, époque à laquelle les Emirats avaient anoncé s’intéresser de près au Typhoon en faisant savoir que l’offre du constructeur français n’était pas assez “compétitive”, un troisième acteur a semble-t-il poussé ses pions.

Au printemps 2012, il était alors dit que la vente du Rafale aux Emirats allait aboutir quelques semaines avant l’élection présidentielle française. Seulement, avec l’alternance politique à Paris, il y eut un nouveau refroidissement. Le président sortant, Nicolas Sarkozy ayant été battu, il n’était “plus là pour mettre une pression énorme sur les Emiratis ainsi que sur son entourage pour finaliser coûte que coûte le contrat”, écrivait La Tribune. De son côté, Abu Dhabi attendait un signe du nouveau locataire de l’Elysée.

Ce fut donc à cette époque, d’après certains médias spécialisés d’outre-Atlantique, que le constructeur américain Lockheed-Martin joua sa carte, en proposant aux Emirats de compléter leur flotte d’avions F-16 E/F Desert Falcon avec des exemplaires supplémentaires de dernière génération, l’idée étant de se placer pour soumettre, le cas échéant, des F-35.

Et visiblement, cette option a dû séduire les Emirats arabes unis car, d’après des responsables du Pentagone, il est question de leur vendre 26 F-16E/F Block 60 pour “un peu moins de 5 milliards de dollars.” Le dossier devrait être évoqué lors de la tournée au Moyen Orient de Chuck Hagel, le secrétaire américain à la Défense.

Jusqu’à présent, les forces aériennes émiraties mettent en oeuvre 79 F-16 (l’un d’entre eux ayant été perdu en 2006) ainsi que 68 Mirage 2000-9, lesquels doivent être théoriquement remplacés par un nouvel appareil. Dans les négociations portant sur un éventuel achat du Rafale, il est d’ailleurs question que la France les reprenne.

Mais l’achat de 26 F-16 supplémentaires risque fort de modifier la donne étant donné qu’il va rendre moins urgent le remplacement des Mirage 2000-9 émiratis, lesquels ont d’ailleurs encore du potentiel.

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April 23, 2013 2:44 PM!

Russia; Naval Infantry tests new BTR-82M

Russia; Naval Infantry tests new BTR-82M | DEFENSE NEWS |

A new amphibious armored personnel carrier (APC), the BTR-82AM, is undergoing a series of trials at the Russian Black Sea Fleet’s naval infantry facility in Sevastopol.

During the trials, the BTR-82AM, which is due to replace the military’s workhorse, the BTR-80, will cover “dozens of miles at sea” to test its stability and endurance when afloat.

The new APC incorporates an automatic 30-mm artillery system, which “has significantly enhanced the vehicle’s firepower.”

The BTR-82AM is the latest APC modification of the BTR-80 8×8 wheeled carrier, production of which began in 1986.

It features improved armor, is equipped with the Glonass navigation system and has a more powerful engine of 300 hp.

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April 23, 2013 2:42 PM!

Qatar's Armored Brigade to Receive Leopard 2 MBTs, Pzh2000 Artillery

Qatar's Armored Brigade to Receive Leopard 2 MBTs, Pzh2000 Artillery | DEFENSE NEWS |

The German company Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) announced it has signed a contract with the Emirate of Qatar to modernize the Emirate’s single armored brigade, at an investment of about $2.5 billion. The acquisition is part of a comprehensive modernization program the Emirate’s military forces is undergoing in recent years. In the past years Qatari authorities have evaluated offers from the U.S., China, France, Germany, South Korea and Turkey to equip their armored brigade.

The Emirates’ land forces, comprising some 8,500 soldiers has not received significant modernization in recent years. Despite the country’s wealth from oil and trade, Qatari land forces were not spoiled with modern equipment in recent years. In fact, the Qatari forces still operate a fleet of French AMX-30B2 main battle tanks and South African G5 towed howitzers and Mk F3 self-propelled guns acquired in the 1980s. The only new infusion of hardware was in the air defense of the island, fielding 12 batteries of Patriot PAC-3. Qatar is likely to become one of the first international operator of the Terminal High Altitude Air defense (THAAD) missile defense system.

Under the armored brigade’s modernization package signed with KMW the Emirate will receive two battalions of Leopard 2 MBTs, that will replace the AMX-30s. The package will also include 24 PzH2000  SP guns replacing the G5s. The latest version of Leopard 2 KMW is currently offering is the A7+, implementing an enhanced protection, firepower and digitization systems better adapting the tank for operations in asymmetric, urban environment. Rumors of the deal surfaced in Germany in 2012, claiming that Qatar is interested in buying up to 200 Leopard 2 tanks.

The Qatari armored brigade currently employs one tank battalion, one mechanized battalion and an artillery regiment. With the quantity of new hardware doubling the number of tanks and artillery being replaced (62 vs 30+), it is likely the Qatari Army will deploy these assets in more flexible formations, better equipped and organized for modern warfare. According to French recommendations, the brigade should include one tank regiment, two infantry regiments and an artillery regiment. Such formations enable the flexible deployment of multiple task forces. Such reorganization could also lead to the procurement of modern infantry fighting vehicles. The Qatari Army is currently using various wheeled armored vehicles for protected infantry transport, including Piranha, VAB and AMX-10 of Swiss and French origin.

According to KMW, the project’s total amount reaches €1.89 billion, including the delivery of peripheral equipment, training installations and additional services. The systems delivered to Qatar by Krauss-Maffei Wegmann are intended to progressively replace the emirates outdated artillery and tanks of French and South African origin. According to the German company, these outdated assets “will be scrapped”.

The Qatari deal was in the making for over two years. KMW is pursuing other opportunities in the Middle east, particularly in Saudi Arabia, where Germany is offering to sell the kingdom some 800 Leopard 2 tanks and Boxer armored fighting vehicles. However, the possibility of selling the tanks to the Saudis has raised considerable opposition in Germany.



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April 23, 2013 2:41 PM!

Lockheed Martin Estimates Sequestration Impact in 2013 to Exceed US$800 million

Lockheed Martin Estimates Sequestration Impact in 2013 to Exceed US$800 million | DEFENSE NEWS |

The world’s largest defense contractor Lockheed Martinassesses the potential effect of sequestration measures taken by the US Government could reduce its 2013 net sales by approximately $825 million. Lockheed Martin was the first major defense company to comment on the scale of sequestration impact on its performance since the drastic measures took effect last month.

The company reported today its net sales decreased 2 percent in the first quarter of 2013, to $11.1 billion; the business activity generated $2.1 billion. The company invested $0.5 billion for repurchasing 5.1 million shares, thus increasing net earnings 14 percent over the first quarter of 2012. With $761 million in net earning reflecting an $2.33 “Earnings per diluted share”, reflecting an increase of 15 percent over Q1/2012.

“While the impact of sequestration on our business has been limited to date, we continue to work closely with our customers to better understand the future impact sequestration may have on our programs. Despite the challenging budget environment, we will continue to innovate and deliver value to our customers and shareholders.” said Lockheed Martin Chief Executive Officer and President Marillyn Hewson, “Our team delivered strong results this quarter by focusing on program execution and delivering on our commitments to customers.” After considering the potential sequestration estimate along with its first quarter 2013 results, the Corporation has revised the 2013 outlook to indicate that the Corporation expects its net sales to be near the low end of the range provided in January ($44,500 million)

In January, the Corporation provided an outlook for 2013 premised on the assumptions that the U.S. Government would continue to support and fund programs through March 2013, that FY 2013 budget will be approved by the Congress at a level consitent with the President’s proposed defense budget and that sequestration would not go into effect. Although sequestration is currently in effect, the company said that customers have not yet informed it of specific decisions taken in response of this act, except in some very limited circumstances. However, the situation is expected to change in the coming months. Expecting sequestration measures bearing impact on Department of Defense and other federal procurements, Lockheed Martin expects its 2013 revenues to be within the low margin of the amount projected in January 2013.

“Sequestration reductions will be achieved through delaying and deferring new program starts, versus modifying or restructuring existing programs that have contractually obligated schedule and delivery requirements” the company commented. Nevertheless, other market-wide implications of Sequestration could cause ‘collateral effects’, such as significant rescheduling or termination activity with the Corporation’s supplier base, contractual actions including partial or complete terminations, severance payments made to the Corporation’s employees, facilities closure expenses, and impairment of assets or goodwill, all these have the potential to align the Corporation’s cost structure to a lower sales base.

Aeronautics sales were down over US$ 0.5 billion from $3,706 in Q1/2012, primarily due to lower sales in F-16, C-130J and C-5 programs. Missiles and Fire Control sales increased $222 million over the same quarter last year, attributed to JASSM program. Mission Systems and Training unchanged but improved their operating profit by 28 percent.



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April 19, 2013 9:20 AM!

Need a Lift? - MV-22B Osprey - external load training

Need a Lift? - MV-22B Osprey - external load training | DEFENSE NEWS |
Landing support specialists back away after connecting a Humvee to a U.S. Marine Corps MV-22B Osprey during external lift training at Subic Bay, Philippines, during exercise Freedom Banner 2013.
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April 19, 2013 9:04 AM!

129 militaires britanniques ont perdu la vie en 2012 dont 40 au combat

129 militaires britanniques ont perdu la vie en 2012 dont 40 au combat | DEFENSE NEWS |

Le Head of Health Defence Statistics a diffusé les chiffres de la mortalité au sein de l'armée britannique en 2012 (pour accéder à l'ensemble des données, cliquer ici et ouvrir le dossier pdf).

129 militaires d'active ont perdu la vie; parmi eux 15 membres de la RAF, 19 marins et 95 soldats de l'armée de terre.

Les causes de décès sont les suivantes:
- maladie: 37 (dont 27 cancers)
- accidents: 41
- mort au combat: 40
- suicide: 7
- autre: 4

Par rapport aux années passées, on note une baisse de la mortalité générale:
2003: 177; 2004: 170; 2005: 160; 2006: 191; 207: 204; 2008: 137; 2009: 205; 2010: 187; 2011: 132.

Le nombre des tués au combat a sensiblement baissé:
2003: 40; 2004: 11; 2005: 21; 200648; 2007: 73; 2008: 52; 2009: 107; 2010: 95; 2011: 43.

Celui des suicides aussi:
2003: 25; 2004: 20; 2005: 22; 2006: 12; 2007: 10; 2008: 10; 2009: 15; 2010: 7; 2011: 15.

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Rescooped by Romain from Newsletter navale
April 23, 2013 3:16 PM!

Le Vietnam pourrait acheter des avions de patrouille maritime P-3C américains

Le Vietnam pourrait acheter des avions de patrouille maritime P-3C américains | DEFENSE NEWS |

Le représentant du constructeur d’avions américain Lockheed Martin a déclaré dans une interview que les forces navales du Vietnam pourraient commander six avions de patrouille P-3C Orion.Ces avions devraient être livrés au Vietnam sans l’armement dans un premier temps. Cependant, avec le renforcement des relations américano-vietnamiennes, ces appareils pourraient être équipés d’armes. Le Vietnam recevra les avions P-3C qui proviennent de la réserve de la flotte américaine. Il s’agit des avions relativement récents qui pourront servir encore 20 ans après leur modernisation.Le Vietnam, il ne peut pas vraiment choisir parmi les fournisseurs d’avions de patrouille. Ces appareils sont les principaux instruments de lutte contre les sous-marins. La Russie a depuis longtemps cessé la production des Il-38 etTu-142. Pour l’instant, elle procède à la modernisation de son parc existant. Ces avions ne sont pas très nombreux en Russie, c’est pourquoi il ne serait pas rationnel de les exporter. L’Europe a également arrêté de fabriquer ce type d’avions. Seuls les Etats-Unis ont lancé un programme de production d’avions de patrouille P-8 Poseidon. Les P-3C Orion qui n’ont pas encore entièrement exploité leur réserve, devraient donc être radiés de l’exploitation.Le P-3C est un avion anti-sous-marin puissant et efficace. La livraison des avions de ce type au Vietnam, surtout s’ils sont armés, peut être une raison de préoccupation pour le commandement de la Marine chinoise.

La base pour les sous-marins nucléaires Yulin se trouve sur l’île de Hainan au Sud de la Chine. Cette base qui coûte des milliards de dollars renferme aussi des abris souterrains pour les bateaux, les entrepôts, des arsenaux, et un système complexe de protection. C’est ici que devraient se trouver des sous-marins de la classe 094 Jin dotés de missiles balistiques. Ensuite, ils devraient être remplacés par des sous-marins de la classe 096 Tan. La mer de Chine du Sud est la zone principale de patrouille pour les sous-marins nucléaires chinois. Et toute activité de renseignement de la marine américaine et de ses alliés dans cette zone provoque une réaction nerveuse de la part du gouvernement chinois. Par le passé, cela n’a déjà provoqué des incidents dangereux.

En comparaison avec les navires russes, les sous-marins chinois ont un certain retard technologique, considèrent les experts. Les avions P-3C étaient considérés comme un moyen très efficace pour faire face aux sous-marins soviétiques et russes, ce qui veut dire qu’ils représentent un danger encore plus important pour la Chine. En décollant des bases vietnamiennes, les aéronefs P-3C peuvent assurer la surveillance des réions de patrouille des sous-marins chinois.

La Chine devra prendre des mesures pour garantir la sécurité de ses sous-marins, notamment avec le porte-avions Liaoning. Ce dernier pourrait fermer une zone importante en mer de Chine méridionale pour les avions P-3C vietnamiens. Le premier porte-avions soviétique Amiral Kuznetsov, construit selon le même projet que Liaoning, était destiné à la même mission. Ce navire était destiné à protéger la zone de patrouille des sous-marins nucléaires et prendre sur soi les premiers tirs de l'ennemi, permettant ainsi de faire gagner du temps au gouvernement du pays afin que ce dernier puisse prendre une décision de riposte.


Via Patrick H.
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April 23, 2013 3:15 PM!

KAI va développer une version d'assaut amphibie de l'hélicoptère Surion pour embarquer sur LPH Dokdo

KAI va développer une version d'assaut amphibie de l'hélicoptère Surion pour embarquer sur LPH Dokdo | DEFENSE NEWS |

Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) has been selected by the Republic of Korea (ROK) Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) as the priority negotiator in support of the ROK Marine Corps' Surion-amphibious task helicopter development programme.

Under the KRW800bn ($713m) development programme, the company will design and develop the amphibious assault variant of its existing Surion Korea utility helicopter (KUH), which was designed to meet the needs of the South Korean Army and Air Force.

Development of the Surion-based helicopter variant is expected to start in July and be complete by the end of 2015, followed by mass production of the aircraft.

In an email, KAI was quoted by Flightglobal as saying that around 40 Surion amphibious helicopter variants are likely to be acquired by the Marine Corps to enhance its ability to transport troops and equipment in the littoral environment.

Modifications to the existing helicopter will include integrated flotation system, an auxiliary fuel tank and specialised radio equipment to support missions as part of the development programme.

The aircraft are expected to operate from the Republic of Korea Navy's (ROKN) Dokdo-class landing platform helicopter (LPH) assault ships, which are capable of accommodating up to 15 helicopters, the news agency reported.

Developed by KAI and Eurocopter, Surion KUH is a twin-engine light utility helicopter designed to support missions such as troop assault, search-and-rescue, tactical lift, liaison and medical evacuation.

With a range and service ceiling of 260km and 3,000m respectively, the helicopter is armed with six BGM-71 tube-launched optically tracked (TOW) air-to-air missiles or four rocket pods and can accommodate a pilot, co-pilot, two gunners and nine troops.

Via Patrick H.
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April 23, 2013 3:09 PM!

Russie: les missiles modernisés Iars-M livrés à l'armée en 2013

Russie: les missiles modernisés Iars-M livrés à l'armée en 2013 | DEFENSE NEWS |

Les missiles balistiques intercontinentaux modernisés de 5e génération Iars-M seront livrés à l'armée russe en 2013, a annoncé jeudi à Moscou le commandant des Troupes balistiques stratégiques Sergueï Karakaïev.

"Oui", a indiqué le général Karakaïev à la question si l'armée russe recevrait les premiers missiles balistiques modernisés Iars-M dès cette année.

Le commandant a refusé de répondre à d'autres questions à ce sujet.

Le RS-24 Iars (code OTAN SS-X-29), missile à propergol solide et à trois étages, est une version modernisée du missile monobloc RS-12M2 Topol-M. Il est doté d'ogives multiples de 150 à 300 kt à guidage individuel et a une portée de 11.000 km Le RS-24 constituera, avec le Topol-M monobloc (RS-12M2), le noyau des forces nucléaires russes.



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April 23, 2013 3:03 PM!

Les Emirats préfèrent le F-16 au Rafale

Les Emirats préfèrent le F-16 au Rafale | DEFENSE NEWS |

Les Emirats Arabes Unis commandent 25 F-16E/F Block 60 supplémentaires.

C'est le challenger que l'on n'attendait plus vraiment. Alors que Dassault Aviation et Eurofighter s'affrontent publiquement depuis près de deux ans aux Emirats Arabes Unis pour tenter d'imposer leurs avions de combat respectifs, Lockheed Martin a discrètement emporté la mise suite à l'annonce officielle par Washington, le 19 avril, de la signature d'un accord avec Abou Dhabi pour la vente de 25 F-16E/F Block 60, version la plus évoluée à ce jour du F-16.

Selon le Pentagone, le montant de ce contrat est évalué à "un peu moins de 5 milliards de dollars". Abou Dhabi exploite déjà 80 appareils du même type, dont les livraisons avaient commencé au début des années 2000. Ils forment l'ossature de l'aviation de combat émirienne aux côtés de 60 Mirage 2000-9.

Faut-il enterrer tout espoir de vendre un jour le Rafale aux EAU ? Difficile à dire, même si cette vente de F-16 n'est pas un signe encourageant. Non content de rappeler s'il en était besoin que l'influence de Washington dans la zone est énorme, ce nouvel achat repousse encore un peu plus la nécessité pour l'armée de l'air émirienne de remplacer ses Mirage 2000-9 par un avion de combat plus moderne.

En tournée au Moyen-Orient, le patron du Pentagone Chuck Hagel a également annoncé la vente à Israël d'avions ravitailleurs KC-135 et du convertible V-22 Osprey de Boeing, qui trouve là son premier client export. De nouveaux radars pour aviosn de combat ont également été vendus à Israël, sans plus de précisions. Probablement des radars à antenne active destinés à moderniser les F-15I ou F-16I israéliens, face à un voisin saoudien qui disposera bientôt de cette même technologie sur ses F-15SA.

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April 23, 2013 3:01 PM!

Missiles sur rail: la Russie relance la production

Missiles sur rail: la Russie relance la production | DEFENSE NEWS |

L'Institut de technologie thermique (MIT) de Moscou a commencé les travaux de conception expérimentale de systèmes de lancement de missiles de combat installés sur une plateforme ferroviaire (BJRK), a annoncé mardi aux journalistes le vice-ministre russe de la Défense Iouri Borissov.  

"Les travaux de développement de BJRK ont commencé. Menés par l'Institut de technologie thermique, ils sont actuellement en phase de conception expérimentale", a indiqué le vice-ministre.  

Le MIT compte parmi ses conceptions les missiles balistiques intercontinentaux russes de type Iars, Topol et Boulava.

La fabrication des missiles sur rail soviétiques a été suspendue en 2005 en conformité avec le traité russo-américain de désarmement nucléaire START, signé en 1993 par les présidents russe et américain de l'époque, Boris Eltsine et Georges Bush. Le traité START 3 ne prohibe pas le développement de nouveaux systèmes de missiles, y compris des BJRK.



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April 23, 2013 2:57 PM!

Turboméca va poursuivre seul la production d programme de turbines aéronautique RTM322

C'est sa maison-mère, Safran, qui l'annonce. Turboméca va poursuivre seul la production du
programme de turbines aéronautique RTM322, qui propulse notamment le NH90. A l'origine, Rolls-Royce était partenaire à 50% avec le Français, mais change donc, ce 23 avril, son fusil d'épaule.
Cette turbine developpant entre 2100 et 2600 cv équipe en outre les WAH-64 Apache britanniques et l'EH101 d'Agusta Westland, vendu en version civile et militaire.
Créé en 1937 par Joseph Szydlowski, Turboméca est devenu dans l'après-guerre la référence française des turbines aéronautiques, avant de s'imposer également au niveau mondial.

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April 23, 2013 2:53 PM!

Eurocopter delivers the first Tiger HAD version to the French DGA

Eurocopter delivers the first Tiger HAD version to the French DGA | DEFENSE NEWS |

Eurocopter’s first production Tiger helicopter in the HAD attack configuration was delivered to France’s DGA armament procurement agency today for operation by French Army Aviation units, providing a highly capable combat weapon system that is tailored to the world’s evolving battlefield conditions.

This milestone followed DGA qualification of the Tiger HAD version on April 10, and marked the delivery startup for Eurocopter’s latest variant of a rotorcraft product line which has already been combat proven during military operations in Afghanistan, Libya and today in Mali.

“With the Tiger HAD, Eurocopter further expands the operational capabilities of a combat helicopter family which has demonstrated its mission effectiveness and performance in highly challenging military deployments,” said Dominique Maudet, the Eurocopter group’s Executive Officer for France, and Vice President of Global Business and Services.

To date, France has ordered 40 Tiger combat helicopters in HAD configuration for its French Army Aviation units. Another 24 helicopters has been ordered by the Spanish government to equip the Spanish Army (which includes six Tiger HAP support and escort versions retrofitted for fire support and attack missions).

Feature improvements of the Tiger HAD variant include two enhanced MTR390 turboshaft engines that provide 14 percent more power, improved ballistic protection, a new optronic sighting system, the capability to target and launch Hellfire air-to-surface missiles, an evolved electronic warfare suite, and an IFF (identification, friend or foe) interrogation system.

97 multi-role Tiger family currently are in service in four countries: France, Germany, Spain and Australia; which have ordered a total of 206 helicopters.

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April 23, 2013 2:49 PM!

Surface Forces: China Forms Its First Carrier Escort Group

The escort group for China’s first aircraft carrier (the Liaoning) is being formed. It currently consists of two Type 051C destroyers and two Type 054A frigates plus a supply ship. It is similar to what the U.S. has long used, which is currently 3-4 destroyers, 1-2 frigates, an SSN (nuclear submarine) and a supply ship. Chinese SSNs are few and not very good, which is why China probably has not assigned one to their escort group.

The Type 51C is a 7,100 ton destroyer optimized for anti-aircraft defense. It carries 48 Russian S-300 anti-aircraft missiles (range 150 kilometers) in vertical launch tubes plus eight C-803 anti-ship missiles (range 300 kilometers), one 100mm gun, two 30mm anti-missile autocannon, six torpedo tubes and a helicopter. It has a crew of 290 and a top speed of 48 kilometers an hour.

The Type 54A frigate is a 4,300 ton ship with a top speed of 49 kilometers an hour. The crew of 165 operates a 76mm cannon, two 30mm multi-barrel anti-missile autocannon, eight C-803 anti-ship missiles, six anti-submarine torpedoes, 12 240mm anti-submarine rockets, 32 vertical launch cells containing anti-aircraft or anti-submarine missiles, and a helicopter. For both ships the radars, sonar, and electronics are all Chinese made.

As Japanese and South Korea have done, China appears to be following the American lead in destroyer design. The principal American destroyer is currently the Burke class. This is a design that is the culmination of over half a century of World War II and Cold War destroyer design experience. Even after the Burke was designed, in the 1980s, the design evolved. The first Burkes were 8,300 ton ships, while the latest ones, laden with more gear, and smaller crews, are 10,000 ton ships (what heavy cruisers weighed in World War II). With a top speed of nearly 50 kilometers an hour, their main armament is 90 vertical launch tubes flush with the deck, that can contain anti-aircraft, anti-ship, anti-missile or cruise missiles. There is also a 127mm (5 inch) gun, two 20mm anti-missile autocannon, six torpedo tubes and two helicopters. The Burkes were well thought out, sturdy and they got the job done. They became irreplaceable, and thus this class of warships will last more than half a century.

China is using its new Type 903 replenishment ships for its most important missions. The first of these 23,000 tons tanker/cargo ships appeared in 2004. The replenishment ship provides fuel, water, food, and other supplies to the task force it supports. The replenishment ship would go to local ports to restock its depleted stores of fuel, water, food, and other necessities.

The Type 903 is similar to the twelve American T-AKE replenishment ships in service. These 40,000 ton ships service a much larger fleet than the four Chinese Type 903s and are part of a larger number of replenishment ships the United States uses. China needs more replenishment ships now because it is more frequently sending warships long distances, not just to the Somali coast but also far into the Pacific.

The Liaoning is a 65,000 ton ship that had spent over a year on sea trials and began operating jets from its flight deck six months ago. China has stated that the Liaoning will primarily be a training carrier. The Chinese apparently plan to station up to 24 jet fighters and 26 helicopters on the Liaoning and use the ship to train pilots and other specialists for four or more additional carriers that are to be built. The new escort group will enable escort ships to practice operating with a carrier.



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April 23, 2013 2:43 PM!

Wescam proves capability of MX series of turrets

Wescam proves capability of MX series of turrets | DEFENSE NEWS |

In an effort to demonstrate the operational capability of its MX series of designator systems, L-3 Wescam has successfully completed a series of testing of the turrets at Yuma Proving Grounds. 

The trials took place throughout March and were conducted using different aircraft and ground vehicles amounting to some 100 hours of semi-operational testing. 

‘We had a range of products that we wanted to flight-prove in a semi-operational test environment, and that’s what the testing was about,’ Paul Jennison, VP of government sales and business development at Wescam told Shephard.  ‘We took a variety of our systems, the MX-10, MX-15 and MX-25, all equipped with laser target designators to Yuma.

‘We were trying to ensure that our systems, all equipped with designators, could actually guide ordnance.’ 

The MX-10D was tested on an MD-540 helicopter and fired an FN HMP 400 .50cal machine guns and rockets, as well as an MD500E firing an M134 mini-gun in single and dual firing configurations. Meanwhile the MX-25D was tested on Cessna C208 Caravan and an aerostat.

From the aerostat the company designated two Hellfire missiles from an AH-64D Apache to hit a tank test target. The MX-25 meanwhile was delivered to Yuma in February for the US Army's upgrade to the MX-20 EO/IR system that the Persistent Threat and Detection System (PTDS) aerostat platform already had. 

‘We have proved you can put a laser spot on a target and guide either guided rockets or guided missiles, or just engage with machine guns so you can see that you can hit the target,’ he continued. 

‘Our view is that this is primarily risk reduction for both ourselves on the product and for our clients. In this [economic] environment people are looking more for something that is production-ready, proven, and in production.’

Jennison said the demonstrations were company funded and there was both military and OEM presence over the different stages of the trials.

‘We are planning to go back in the late summer/early fall for a variety of tests, but for other ordnance that people have interests in for other guided rockets and missiles,’ he explained. ‘So we now find ourselves doing it probably once or twice a year to maintain currency with all of the systems that are out there.’

He said the company tries to get the engineering process finalised before showing the systems to customers, and explained that testing in the live environment is imperative because what is built to specification needs to then be able to translate to operation on-board the airframes. 

‘There are lots things you can’t determine empirically in the factory or under controlled test conditions; you really need to get it on the airframes where the vibrations and flight profiles can happen, and get the effects that you just wouldn’t get from building something to a specification,’ he said.

Previous demonstrations of this kind have been conducted for the Jordanian military, Jennison continued, while later this year Wescam is hoping to showcase the systems to the UK MoD.

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April 23, 2013 2:41 PM!

First Flight for the Israeli C-130J Samson

First Flight for the Israeli C-130J Samson | DEFENSE NEWS |

The first C-130J destined for the Israel Air Force (IAF Tail number 661) made its first flight this week at Lockheed Martin plant in Marietta, GA USA. The aircraft was flown by an American crew and lasted three hours. IAF Lt. Col. Uri reported it as successful. The new aircraft is one of three C-130Js ‘Samson’ tactical transport planes ordered by the IAF. The first is scheduled to arrive in Israel in 2014.

For the first flight the aircraft flew in its basic configuration, “After this flight, Israeli systems will be installed in it. The IAF is interested in matching the airplane’s abilities to its missions”. Among the systems the IAF is planning to install on the aircraft are the “Toplite” stabilized electro-optical payload from RAFAEL, adding night-vision capability, a data link and satellite communications terminal, precision airdrop supporting autonomously guided parachute systems, as well as mission-planning and debriefing system.



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April 19, 2013 9:20 AM!

First Moroccan FREMM frigate beings sea trials

First Moroccan FREMM frigate beings sea trials | DEFENSE NEWS |

The Royal Moroccan Navy’s FREMM frigate yesterday began sea trials off the coast of Brittany in preparation for delivery to the North African country later this year.

Its builder DCNS said that after putting to sea for the first time yesterday, the frigate will begin several weeks of sea trials. During this first period at sea, the crew ( made up of French Navy personnel, Moroccan Navy representatives and DCNS employees) will focus primarily on the performance of the ship's propulsion system and navigation system.

"This milestone is the culmination of a remarkable team effort by DCNS, our partners and suppliers, the trials crew and customer representatives," said Anne Bianchi, director of FREMM frigate programmes at DCNS.

"The FREMM frigates are designed and built by DCNS to meet the needs of many navies around the world, as demonstrated by this first export sale to Morocco. They are among the most technologically advanced and competitively priced vessels on the world market, and are inherently versatile to provide a response to all types of threats. They offer a range of innovative features and unparalleled levels of interoperability and operational readiness."

The teams on board the Royal Moroccan Navy’s vessel will work day and night to conduct a series of tests. The first three days of the campaign, known as the 'familiarisation' phase, will be used to test the vessel's safety systems and equipment, including fire-fighting, flood control and emergency response systems and evacuation procedures as well as manoeuvrability and mooring performance.

The second phase will focus on the propulsion system. The FREMM's hybrid CODLOG (COmbined Diesel eLectric Or Gas) power package combines electric motors for low-speed silent-mode propulsion and a gas turbine for high-speed mechanical propulsion, with a maximum speed in excess of 27 knots. This gives a range of 6 000 nm at 15 knots.

In addition, the DCNS teams will also test the ship's navigation systems (log, position, heading) and its inertial platforms for precise positioning anywhere in the world.

In the next few weeks, over 150 people, including 60 French Navy personnel, will spend time on this second FREMM frigate. To save the ship returning to port, people will be ferried out and back on a daily basis.

On completing these preliminary trials, the frigate will return to DCNS's Lorient shipyard for several days of quayside work. A few weeks later, it will put to sea for a second campaign of trials focusing on the combat system.

While these first sea trials are taking place, some of the Royal Moroccan Navy personnel who will crew the new vessel are beginning simulator-based training at DCNS's Lorient facility to familiarise themselves with the vessel and its systems. This training programme will be ramped up over the next few months as further members of the future crew arrive, DCNS said.

“The exceptional seakeeping qualities of the FREMM frigates have already been demonstrated by the first-of-class Aquitaine, delivered to the French Navy in November 2012,” DCNS said. Aquitaine, the lead ship of the FREMM class, is undergoing an extended deployment to further test its capabilities.

The FREMM programme includes 12 ships, 11 for the French Navy and one for the Royal Moroccan Navy.

Morocco’s US$676 million contract for the frigate was finalised with DCNS in April 2008 and construction began at Lorient in December 2008. It will be delivered to the Royal Moroccan Navy before the end of 2013 and will be named Mohammed VI.

The current Moroccan fleet includes two Floréal-class frigates and a Descubierta-class corvette in addition to some 21 patrol craft and a number of other ships and vessels. Four more patrol craft are also on order.

Four other FREMM multimission frigates are at various stages of completion at DCNS's Lorient shipyard: Normandie, the third in the series, will begin sea trials at the end of the year and will be delivered to the French Navy in 2014; Provence is now fully built and will be floated out of the building dock in the fourth quarter of 2013, while the fifth and sixth of the series are under construction.

The multirole FREMM frigates have been designed for several roles, including anti-air, anti-ship and anti-submarine warfare. They feature Herakles multifunction radar, Aster anti-air missiles, MdCN cruise missiles, Exocet MM40 anti-ship missiles, MU90 torpedoes and an Otobreda 76 mm gun. Each vessel is 142 metres long, has a beam of 20 metres and displaces 6 000 tonnes.

Although there is accommodation for 145 personnel, the standard complement is 108 including the helicopter crew. The frigate has an aft helicopter hangar and deck able to accommodate medium helicopters like the NH90, EH101 and Cougar.

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April 19, 2013 9:18 AM!

F-22s Make Precautionary Landings in Kadena

F-22s Make Precautionary Landings in Kadena | DEFENSE NEWS |
Three F-22s deployed to Kadena Air Base in Japan made precautionary landings over the period of three days in April for various reasons. However, none of the pilots complained of breathing problems that previous pilots had experienced in the fifth generation fighters, Air Force officials said.

It’s unclear what caused these precautionary landings, but the result of them have not incurred “unique flight restrictions” for the 12 F-22As deployed to Kadena, said 2nd Lt. Hope Cornin, a spokeswoman for the 18th Wing.

Two F-22s made precautionary landings on April 1, while another F-22 made a precautionary landing on April 3, Cornin said. No injuries were reported in any of these incidents.

The F-22 remains under a microscope as the fifth generation fighter continues to operate without the flight restrictions the Air Force had placed on the fleet because of complaints from pilots about a lack of oxygen in flight. The service worked for more than two years to figure out the problem and then come up with a solution.

Air Force leaders believe they have solved it by replacing the breathing regulator/anti-g (BRAG) valve, installing a new back-up oxygen system and changing the oxygen schedule for the F-22’s onboard oxygen generation system (OBOGS).

Plenty remain skeptical, but there have been no reported incidents since the Air Force lifted the flight restrictions to protect pilots.

Cornin pointed out that the F-22s involved with the precautionary landings never lost their flight status because of the problems experienced by the pilots.

F-22s with the 1st Fighter Wing, JointBase Langley-Eustis, Va., and the 192nd Fighter Wing, Va. Air National Guard, deployed to Japan in January and are scheduled to return to the U.S. this Spring, Cornin said.

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