Customer service in tourism
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Customer service in tourism
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Curated by Leona Ungerer
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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
March 15, 2020 2:27 AM!

For an extra 17 cents, the people who make your Big Mac deserve a break

For an extra 17 cents, the people who make your Big Mac deserve a break | Customer service in tourism |

"A 2015 study contends that if workers were paid $15 an hour, the cost of a Big Mac that now costs $3.99 would soar to—wait for it—$4.16 ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
July 6, 2017 1:21 PM!

Tourism is booming in US but no hotel jobs | IOL

Tourism is booming in US but no hotel jobs | IOL | Customer service in tourism |

"Tourism is thriving in the nation's capital, with the District of Columbia's visitors bureau declaring a record year for US foot traffic in 2016 ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
February 21, 2020 12:25 AM!

Why businesses should invest in soft skills training

Why businesses should invest in soft skills training | Customer service in tourism |

"'Adulting": Going to work. Remembering to submit your tax return. Putting out the garbage. Hoovering before the dust bunnies form their own tiny army. Almost mechanic dealings with the things that keep our daily lives ticking over ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
June 11, 2017 1:49 AM!

Chatbots vs humans: Who will win the war?

Chatbots vs humans: Who will win the war? | Customer service in tourism |

"That chatbots are emerging faster than ever is an undeniable fact. Since 2016, chatbots have becoming increasingly more common, largely owing to the fact that major messaging platforms have embraced them. Chatbot developers and related startups are heralding the dawn of a new era but many remain unconvinced. A number of people are also concerned …"

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