At least six people have died and four are missing after a ship crashed into a control tower in the Italian port of Genoa, officials say.
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At least six people have died and four are missing after a ship crashed into a control tower in the Italian port of Genoa, officials say. No comment yet.
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PIRatE Lab's insight:
I see much value in zoos and aquaria. But I also see holding large roaming animals such as orcas, etc. who might roam and entire ocean basin and difficult to justify. Particulalry when there is little education going on with a facility and it exists simply to pull in tourist dollars.
![]() The glow of a tradition dating back decades could soon be dimmed if air quality regulators vote to ban wood burning across miles of beaches in Los Angeles and Orange counties.
PIRatE Lab's insight:
So new factories/industry are allowed to open (and even encouraged) and sales of CO2 emitting cars are allowed to happen (and even encouraged) and controlled burns are dampened or made nearly impossible (which ultimately would decrese unhealthful air by decreasing these massive wildfires at the time of the year most problematic for air quality), but fires on the beach are to be banned. Something is not right with this picture.
![]() Efforts by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) to rebuild overfished seafood stocks off the American coast have been successful for six regional stocks, but some stocks, especially off the New England coast, have not yet responded to rebuilding efforts.
In a conference call with reporters today, NOAA unveiled its annual report on the status of stocks in American waters for 2012. A summary of the report indicates positive changes, with the total amount of stocks classified as “overfished” dropping from 21 percent of the total in 2011 to 19 percent in 2012.
In addition, said Emily Menashes, acting director of NOAA’s office of sustainable fisheries, the 2012 figures showed 90 percent of the known stocks are not listed as “subject to overfishing,” meaning on the verge of being overfished. In 2011, the NOAA could only say 86 percent of total known stocks were not subject to overfishing.
Menashes noted that six stocks — Eastern Bering Sea Southern Tanner crab; Gulf of Maine/George’s Bank Acadian redfish; Mid-Atlantic windowpane flounder; Mid-Atlantic yellowtail flounder; Washington Coast Coho salmon and South Atlantic pink shrimp — were declared officially rebuilt.
But problems remain. Menashes acknowledged that despite three of the rebuilt stocks being in New England waters, many stocks continue to struggle, including Atlantic cod, which Menashes said had shown “inadequate progress” in 2012.
“There are still some challenge areas for the northeast,” she said. Galen Tromble, domestic fisheries division chief, in NOAA’s office of sustainable fisheries, told reporters that quotas would have to remain in place for those stocks, but NOAA will continue to evaluate its recommendations. He also said he understood how painful the quotas have been to fishermen in New England.
“There’s no question that those (quota) decreases have had an economic impact on the industry,” he said.
![]() The Springs fire erupted before 7 a.m. off the southbound 101 freeway and burned across the Camarillo landscape, scorching 100 acres in less than an hour. By afternoon, the fire had made its way to Point Mugu State Park on a trek toward the ocean. It finally hit the coast late Thursday evening. Cal State Channel Islands and multiple neighborhoods were evacuated as Santa Ana winds blew the flames southwest, and a stretch of Pacific Coast Highway was temporarily closed in the afternoon and again in the evening.
Cal State Channel Islands and multiple neighborhoods were evacuated as Santa Ana winds blew the flames southwest, and a stretch of Pacific Coast Highway was temporarily closed in the afternoon and again in the evening.
PIRatE Lab's insight:
So far >8,000 acres have burned. Wtih the exception of the sturctures on campus and the suburban development of Dos Vientos, pretty much everything is burning or has burned from the 101 freeway to PCH (the ocean). My family and colleagues are all okay, but much of our monitoring network of coastal sites has burned...this should make for some interesting studies.
The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) has suspended indefinitely the processing of application to import live shrimp and other susceptible crustaceans, in an effort to prevent the entry of early mortality syndrome (EMS) and other shrimp diseases into the Philippines.
PIRatE Lab's insight:
Yes...importing live seafood has numerous potential pitfalls. Here is one.
![]() Before the bulldozers arrived last June, Malibu Lagoon was a fully grown habitat for egrets, voles and tidewater gobies, studded with sycamore trees and clusters of tule reeds.
PIRatE Lab's insight:
This piece from the LA Times is anazingly poorly referenced obviously poorly researched. To give an advocate for the development community such a platform and apparent parity with actual scientists and planners is a disappointment to say the least. Malibu was massivly degraded: the worst site of our monitored coastal wetlands by most metrics. One could never tell that from this article.
And as expected now, the commnets foment misunderstanding, deceptive statements (aka lies), and lack of robust dialog.
Please do come out on Friday for the rinbbon cutting. It should be quite a show!
![]() Many of the nation's 440 military bases were established in what were once sparsely populated hinterlands where soldiers trained without complaints from neighbors about the roar of warplanes and the sound of gunfire and explosions.
PIRatE Lab's insight:
This has long been the case. The only twist has been that in recent years DoD has put some significant funds into adjacent land acquisition.
![]() WASHINGTON -- Preparing to run for a 4th term next year in a state significantly more conservative and Republican then when she won her first Senate campaign in 1996, Sen.
PIRatE Lab's curator insight,
April 24, 2013 6:05 AM
Ummm...."Without sounding braggadocios, I'm indispensible..." Well, I suppose when you are the least crazy in a delegation of folks increasingly disinclined to evaluate facts objectively and honestly that makes you "indispensible." This is an unfortunate state of affaris for coastal management. Recall that Mrs. Landrieu is a strong backer of the extractive industries conplicating restoration and deepening our coastal stressors. Apparently she is all for restoration when it is election season or it will get her votes. True leadership comes when the cameras aren't looking.
![]() U.S. District Judge Stanwood Duval spoke for South Louisiana residents last week when he expressed frustration that there is no way to hold the Army Corps of Engineers legally accountable for levee failures during Hurricane Katrina.
![]() Plans to clean up the scrapping of old ships and ensure the materials are recycled in EU-approved facilities worldwide were backed by Parliament on Thursday.
PIRatE Lab's insight:
The EU failed to get this off the ground, but 299 to 292 votes, with 21 abstensions. I wonder who got paid to stay home that day?
![]() UK - The Director-General of DG Mare, European Commission has revealed economists within the EC are finally winning the argument that policy decisions affecting European fisheries need to be based as much on economic evidence as they are on...
PIRatE Lab's insight:
Sustainable approaches to management go beyond ecology (although this should be the foundation). |
PIRatE Lab's insight:
What's not to like about a story that references an "albino" nutria? Except for maybe calling them "rats."
![]() A San Diego Coastkeeper app would help track human activity in marine protected areas.
PIRatE Lab's insight:
A great idea and something of use to many of us.
![]() SeaFood Business is the global trusted authority for seafood buyers and sellers. We are the seafood industry's leading trade magazine with more than 30 years of experience.
Top 25 North American Seafood Suppliers expand in different waysContinue reading the full "Top Story: Grow time" article. Eartha, the world’s largest revolving globe, is located in the headquarters of the DeLorme Mapping Corp. in Yarmouth, Maine. The globe weighs approximately 5,600 pounds and spans 41 feet in diameter.
- Networking: Phil GibsonSenior VP, Encore Associates, San Ramon, Calif.
- Editor's Note: Salmon: It’s on the plate
- Point of View: Lamenting the labor I love
Retail & Foodservice
- Retail Report: Salmon dollars upPromo volume accounts for one-quarter of overall sales
- What's in Store: Good to goSeafood carves a niche in prepared-meals trend
- Behind the Line: Stylish cuisineTommy Bahama mixes apparel, seafood in restaurant-retail concept
- Global Foodservice: Attainable luxuryWelshman Knowles returns home, succeeds on a shoestring
- Global Retail: Hope in horsegate?The European meat crisis could spark growth for the seafood category
- Top Species: Farmed SalmonFrom farm to plate, every fish tells a story
- Trade Tracker: Frozen tilapia reaches $776 millionChina the top exporter to the U.S. market
- Special Feature: Shrimp start-upNew England shrimp farmers hope to create a niche for domestic product
PIRatE Lab's insight:
Interesting article on primary seafood (mostly processed) suppliers. They had sales of $13 billion last year in the U.S. alone. An interesting overview.
![]() The Springs fire ripped through state and national parkland, scorching at least hundreds of acres in its wake.
PIRatE Lab's insight:
As of Saturday morning we are at 28,000 acres burned. Many of our monitoring sites have been burned. The Park Services' collared mountains lions have been mostly away from the start of this fire, but as the front has moed eastward more mountain lion terrirotries are coming into the path of the fire. We will have a major issue just documeting what happened with this fire.
![]() In Southeast Asia, the importance of fishery statistics as tool that provides the basic foundation crucial for the formulation of national fisheries policies and national management frameworks and actions as well as basis for understanding the status and condition of the fisheries resources, has been widely accepted. However, as the basic structure to facilitate the development planning and management of fisheries, the fisheries statistical items and data set collected by countries could vary based on the priority needs and objectives of the respective countries. The escalating situation in fisheries statistics in the region and the new geo-political set-up of the ASEAN, make it also necessary to revise the existing framework of the regional fishery statistics and the usage of the Bulletin in the Southeast Asian region. Thus starting in 2008, SEAFDEC has been producing the “Fishery Statistical Bulletin of Southeast Asia”, reflecting the harmonized fisheries statistical framework and system of the Southeast Asian region. - Fishery Statistics in the South China Sea Area: - Fishery Statistics of Southeast Asia:
![]() The new chair of the House of Representatives science committee has drafted a bill that, in effect, would replace peer review at the National Science Foundation (NSF) with a set of funding criteria chosen by Congress. For good measure, it would also set in motion a process to determine whether the same criteria should be adopted by every other federal science agency.
PIRatE Lab's insight:
This is the latest in a distrubing, anti-science, anti-fact based agenda of a large number of our elected representatives. While far from perfect, peer review is the best thing we have going. To even discuss eliminating this is to signal one does not understand how science works or, indeed, what "science" actually means.
![]() The Sustainable Working Waterfronts Toolkit is a web-based information portal that contains a wealth of information about the historical and current use of waterfront space, the economic value of working waterfronts, and legal, policy, and financing tools that can be used to preserve, enhance, and protect these valuable areas.
![]() Three people died while abalone fishing along the Northern California coast over the weekend, something authorities characterized as a "very unusual occurrence." On Sunday morning, the same helicopter crew was called to Fisk Mill Cove at Salt...
![]() With support from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Estuary Research Reserve System (NERRS), our team is working with four coastal New England communities to test a new way of building community-wide risk-management capabilities. At the heart of our strategy are games: face-to-face role-play simulations that bring mixed groups of residents together for a couple of hours to imagine what they might do to reduce climate change risks in a hypothetical community that’s a lot like theirs.
PIRatE Lab's insight:
Again, games and game theory are being seen as a new tool to explore human behavior/choice.
![]() | Times-Picayune reporters Richard Thompson and Mark Schleifstein will answer readers' questions about the BP oil spill trial at 11 a.m. on Monday, April 22.
![]() On April 20, 2010, a massive explosion and fire aboard the Deepwater Horizon oil drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico, approximately 50 miles off the Louisiana coast, killed 11 people and prompted the largest offshore oil spill in American history.
PIRatE Lab's insight:
Be sure to check out the video at the top of the page. There is some "everything is okay" here, and lack of really dealing with the overall stressors of coastal erosion, an economy built on a non-renewable extractive resrouce, etc. But it is worth watching (and the insect videos) in any event. |
Ummm...Jolly Nero?!? Really?