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onto Coastal Restoration December 5, 2024 1:55 AM
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Howhighcenter's curator insight,
June 2, 2022 4:57 PM
What does an acid trip typically feel like? Each person’s experience with acid will be different. Indeed, each trip may be different. One might be very light, but others can take a frightening and overwhelming turn. Symptoms may begin to show 20 to 90 minutesTrusted Source after taking a dose. The main episode can last several hours. Acid is a long-acting drug. It stays in the body 6 to 15 hoursTrusted Source. Most acid trips won’t last more than 9 hours. The trip During this period of “tripping” or active effects, you may begin to experience sensationalized perceptions of what’s happening around you. This can include “seeing” color or “tasting” sounds. Stationary items, like furniture, may begin to “move” or swell or shrink before your eyes. Coming down Coming down from the trip will feel like you’re gradually returning to Earth. Signs may begin to lessen in intensity. You may feel tired after getting through the hours-long trip and want to sleep. Afterglow An “afterglow” is possible for several hours after the end of the trip, too. This may feel like everything is “lighter” or “brighter” than before the trip. You may also have moments of flashbacks for several hours, even days, after the acid trip is over. Microdosing A microdose is a small dose of a psychedelic drug like LSD, often one-tenth of a normal dose. It’s sometimes used to help treat symptoms of anxiety and depression, but it’s not meant to completely encompass your day. However, little is known about the long-term effects of this practice. Visit Howhighcenter.com for some Psychedelic Products.. . https://howhighcenter.com/shop/chocolate-bars/blue-meanies-mushroom/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/chocolate-bars/charming-bars/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/chocolate-bars/dark-chocolate-bars/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/chocolate-bars/magic-chocolate-caps/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/chocolate-bars/one-up-mushroom/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/chocolate-bars/one-up-mushroom-bar-3-5g-shrooms-chocolate-bar/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/chocolate-bars/open-minded-chocolate-bars/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/chocolate-bars/polkadot-magic-muchroom-belgian-bar/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/chocolate-bars/rick-and-morty-trippy-flip/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/chocolate-bars/space-bars-dark-chocolate/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/chocolate-bars/trippy-flip-milk-chocolate-bar/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/chocolate-bars/trippy-treats-magic-shrooms-chocolate-bars/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/chocolate-bars/wavy-bar-chocolate-mushroom/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/shrooms/albino-penis-envy-mushrooms/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/shrooms/amanita-muscaria/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/shrooms/amazon-cubensis/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/shrooms/blue-meanies-mushrooms/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/shrooms/brazilian-cubensis/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/shrooms/columbia-cap/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/shrooms/dancing-tiger/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/shrooms/golden-caps/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/shrooms/golden-teachers/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/shrooms/hawaiian-caps/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/shrooms/p-e-shrooms/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/shrooms/psilocybe-azurescens-flying-saucer-mushrooms/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/lsd/25i-nbome-blotter/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/lsd/liquid-lsd/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/lsd/liquid-lsd-acid-100/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/lsd/liquid-lsd-acid-200/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/lsd/lsd-blotter-200-%c2%b5g/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/lsd/lsd-blotter-250-%c2%b5g/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/lsd/lsd-sheets/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/dmt/5-meo-dmt/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/dmt/crimson-palms-hotel/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/dmt/dmt-vape/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/dmt/dmt-vape-top-diy-refill-syringe/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/dmt/mdma-powder/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/dmt/raw-dmt-powder-1g/ https://howhighcenter.com/shop/dmt/somad-dmt-vape-top/
Cole Schwab's curator insight,
September 16, 2022 3:09 PM
This article goes over how nature can help us achieve our goal set forth by the paris climate agreement, which is to limit global temperature rise to less than 2 degrees celcius. If we are smart and careful we can use nature as our ally to help fight climate change. However if we are not so smart nature could hinder our fight with rising global temperatures and contribute ultimately to natures desctruction.
Liano Becerra's comment,
February 14, 6:08 PM
I like to see the change by acting on climate action to also help improve chronic health issues.
Mia Arzola Hinderliter's comment,
February 14, 2:36 AM
The article shine light on the fact that fossil fuels aren't just being used for gas or energy but also material goods. It reminds us to think about where the products we use everyday came from. Being more thoughtful about the material goods we get also is a big part of cutting back on the environmental impact we have.
Marisol Pantoja's comment,
February 13, 5:48 PM
The article "Tibetan tree rings highlight link between climate change and fall of major Chinese dynasties", was unable to access since you need a subscription to read it. However, I was able to read the following article called “China has met most of its 5-year goals. It hasn’t done so well on emissions”. This article explains that despite China meeting many environmental targets for 2025, they fell short on energy efficiency and emission goals. This was largely due to the rise of coal consumption between 2020-2023.
Hassna Lancaster's comment,
February 14, 1:35 AM
This article reinforces some of the things we've talked about in class with the benefits of prescribed fires. The project mentions the use of "good fire" to reduce fuel, add nutrients to the soil, and encourage native plant growth among other things, which would ultimately reduce the risk of damaging wildfires. I think it would be vey beneficial to implement this throughout California to minimize the risk of more huge disasters.
Carolyn Chaput's comment,
February 14, 3:24 AM
I was a bit surprised that this project isn't expected to be completed until 2027, but this timeline also makes sense for monitoring and restoration purposes. I'm glad that leaders of the local Indian community appear to also have been consulted on the project and are in agreement.
Natalie Jones's comment,
February 12, 4:37 PM
Beavers are so cool! They influence the ecosystem, and provide ecosystem services. This story is neat how this saved the taxpayers; they are benefiting from nature!
Barbara Kim's comment,
February 13, 11:54 PM
This is such an awesome article! I learned in Ecology last year that Beavers a.k.a as ecosystem engineers. It amazing how nature/ beavers can saved ".. Czech taxpayers $1.2m" Its also interesting to hear that they were planning to build a barrier to protect endangered crayfish- since crayfish in SoCal are an invasive species
Lauren Sauceda's comment,
February 15, 1:29 AM
I was instantly drawn to this article because I feel like a lot of times we portray stories and events as humans saving the animals or the ecosystems and not the other way around. It's nice to hear a change in the story and demonstrate how animals can really make a change and difference to our world as well. Beavers are a keystone species as they largely impact their ecosystem. I love the idea that before we as people stepped in to help this area and build a dam, these creatures did so and "built a barrier and shield" to protect a critically endangered species without even knowing it. Animals save the day!
Kyle Dugan's comment,
February 11, 11:58 AM
Wow what an interesting article. Shoutout to the Idaho Transportation Department, that looks like a fun job.
Marisol Pantoja's comment,
February 7, 4:50 PM
Being from California and having very little knowledge of Michigan winters, I didn't know the Great Lakes got covered with ice in the winters. So it was surprising to learn that a decade ago the Great Lakes would get covered with 60% of ice, now down to 20% as of 2/5/25. This article showcases another example of climate change happening in different parts of the world.
Olivia Lucas's comment,
February 7, 1:47 AM
This funding freeze is deeply concerning, especially for those communities that are still fighting to recover from previous disasters. Disaster relief should be a priority, not a political bargaining chip.
PIRatE Lab's curator insight,
February 13, 4:19 PM
I find it really great that India is using climate action to improve the health of people in India. This shows how helpful climate action is for people and how it can be used to tackle different kinds of issues, not just the climate.
Liano Becerra's comment,
February 14, 6:08 PM
I like to see the change by acting on climate action to also help improve chronic health issues.
Taylor Sithammavong's comment,
February 13, 5:56 PM
Misinformation is a huge problem. It is sad that skeptic news sites are gaining money by spreading fake news. It is crazy how one site gained $1.5 million dollars due to a click baity headlines. It is also sad for those who fall for these headlines and misinformation.
David N. Folino's comment,
February 13, 7:58 PM
Its interesting how wildfire solutions have gone viral. Now everybody thinks they have the answer. Everyone is simplifying the issue to the point of ignorance.
Kristiann G's comment,
February 12, 11:39 PM
Woah that is A very interesting choice to that might lead to a decline in the world's weather forecast.
Hayden Fausset's comment,
February 12, 3:30 PM
That is amazing that all the wildlife and vegetation is going to be left undisturbed. You don't see that often in our urban and economically driven world. Since it is one of our worlds biggest "Carbon sinks" you would think that everyone would be on board with protecting the large site regardless.
Brandon Hidalgo's comment,
February 13, 5:21 PM
This is absolutely wonderful, it gets to be so draining constantly seeing heartbreaking story after heartbreaking story. Positive impacts like this are essential in keeping a semi-positive outlook as we work to try and combat this crisis on multiple fronts. Forests this size must absorb insane amounts of CO2 I mean it's the size of France!! Thank you for this post.
PIRatE Lab's curator insight,
February 7, 7:18 PM
This is such a heartbreaking topic to have to hear about. However, a communal understanding of the attack on our natural spaces and how we can help stop it is vital. Putting the effect on climate to the side(even though it's absolutely a massive issue that will only be made worse) these spaces also include immense history and cultural significance and of course, the wildlife that lives in these natural areas. As ecosystems desperately try to endure our immense history of ecological atrocities we continue to push and push them to the brink.
Kristiann G's comment,
February 6, 11:44 PM
What an interesting article. It is true that clean up is needed, not just following normal protocol after a fire, but because of the rains that are coming and the potential hazard that the debris will cause on a run-off or mudslide. I know professor Spies was out recovering Gobies in the area for that reason.